jasperr, on my opinion U don't have to be a member of those "lvl 10" -trackers... but it's really just my opinion, i do not know them. what i know is that i am listed on some trackers what are -according to this forum- lvl 2-3-4-6, (BitGate, PREtorians, GigaTorrents, nCore, HDPRE, TVTorrents, BitSoup...) and i am definitely happy with them, both with the content and community.

here i would point that i don't get why is GiGaTorrents just lvl 3 with invites closed...

so, if U want to be part of a good community, pick some of the lower-level trackers, U'll find everything U might need, and don't bother with those "elit"-trackers, i think they are not better than the others, they just pretend to be...

BUT! this is just my opinion...