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Thread: I Can't Stand This...

  1. #21
    Dubstepper's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +8BT Rep +8
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    Cool lol, some pics and info coming up that will make an interesting read.
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  2. Lounge   -   #22
    manker's Avatar effendi
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    I plan on beating him to death with his kids. I'll use them as a bludgeon on his face. -

    --Good for them if they survive.

  3. Lounge   -   #23
    Dubstepper's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +8BT Rep +8
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    Most Americans are naive about Islam. There is a dire need for Americans to educate themselves in regard to Islam.

    Since its inception in the 7th century, it has sought world domination by kill/convert, conquer. New riches has caused it to renew its goal with a vengence.

    After 9/11, I began to wonder who could hate us so much as to murder 3,000 innocents. I began to study Islam and I found the answer. They murdered the 3,000 innocents because Allah commands them to in the Koran so "that religion will only be for Allah". It was part of a renewed goal to conquer the globe for Islam.
    It was nothing America did. They say it was Bush's foreign policy.
    Attacks occured under Clinton. And what about all the other countries and people who have been attacked and slaughtered by Islamics? America/Bush had nothing to do with that. It's just the murderous nature of Islam.

    I knew nothing of Islam before 9/11. But now I do, and I feel a frustration with the naive American public who promptly went back to sleep after 9/11, who deny what Islam is really about and apologize for it- and I feel a need to wake people up to this incidious cancer that is Islam which is spreading though out this country.

    Islamic organizations are carefully orchestrating 'debates', lawsuits, marches, large propaganda campaigns all across the nation while 72 known Islamist terror groups are firmly in place and positioned. Islamic schools and mosques are being built in record numbers across the nation with Saudi oil money being funneled into the US legally. Islam is on the march. The submission of the great country of the United States to Islam has begun just as planned and stated by Islamists. Just as we were warned by Osama bin Laden, Islam is using Americas own laws and freedoms to destroy us.
    And the American people had better wake up and realize this before it's too late.

    If you look around the world at every trouble spot there is, where Islam is involved, there is not a trace of peace, not a trace of love of others and there is no tolerance whatsoever. Islam is about submission, nothing else. Submit to Islam or they will kill you. They killed over 3,000 of us on September 11, 2001 and we STILL don’t get it!!

    There are those that claim that Islam was hijacked by some radicals. Here’s a Newsflash to these ignorant people who claim this. It is way past that and since these peaceful people that you weak minded people keep referring to have no control over what is going on in their own religion and since the terrorists are obviously in charge of Islam, then Islam as whole is a danger to the western world and the people in it. Islam isn’t being run by pacifists and peaceniks.
    It really never was and any chance that these “peaceful” Muslims could reel in their religion is long gone. They refuse to do so and this is mostly in part because Islam never was a peaceful religion. Sounded good, seemed like good water cooler talk but it is and always was a line of BS. Another example of “Political Correctness” run amuck.
    But we go on with this fraudulent diatribe because we don’t want to alienate our so called “allies”. You know the ones that are funding the mosques, schools and Islamic organizations inside this great country. The allies that pay families of suicide bombers when family members blow themselves and others up in a suicide attack. These same allies sent money to the 9/11 hijackers to fund the operation against the United States. This is nothing short of these Islamic governments smiling in our faces and stabbing us in our backs.

    Is it going to take another 9/11 attack or bigger to open our eyes? Do we not realize that what is going on is a struggle, a fight to the death between the forces of good and evil? Do we not realize that we, the United States and countries like ours are the only thing that stands between the good people of the world and Islam destroying mankind? Do we not understand that if we pull out of Iraq or Afghanistan that the terrorists will become emboldened and will not hesitate to strike us here in America?
    People, shut the door on Islam while there is time. Write letters to your Congress and your Senators. Support the ones that are trying to protect us. Abandon and condemn the ones that are opening us up to the enemy. Get on the blogs and speak your mind. Email anyone that will listen. Speak out against this evil called Islam. Don’t let the few of us that do be the lone voices in the wilderness. We are speaking for YOU. Help us be heard. Tell your friends and family what you have learned here. Help get the word out!!

    Please visit Faith Freedom International. Faith Freedom International is a grassroots movement of ex-Muslim intellectuals. Its goals are to unmask Islam and show that it is an imperialistic ideology akin to Nazism but disguised as religion.
    They strive for the unity of Mankind through the elimination of Islam, the most insidious doctrine of hate.

    Below are excerpts from Brigitte Gabriel's (Middle Eastern Scholar) speech delivered at the Intelligence Summit in Washington DC, Saturday February 18, 2006].

    As a victim of Islamic terror, I was amazed when I saw Americans waking up on September 12, 2001, and asking themselves "Why do they hate us?" The psychoanalyst experts were coming up with all sort of excuses as to what did we do to offend the Muslim World. But if America and the West were paying attention to the Middle East they would not have had to ask the question. Simply put, they hate us because we are defined in their eyes by one simple word: INFIDELS."

    We Middle Eastern infidels paid the price then. Now infidels worldwide are paying the price for indifference and shortsightedness.

    Tolerating evil is a crime. APPEASING MURDERERS DOESN'T BY PROTECTION. It earns one disrespect and loathing in the enemy's eyes. Yet apathy is the weapon by which the West is committing suicide. POLITICAL CORRECTNESS FORMS THE SHACKES AROUND OUR ANKELS, BY WHICH ISLAMISTS ARE LEADING US TO OUR DEMISE. (Invigorated by new oil wealth) Islam is awakening from centuries of slumber to re-ignite its wrath against the infidel and dominate the world. An Islam which has declared "Intifada" on the West.
    The United States has been a prime target for radical Islamic hatred and terror. Every Friday, mosques in the Middle East ring with shrill prayers and monotonous chants calling death, destruction and damnation down on America and its people.
    If we don't wake up and challenge our Muslim community to take action against the terrorists within it, if we don't believe in ourselves as Americans and in the standards we should hold every patriotic American to, we are going to pay a price for our delusion. For the sake of our children and our country, we must wake up and take action. In the face of a torrent of hateful invective and terrorist murder, America’s learning curve since the Iran hostage crisis is so shallow that it is almost flat. The longer we lay supine, the more difficult it will be to stand erect.{0254D867-5759-4F49-B2F5-AC09EC3754FB}

    Please read this excellent article:

    Islam Talks and Ex-Muslims Warn but Is the West Listening?
    By Barbara J. Stock
    Jun 8, 2006

    About two years ago, I received a letter from an ex-Muslim and within was a very disturbing prediction of the end of the world as we in the West know it. He explained that he had left Islam when he realized what an evil and murderous belief it really is, but he offered little hope of stopping the massive force that Islam has become. He felt the average American was simply to naïve and gullible to withstand the Islamic onslaught ahead. Hamstrung by morals and the Western rules of war, he believes Islam will slowly tear America and Europe to pieces.

    This ex-Muslim laid out the plans of Islam and how it would carry out its takeover of the world. He gave me the blueprint of the murderous Islamic political and war machine and how it would use America’s kind and generous nature against it.

    I have recently revisited that letter and was shocked at how accurate and prophetic this man has been.

    He carefully listed exactly how Islam will defeat the West and how the liberals will help Islam along the way.

    "Constitution for the new Islamic Republic of EU and USA is under construction.

    We will fight the infidel to death.

    Meanwhile American laws will protect us.

    Democrats and leftist will support us.

    UN (United Nations) will legitimize us.

    CAIR will incubate us.

    ACLU will empower us.

    Western universities will educate us.

    Mosques will shelter us

    OPEC will finance us

    Hollywood will love us.

    Annan will pass politically correct sympathetic statement for Jihadists."

    It is frightening to see that his predictions are becoming a reality.

    In the two years since I received this letter, Europe has been subjected to attacks, riots, embassy burnings, increased crime, and parades of Muslims on the nightly news carrying signs with messages such as: "England, your 9/11 is coming," and "Islam will rule the world," and "Behead those that slander Islam."

    The Council on American/Islamic Relations (CAIR) already has plans to replace our Constitution with the Quran and states it openly and clearly: The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth." CAIR Co-founder Omar Ahmad.

    Because we are a country of laws, Islam is protected here. Democrats are fighting to hand over Iraq and Afghanistan to Islamics and even threaten to impeach one of the few men that has stood up to Islamic terrorism. All the leaders of Islam must do is to remain patient and the far left will hand them a victory in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Leftists support of Islam is demonstrated with the recent news that the far-left Internet news search engine—Google—now seems to be systematically hunting down any sites that post columns remotely unkind to Islam and labeling any criticism of Islam as "hate-speech." When did the truth become "hate speech?"

    CAIR monitors radio and televisions programs and quickly threatens lawsuits if anyone dares to speak badly of Islam. Avenues that expose the truth about Islam are being closed. But this is a free country, for now, and Google can censure whomever it chooses to censure. Google seems to have chosen not to censure the many Islamic hate sites that are found on Google.

    The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) makes no secret of its ingrained hatred of Christianity. While it monitors American schools with a passion resulting from that hatred, this religion-has no-place-in-our-schools group remained silent when Islam was forced down the throats of California school children under the guise of "history."

    In Ohio, the ACLU gave the Ohio chapter of CAIR its Liberty Flame Award "for contributions to the advancement and protection of civil liberties." CAIR is supported mostly by Saudi Arabia which practices Wahhabism, the most violent sect in Islam. Within the Saudi kingdom, women are second class citizens, Christians are imprisoned and tortured for daring to pray in their own homes, and no other belief other than Islam is allowed. In fact, to be a Saudi citizen, one must be Muslim.

    CAIR and ACLU joined forces to sue the federal government for monitoring certain mosques and clerics believed to have preached violent behavior after 9/11. Did the Nazi groups in America have the protection of a group like the ACLU during World War II? It would be bordering on suicidal not to observe those who live on American soil who often preach and teach the overthrow and destruction of the American culture.

    The revelation that Yale University had invited the former spokesman for the Taliban in Afghanistan, Sayed Rahmatullah Hashemi, to audit classes caused a bit of an unexpected uproar. A man with a fourth grade education and a history of supporting the crushing oppression that is Islam was being heralded by the Yale administration as progressive and modern. Many of the alumni didn’t see it that way. Harvard was unhappy that it had missed its opportunity to snap him up. The irony is that Yale has banned the military from its hallowed halls by claiming our military is anti-gay and sexist. Islamics, such as Hashemi, ordered women beaten for showing their hair and homosexuals were simply hung if caught. For some odd reason, Yale does not find offensive a man that supports this.

    American mosques are everywhere. There are only approximately 6 million Muslims in America, a country of 300 million people. One has to wonder why the Saudis and other OPEC countries keep sending money to build more. Using our laws, the call to prayer now bellows out five times a day in many American cities starting at dawn. The Islamics claimed they had the same right as Christian churches whose bells ring a few times on Sunday morning. Entire neighborhoods are being taken over by Muslims as non-Muslims flee to quieter and safer areas, and so more mosques are built and the population expands. Within those mosques, anti-American sentiment is often preached. The worshipers are reminded that they are Muslim, and should be loyal only to Islam, not America.

    This is also the message of CAIR’s Co-founder Omar Ahmad who stated: "Those [Muslims] who stay in America should be open to society without melting, keeping mosques open so anyone can come and learn about Islam. If you choose to live here, you have a responsibility to deliver the message of Islam ... Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant." Islam’s plans are public for all to see, but many Americans still try to ignore it all, hoping it will just go away. Many Americans cling to the idea that Islam is peaceful because the alternative is too horrible too contemplate.

    Hitler did not "go away" and neither will Islam. This is a fact that the West must realize very soon. Canada is now fending off Sharia law in some areas. In England, a London Telegraph poll showed that 40% of London’s Muslims wanted to discard British laws and be ruled by Sharia law. When Muslim voters outnumber the non-Muslim ones Sharia law will be enacted, just as predicted by the ex-Muslim who continued his warning:

    "On the camera:

    We will always say, ‘Islam is the religion of Peace.’

    We will say: ‘Jihad is actually inner Jihad.’

    Moderate Muslim will say there is no link between Islam and terrorism and the West will believe it because the West is so gullible.

    Moderate Muslim all over the world will incubate Jihadists by their talk—by defending Islam.

    Using [the] Western legal system we will assert our Sharia Laws, slowly but surely."
    The Islamic plan is in motion for all to see just as this ex-Muslim has predicted. Is the West listening?

    Complete text of: A Warning to America and the West from an ex-Muslim

    The Koran is filled (80-90%) with hate for Christians, Jews and blacks. It instructs to kill and conquer them and take their lands and possessions. Fundamental Muslims believe the Koran to be the perfect word of their god, Allah. These are the verses that the Islamist terrorists us to justify their murders:
    (I am not condemning all Muslims, for I am sure there are those who have not read the Koran and thus do not know what it contains)

    (The following are only a few of the verses commanding Muslims to fight)

    WARFARE IS ORDAINED FOR YOU, though it is hateful unto you; but it may happen that you hate a thing which is good for you and it may happen that you love a thing which is bad for you. (2.216)

    Fight those among the People of the Book [i.e. Jews and Christians] ... who do not profess the true religion, until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued. (9.29)


    If you refuse to fight, Allah will afflict you with a painful doom. 9:39

    Believers must fight for Allah. They must kill and be killed , and are bound to do so by the Torah, Gospel, and Quran. But Allah will reward them for it. 9:111

    Fight those among the People of the Book [i.e. Jews and Christians] ... who do not profess the true religion, until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued. (9.29)

    (It is taught in textbooks in some Muslims countries today that Christians are monkeys and Jews are pigs)

    Christians will be burned in the Fire. 5:72

    Whoever says Muhammad was black must be killed…(Ash‑Shifa, Tr. Aisha Abdarrahman, 2004)

    Ahmad ibn Abi Sulayman, the companion of Sahnun said, “Anyone who says that the Prophet was black should be killed. (ibid, p.375)

    In one Hadith, Mohammed referred to Blacks as Raisn Heads (Sahih Al Bukhary vol. 1, no. 662 and vol. 9, no. 256), and as pug nosed slaves in Sahih Moslem vol. 9 pages 46 and 47.
    Christians are wrong about the Trinity. For that they will have a painful doom. 5:73

    Give tidings (O Muhammad) of a painful doom to the rich and greedy Christian monks and Jewish rabbis.9:34

    Jesus was not the Son of God. Those who say he was (Christians) are going to hell. 19:35-37

    Scourge adulteresses with 100 stripes. Do not show them any pity. Have a party of believers watch the punishment. 24:2

    Sura 33 "And he bequeathed to you their lands, their homes and their possessions, together with land you have never trodden" (33.27) .

    "Be patient with unbelievers until you have strength" (86.17).

    Quran 3:28 Don't have unbelieving friends unless it is to deceive them. Remember the final goal is to Allah.

    Allah’s law (Sharia) is binding to all…4:135

    Allah accepts only Sharia and no other laws…7:29, 57:25

    Allah is the Law‑giver; He appointed Muhammad to implement the only correct laws (Sharia laws)…45:18



    "ISLAM ISN'T IN AMERICA TO BE EQUAL TO ANY OTHER FAITH, BUT TO BECOME DOMINANT. The Koran ... should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth. Everthing we need to know is in the Koran. We don't need to look somewhere else." OMAR M. AHMAD, CHAIRMAN OF CAIR,the mainsteam Muslim advocacy group.
    RevTT, SweDVDr, iTS, DB9, SCT
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  4. Lounge   -   #24
    chalice's Avatar ____________________
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barbarossa View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by chalice View Post
    Apparently she was already engaged to a non-muesli before he met her.

    I believe the mother of Christ was 14 or something else when the Coming Of God knocked her up.

    These deities need a good slap.
    People didn't live as long in those days though.

    Except Methuselah.
    Yeah but you'd think Gawd would wait a few years, like.

    Being omnipotent and that, he would know that she'd still be around when she wasn't so acne ridden and that. I reckon he just wanted to get in there before Joseph slipped her the message. Thus avoiding an ethereal DNA controversy ala Jeremy Kyle.

  5. Lounge   -   #25
    Snee's Avatar Error xɐʇuʎs BT Rep: +1
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    on something.
    Quote Originally Posted by chalice View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Barbarossa View Post

    People didn't live as long in those days though.

    Except Methuselah.
    Yeah but you'd think Gawd would wait a few years, like.

    Being omnipotent and that, he would know that she'd still be around when she wasn't so acne ridden and that. I reckon he just wanted to get in there before Joseph slipped her the message. Thus avoiding an ethereal DNA controversy ala Jeremy Kyle.
    Maybe he just thought it'd be a fun thing to do to mess with the PC-crowd 2000 years in the future.

  6. Lounge   -   #26
    manker's Avatar effendi
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    Hoi, Ini Kamoze. I'm not reading all that.

    Short, sharp comments encapsulating what you think about something is the ticket.
    Attention span, and all that.
    I plan on beating him to death with his kids. I'll use them as a bludgeon on his face. -

    --Good for them if they survive.

  7. Lounge   -   #27
    chalice's Avatar ____________________
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snee View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by chalice View Post

    Yeah but you'd think Gawd would wait a few years, like.

    Being omnipotent and that, he would know that she'd still be around when she wasn't so acne ridden and that. I reckon he just wanted to get in there before Joseph slipped her the message. Thus avoiding an ethereal DNA controversy ala Jeremy Kyle.
    Maybe he just thought it'd be a fun thing to do to mess with the PC-crowd 2000 years in the future.
    Incontrovertible proof that God exists and is a cunt.

  8. Lounge   -   #28
    manker's Avatar effendi
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snee View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by chalice View Post

    Yeah but you'd think Gawd would wait a few years, like.

    Being omnipotent and that, he would know that she'd still be around when she wasn't so acne ridden and that. I reckon he just wanted to get in there before Joseph slipped her the message. Thus avoiding an ethereal DNA controversy ala Jeremy Kyle.
    Maybe he just thought it'd be a fun thing to do to mess with the PC-crowd 2000 years in the future.
    To temper that, tho', I have it on good authority that almighty god coined the phrase; 'Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed'.

    It caught on surprisingly well ... but he knew it would.
    I plan on beating him to death with his kids. I'll use them as a bludgeon on his face. -

    --Good for them if they survive.

  9. Lounge   -   #29
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
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    Over here!
    I watched quite an interesting docu-drama ( ) about Richard the Lionheart the other day.

    It turns out it was all the French's fault that the third crusade floundered, because they refused to fight with Richard's army after he said he didn't want to try to take Jerusalem without first defeating Saladin's army.

    Just goes to show, eh. French!

  10. Lounge   -   #30
    manker's Avatar effendi
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    I think I downloaded that, actually.

    Didn't watch it tho' because it was only after the torrent had finished that I realised it was a docu-fecking-drama.

    Never seen a good 'un
    I plan on beating him to death with his kids. I'll use them as a bludgeon on his face. -

    --Good for them if they survive.

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