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Thread: It's finnish 90th Independence-day!!!

  1. #71
    Poster BT Rep: +4
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    Jan 2007


    Hello ROFL-LOL!
    Many years ago Finland belonged to Sweden and, because I’m swedish I feel a very strong fellowship with my finnish neighbours. You have almost always “belonged to” any other land, and because of that Finland really deserved to be independent 1917. You have a lot to celebrate 90 years after the independence day, because Finland has really grown a lot during those years. I know that Finland is a really nice land, because I’ve been there.

    I live in a quite small town in Sweden called Jönköping. Jönköping has a “friend-town” in Finland: Kuopio. I am playing euphonium in an orchestra, and in May this year we visited Kupio and palyed with a finnish orchestra. I really enjoyed my stay in kupio. It’s a nice town with a lot of nice people.

    I have some finnish blood in my body. My grand father was born in Finland. He immigrated to Sweden around 1950. Unfortunatly he died last year and can’t celebrate the 90th independence day of Finland. RIP

    I am now going to try to tell you why I want a level 9 invite. I don’t know which level 9 you are giving away, but it doesn’t matter. Both FTN and FSC seem to be great trackers, and I’m not a member of anyone of them. I think it’s FTN you are giving away because I’ve read that almost nobody have invites at FSC. So I’m writing this application as you are giving away FTN, because I don’t like writing “level 9”. The level is not very important for me.

    I have requested an invite to FTN in giveaway threads some times before and some words in this request are taken from my other FTN requests. My main reason for requesting FTN is that I’m looking for a good community. I have joined some trackers that I thought had good communitys, but they were not what I expected. I still haven’t found what I’m looking for (click!) I won’t die if you don't invite me. I just want to explain why I want to become a member of FTN. Then it’s up to you to decide if I deserve an invite. I don’t want to sound as I am begging. My goal with this application is to explain why I want to join FTN. Please read the whole text, even if it’s quite long.

    Some information about me:
    I am a soon 18 years old guy, living in Sweden. I’m studying natural sciense. I really enjoy my education and find the subjects very interesting. One of my biggest interests are computers. I love almost everything that has to do with computers. Programming, gaming, building computers etc. Well, I’m not a very experienced programmer, but I’m improving my skills. Currently I’m learning PHP and I’m writing an examine work about it. Maybe I’ll become a good coder one day.

    I love music! Currently I’m mostly listening to metal, but I like almost all music genres. My favourite band is Iron Maiden. Their sound, lyrics, riffs and, well, Iron Maiden has everything! I watched them live in November last year when they visited Sweden and played their last album mixed with some older classic tracks. Iron Maiden is simply fantastic live and I look forward to their next visit in Sweden. 26th July next year they’ll come to Ullevi stadium, Gothenburg, and play songs from the old days. Of course I’ll be there! Here are some nice Iron Maiden videos:

    Different world, Globen, Stockholm 2006: I was there!

    Relevations, Ullevi, Gothenburg 2005:

    Phantom of the opera, Ullevi, Gothenburg 2005:

    Fear of the dark, Rio de Janeiro 2001:

    I have used Bittorrent during a quite long time. The first tracker I used was The pirate bay. Sometimes I liked TPB, sometimes I didn’t. I used TPB and DC and thought it was the best kind of filesharing until i discovered the private trackers. In December last year I joined Swebits. I was really impressed. Always good speed, no virus and no fake torrents. I have never used a public tracker since I joined Swebits. After that, I have joined more private trackers to satisfy my needs. Now a year after I joined Swebits, my torrentneeds are almost satisfied.


    I am a member of quite a lot of communitys. Some communitys are great. Some are...well, not so great. But what makes a community "good"? Well, there are many important parts in a good community, but the most important part is the members. A community for me is a place where I can share my interests and thoughts with other people and get good response. This requires that the members are willing to discuss, and contribute with their own knowledge to the community. A community should be like a family where all the members can feel that they are respected by the other members. I want to be a member of a community where I can discuss serious subjects, laugh and discuss crazy topics and just have fun, feeling a good fellowship with my forumfriends. I also want to help solving problems and contribute with my knowledge. My goal, at the forums I'm a member of, is to contribute with myself and my knowledge trying to make a good community even better. If a forum and it’s members gives me someting, it’s my duty to give something back, which I gladly do.

    I think FTN is the community I'm looking for. It’s quite hard to become a member of FTN and only people who deserve invites will get them. It's the correct way. Invite only good people who can contribute with something. The members build the community together. According to what I've read, FTN has built a good community with a lot of good members, so FTN seems like a nice place for me.

    The ratio system:

    In a perfect world it wouldn't be nesecary with any ratio requirements. The perfect people in the perfect world would do everything they could to seed back what they had downloaded. Unfortunatly the world isn't perfect and, according to the public trackers, a lot of people don't seed as much as they leech. That's why private trackers with ratio requirements were created. If people have to seed to be able to leech, they seed. That's quite logic and the "overall ratiosystem" works quite good, but it's not perfect.

    The biggest problem with an "overall ratio system" is called "overseeding". Overseeding makes it hard to keep a good ratio, because people with a fast connection or a seedbox snatches the torrents "first" and then they seed like hell. When the users with a slower connection has downloaded 100% there are no leechers left, and the last snatchers get almost nothing uploaded.

    Overseeding is not only something bad. If there are a lot of seeders, the speed incresses and that's very good. When people are helping each other with seeding I feel a nice fellowship, and that's a good reason for loving bittorrent. Bittorrent is good when people help each other. It becomes "bad" when some idiots don't seed.

    My connection is not the best. I have only 2 Mbit downstreams and 0.5 Mbit upstreams. Sometimes it's quite hard for me to keep a good ratio, even if I always try to seed as much as I can. I prefer privat trackers whith ratio requirements in front of public trackers without seeders. I gladly seed if I get something back, which I get at most private trackers.

    So: The ratio–requirement-system is good but not perfect. A perfect world doesn't need any ratiorules, but the world we are living in isn't perfect. We have to let the perfect world come closer to the "real" world. The real world is the world we live in, and we are trying to make the private trackers in the real world better by setting ratio requirements. How shall the real world come closer to the perfect world? Well, I think FTN has done a move in the correct direction. To "delete" the overall ratio but still force the members to seed is a good compromisse. You just have to seed all torrents to an 1:1 ratio or at least 36 hours. That's great beause people with slow connections, like me, can feel that we are good seeders even if there are few leechers. You have to seed to at least a 1:1 ratio or 36 hours, on each torrent. That's minimum for me. I alwas try to seed as much and as long as I can, which I think most FTN members do. Overseeding is not a problem when there are no overall ratio, which is great! I wrote that overseeding can be booth good and bad, but at FTN it's probably almost only something good.

    FTN's ratiosystem takes the seeding in the real world closer to seeding in a perfect world. But why don't other trackers do like FTN? Well, I don't think all trackers are able to do like FTN. To just take away the overall ratio requires some kind of seeding spirit, which I think FTN have. Few trackers have enough good users to make this kind of ratiosystem working.
    Well, I hope you understand what I mean. I’m a quite philosophic guy

    Community + downloading = true
    FTN is a communitybased tracker.
    Quote Originally Posted by FTN
    This site is a community, not a service.
    I interpret the quote like this: This tracker is a community. FTN is a community where we help each other. The uploaders give torrents to the community and except to recive possitive response. At least a "thanx". The community expect that you do your best effort to provide with your knowledge. If someone help you, he/she wants something back. That's obvious and as a member of the community we expect that you gladly help other people. The community is here for you and you are here for the community. We help each other with seeding. Without seeders nobody can leech. Bittorrent is best when people seed back to the community. We want to be the best and expect that you want to help us to become even better.

    I want to say that communitybased filesharing is the best filesharing. The feeling that I'm a member of a nice community which want to help me makes me help the community. I want to feel that "we are a community" with a commot interest: Filesharing. The FTN community was created to unite some good filesharers, use all good competence and create the best site for filesharing. But I think FTN is more than just filesharing. It’s a community where the users share more than just torrents. Knowledge, interests, humor etc. That’s great!

    OiNK was closed down some weeks ago. Why? We'll never know, but we know that they had ~180000 members. Probably there were a lot of "anti piracy" members that made their best to help the police with the raid. I know that even the rarest torrentsites aren't completley secure, but a site with few members, which is hard to enter feels more secure than a site with more than 100000 members. The raid aganst OiNK is a reason to be a little bit paranoid. I want to feel secure when I download. I think FTN is a quite secure site. It's level 9 and therefore it's harder to join FTN than, for example, Torrent-damage. Probably the FTN members are quite carefull when they invite new users, because the invites are quite hard to obtain. Because of that reason FTN is more secure than a lot of other torrentsites, because only trusted people are invited. That avoides anti piracy organisations and makes the tracker quite secure.

    Some words about spam:
    I have been a member of FST since January 2007. I have only 71 posts (including this one). It's a quite low amount, according to other members. The reason for my low post number is that I never spam. I don't like spam-posts because, in most cases, they don't provide anything. I want to provide something when I post at forums, and because of that I don't spam. Quality is better than quantity! My reason when I write a forumpost is to provide something. Useless spam is nothing for me. Most of my posts here at FST are applications in giveaway threads.

    I don’t like pay2leech!
    At a lot of trackers you can pay to leech, which means that you get some kind of “upload credit” when you donate money. You can donate some money, get a number of GB:s “auto uploaded”, then just leech without seeding. This is just stupid and I really don’t like it. Uploaded GB:s should be obtained by seeding. Even if a lot of people still seed on pay2leech-trackers I don’t like the pay2leech principal. Private trackers with ratio requirements were created because people should help each other with seeding. “Seed2leech” is mutch better than pay2leech! Filesharing exists because people want to be able to get stuffs that cost money for free.

    I’ve read that FTN never will support pay2leech. That’s great! I also don’t like that you can donate for invites at some trackers. It makes the tracker less secure. Invites shuld be given to people who deserves them! I don’t think it’s possible to donate for invites at FTN. Great!

    I want to write some words about donations. I gladly donate to a bittorrent tracker if I like the tracker. If a tracker gives me good stuffs for free I gladly donate some money so help the tracker to survive. BUT! I want to know where the donated money goes. I’ve read that the staff at some trackers are dishonest and “steal” the donations. But luckily I’ve heard that FTN staff are very honest and good people who use the donations to pay the tracker’s costs. If I know that my donation goes to a good purpose (server costs etc) I gladly donate.

    I want to join FTN because I think it’s a good tracker for me. I really like good communitys. I love discussing. A good community requires good members, and I think I can become one of all good members of the FTN community. My goal at all communitys I’m a member of is to contribute as much as I can. I also want FTN for the ratio system. My quite slow connection would like it. If I was a member of FTN I would be able to download huges “packs” without killing my ratio. Do you think I deserve to get a FTN invite? Well, I have done my best to explain why I want to join FTN, and now it’s up to you to decide if would be a good member. I think I have written everything you want to know about me, but maybe I have forgotten something. Feel free to send me a pm if you have any questions!

    I hope Finland will be independent forever! You really deserve to be independent!

    And of course: If you invite me I will never trade or giveaway the account! And I have NO reason to cheat. I have NEVER cheated, and I will never do it!

    <------------ She is Linda Lampenius, a finnish violinist

  2. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #72
    Enlightened's Avatar BT God BT Rep: +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100
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    How come everyone is suddenly "Related" to Finland? I am from the Artic, maybe I am more "Related" to Finland and the finnish people
    wonder what these guys will say, if LVL 10 Invite was given out?.......LMAO???
    Last edited by Enlightened; 12-06-2007 at 08:04 PM.

  3. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #73
    X X - - (-o-) (-o-) BT Rep: +3
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    happy anniversary! I would like to ask for those invites, im a trusted and respected member on all trackers i am, ofc i keep good ratios everywhere, where i can i try to add something to the tracker to the community.

    oh, and my cousin's husband is finnish : )

  4. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #74
    spark's Avatar Super Seeder BT Rep: +55BT Rep +55BT Rep +55BT Rep +55BT Rep +55BT Rep +55BT Rep +55BT Rep +55BT Rep +55BT Rep +55BT Rep +55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enlightened View Post
    How come everyone is suddenly "realted" to Finland? I am from the Artic, maybe I am more "Related" to Finland and the finnish people
    wonder what these guys will say, if LVL 10 Invite was given out?.......LMAO???
    Suksi vittuun...
    <NES> lol
    <NES> I download something from Napster
    <NES> And the same guy I downloaded it from starts downloading it from me when I'm done
    <NES> I message him and say "What are you doing? I just got that from you"
    <NES> "getting my song back fucker"

  5. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #75
    ..... BT Rep: +2
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    Jul 2007
    Congrats-90 yrs from Russian grand Duchy rule... Without we would have no sites? i def need a free invite.. Thanks for the giveaway...
    Last edited by pone44; 12-06-2007 at 07:41 PM.

  6. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #76
    n00b BT Rep: +14BT Rep +14BT Rep +14
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    Quote Originally Posted by spark View Post
    Suksi v*****n...

  7. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #77
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by spark View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Enlightened View Post
    How come everyone is suddenly "realted" to Finland? I am from the Artic, maybe I am more "Related" to Finland and the finnish people
    wonder what these guys will say, if LVL 10 Invite was given out?.......LMAO???
    Suksi vittuun...
    Joo, tiiän mitä sanoin spammist, mut tää kommentti on niin hyvä että:


  8. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #78
    Hi mate! BT Rep: +7BT Rep +7
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    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by spark View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Enlightened View Post
    How come everyone is suddenly "realted" to Finland? I am from the Artic, maybe I am more "Related" to Finland and the finnish people
    wonder what these guys will say, if LVL 10 Invite was given out?.......LMAO???
    Suksi vittuun...
    Good one spark

  9. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #79
    DISABLED PRIVS BT Rep: +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoomPower View Post
    I know that Finland is a really nice land, because I’ve been there.

    lol, this was the funniest swenglish sentence i've heard in a long time . sorry for commenting it. no disrespect to you BoomPower , it was just so funny.

  10. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #80
    PRINCE's Avatar BT God BT Rep: +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100
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    woow BoomPower
    when you write this Review ?
    good luck man
    and nice review
    and nice pic
    may be you .....

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