This tutorial is help adjust out of sync audio in VLC player.
There may be lots of ways to do this, but here is one way.
Method 1:
Step 1:
Click on the |settings| menu.
Then Choose |Preferences|
Step 2:
From the new |Preferences| window:
On the left handside menu, click on |Audio|
Step 3:
Check the |Advanced options| on
Step 4:
Change the setting: Audio desynchronization compensation.
Adjust it so that it matches the video. You may have to play around this a bit
The values are in the unit of ms(milli seconds).
So 1000ms = 1 sec
Note: Positive numbers move the audio forward
Negative nubmers move the audio back
Step 5.
Click on Save.
-Be sure to go back in the options again and change it to zero after you are done watching the video that was initially out of sync.
-Or you can click on |Reset All| once you are in the Preferences window
Second method: On the fly method using the keyboard shortcuts
if you want to change the sync on VLC media player:
While watching the video
ctrl + K or ctrl + L
to increase/decrease delay
(it goes up by 50 miliseconds each time)
This does not have the same precision as the previous method bu tit works on the fly. Once you are close, then you can go in the Preferences menu to adjust with more accuracy.
the end
[feel free to add suggestions/improvements/corrections]