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Thread: Will Drugs Become Legal ?

  1. #41
    Originally posted by balaam+--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (balaam)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Are we speaking of hardcore alcoholics or casual drinkers? [/b]

    In terms of violence? Both.

    Originally posted by balaam+--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (balaam)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
    I was under the impression that you were not speaking of people who are hard core users of marijuana. I could point out extreme examples of that just as easily.

    Yup you have hardcore marijuana users too and they still dont get violent or OD.


    You can&#39;t OD and die from marijuana?

    NO&#33;&#33; Its a scientific fact&#33;&#33;


    As I suspected, you most certainly don&#39;t have a proper refference for your arguments then. Visit one of our local OR&#39;s any weekend and spend some time with a teen who&#39;s been admitted after smoking BC&#39;s finest for the first time.
    Most wish they could die. It&#39;s that bad.

    LOL&#33;&#33;&#33; Have you ever seen that film reefer madness?

    "Its that bad"

    Listen if you drink a shitload of whisky as an introduction to alcohol you might feel like you want to die, and if you drink enough you could easily die. Thats a fact.

    If you smoke shitloads of strong pot for the 1st time you may feel like you want to die BUT YOU WILL NOT DIE&#33;

    Its a medical/scientific fact&#33; Show me one person who has died from a pot overdose. You cant because they dont exist&#33;

    Sorry to say this but if you think you can OD and die from pot you dont know what your talking about.

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #42
    Originally posted by evilbagpuss@17 August 2003 - 06:06
    lol @ powdered water

    Its not a matter of &#39;winning&#39; its a matter of true and false. You started off by saying you&#39;d seen people die from pot and that the gateway myth is not a myth.

    The 1st one is definitely wrong unless your referring to cancer, the 2nd is highly dubious without any reasoning to back it up.

    Sorry but I have this thing about challenging misinfomation in public places lest it be taken as gospel truth by the masses&nbsp; &nbsp;

    By all means, be happy though&nbsp;
    lol yourself evilbagpuss, these facts you are describing are based in your mind I too have seen people O/D on pot. All the circumstances you describe for yourself and your mates should end with a big YET. Just because it hasn&#39;t happened to you does&#39;nt mean it won&#39;t. To coin A phrase case closed.
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  3. The Drawing Room   -   #43
    Interesting... so tell me about these so called OD&#39;s you&#39;ve witnessed.

    You may wish to check the definition of an OD first though. Freaking out at how stoned you are does not constitute an OD.

    So.. tell me all about it

    As for the YET&#33; 10 years and Im still waiting

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #44
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I&#39;ll contact the people in charge of those records on monday if you like because it is a fact&#33;

    Getting ill from whole shitload of whiskey is expected. And yes you might wish you could die. Metaphorically speaking.

    Several tokes off some high grade locally grown pot has a completely different effect and you should damn well admit that.

    Fear is extreme in these cases. It&#39;s not just simple nausea and dizziness. It has an effect on the heart and lungs that registers on an ECG and other equipment.
    Violent outbursts are not uncommon. Physical and psychological trauma is very real. Drugs are occasionally needed to counter the overdose just as they would be in a case of heroin overdose. Restraints are also required at times.

    All from a few tokes off your harmless herb.


    Talk to me again when you have real facts and not some useless tripe you &#39;ve read in high times.

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #45
    Before I debunk these myths...

    Originally posted by balamm
    Getting ill from whole shitload of whiskey is expected. And yes you might wish you could die. Metaphorically speaking.
    No you could die. Literally. A medical man skating round the issue of alcohol poisoning? Naughty

    Now onto the good stuff.

    As I suspected your definition of an overdose is not the official one.

    You mentioned various medical terms.. ECG, restraints etc

    I will therefore assume that you work in the medical field and will further assume that you know what the Therapeutic Index of a substance means. When I tell you that it is 30,000 for THC you should know what I mean. When I tell you the index for alcohol is about 5 - 10 (if memory serves me correctly) you should see the point I&#39;ve been trying to get you to accept for the last hour.


    power point version..

    HTML version

    Important part:

    "Safety – no confirmed cases of death from cannabis overdose

    Greatest concern – car accidents

    Therapeutic Index = 30,000

    Among least toxic drugs known – definitely least toxic psychoactive recreational drug."

    My whole argument has been that you cannot die from high levels of cannabis/ THC. Your talking about someone having a major freak out. As I said earlier thats not an overdose. i.e its not life threatening.


    @powdered water

    You havent even offered any evidence to support this outdated &#39;theory&#39; but I feel like I should offer you some to debunk it.

    Yes this is from a pro-cannabis organisation but as you can see there are many many scientific studies referenced and your more than welcome to verify them all.


    So there you have it.

    Alcohol (in large amounts) can kill within hours of ingestion and is physically addictive.

    Cannabis could kill you if you could smoke 30,000 joints (lol&#33 and its not physically addictive and moreover there is no known record of anyone dying from cannabis poisoning.

    There I&#39;ve proved the world isnt flat. I&#39;m going to get some much needed sleep.


  6. The Drawing Room   -   #46
    backissues -> CC33 -> Marijuana overdose?
    by Ed Rosenthal (31 Aug, 2001) Can you overdose on cannabis?

    How do I know that I have an overdose of cannabis? What are the symptom or facts that alert me?

    Curepipe, Mauritius

    The Drug Awareness Warning Network Annual Report, published by the US federal government contains a statistical compilation of all drug deaths which occur in the United States. According to this report, there has never been a death recorded from the use of marijuana by natural causes. No one knows the total number of deaths caused by enforcement of marijuana prohibition laws.

    Unlike opiates, barbituates or amphetamines, there seems to be little risk from the use of large amounts of marijuana. When a person smokes too much s/he feels very tired and lies down to enjoy a soothing nap or sleep. I call it "overtoking".

    When people swallow large amounts of hashish, occasionally they vomit, which is their body&#39;s way of saying, "You took too much."

    Myth vs. fact: the dope on how pot affects users’ health

    By Alexandra Argiroff

    Nearly 69 million Americans over 12 years old have tried marijuana at least once. Currently, the anti-drug campaign is trying to curb this number through magazine and TV ads that show cold, hard facts about the dangers of smoking pot.
    But before these advertisements were aired, several “urban legends” circulated about the health risks of smoking pot, from reduction of the size of male genitalia to death from overdosing. Here’s the truth about what smoking marijuana can do to the human body.

    nMyth: Smoking marijuana is less harmful than smoking cigarettes.

    Fact: Cannabis actually contains about 50% more tar than tobacco, which irritates the lungs and may lead to head, neck and lung cancer. In fact, according to, the daily use of one to three marijuana joints causes the same lung damage and risk for cancer as smoking five times as many cigarettes. Also, while cannabis may not have been that potent in the ‘60s, today’s plant is 10 to 15 times stronger than it was then. Also, marijuana is often laced with other drugs such as heroine and crack which are also harmful to the body.

    nMyth: A person can die from overdosing on marijuana.

    Fact: While smoking pot is speculated to cause terminal cancer, users cannot die from overdosing on THC (the active ingredient in cannabis). In fact, for a 160-pound person to reach a lethal dose of this chemical, they would have to smoke about 900 joints in one sitting.

    nMyth: Marijuana is not addictive.

    Fact: According to, if a person tries it once they won’t necessarily become be hooked. But if a user starts to seek out and take the drug compulsively, then he may have a problem.

    nMyth: Smoking pot does not affect a person’s driving.

    Fact: People high on marijuana show lack of coordination similar to that of people who have had too much to drink, according to After smoking one joint, a person’s reaction time for motor skills such as driving is reduced by 41 percent. It is reduced by 63 percent after smoking two joints.

    nMyth: Using marijuana reduces the size of male genitalia.

    Fact: Smoking pot has no effect on the size of men’s genitalia, however it does reduce the number, quality and mobility of their sperm, which can affect their fertility.

    nMyth: Marijuana has no medicinal use.

    Fact: While the scientists are still not sure about the exact medicinal uses of marijuana, it has been used to treat over 50 diseases including Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, genital herpes and hives.

    imnotanaddict you sound just like me about 7 or 8 years ago before I got sober and began to learn the real facts about what drugs do to people. I hope you live long enough to see for your self.
    For the record I&#39;ve been drug and alcohol free for sometime.

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #47
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Originally posted by imnotanaddict@17 August 2003 - 02:31
    For the record I&#39;ve been drug and alcohol free for sometime.
    Just addicted to K++ eh?

    ( Is that the same as "Special K"?)

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #48

    Excellent post.

    I would query whether the addiction part refers to psychological or physical addiction (I suspect the former) and I&#39;ve never come across crack laced weed in my 10 year &#39;career&#39; but apart from that good myth debunking stuff

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #49
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Originally posted by evilbagpuss@17 August 2003 - 02:37

    Excellent post.
    Are you still awake?

    Is it a sleepless night in the flat world?

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #50
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I see. So suffering cardiac arrest and dying as a result of the use of marijuana is not actually considered harmfull.
    Or dying from marijuana.

    And judging by all these reports, it should now be safe to forgo the use of protective wear when harvesting and cleaning marijuana. The kids will like that. It is mostly youngish teen girls who do this job. At least in my area.

    See the problem is that even the reports that cite reports as being out of date... are out of date.
    10 times as strong? fuck that. We grow that shit outside. The clones that have come out of UBC research labs are now mainstream every day stock. So much more powerfull that to compare it with the samples used in your studies is laughable.
    It&#39;s like comparing thai to a bag of mexican seeds and stems.

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