Reuters Cameraman Killed For Filming U.S. Graves: Brother

AL-KHALIL, West Bank, August 19 ( - The brother of Reuters cameraman Mazen Dana said he was deliberately murdered for discovering mass graves of U.S. troops killed in Iraqi resistance attacks.

"The U.S. troops killed my brother in cold blood," Nazmi Dana told in exclusive statements.

"The U.S. occupation troops shot dead my brother on purpose, although he was wearing his press badge, which was also emblazoned on the car he was driving," he said.


Mazen Dana is not the only reporter killed by U.S. Troops

PARIS, April 8 ( & News Agencies) - The killing of three journalists Tuesday, April 8, in two separate attacks by U.S. forces triggered a torrent of criticism from international media watchdogs and officials....

The Union of Syrian Journalists (USJ) also charged that "the U.S.-led invading forces are killing journalists in Iraq to suppress the truth about civilian massacres."

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