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Thread: Riaa Amnesty.....

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    That's just silly. I would think that an organization like the RIAA would have a bit more forethought than that. Even if people ARE foolish enough to fall for this little ploy, the little blurb makes no mention of the specifics of complying with such an agreement. So the conditions of this little "plea-bargain" are that one confesses to violating copyright laws and then removing said files from the computer and agree to cease any current and future filesharing. AHHH...okay. But the stupid boobs didn't say that the "accused" couldn't put the files SOMEWHERE ELSE!

    In theory, either because of the inability of the "brainchild" (all involved can be lumped into one parasitic entity no-doubt) to form a complete, cognizant, and concise thought, or as the result of mere laziness and incompetance, one could comply and not lose everything they have downloaded by burning them and THEN DELETING THE FILES FROM THEIR PC!

    Of course this is silly and anyone who would actually AGREE to this nonsense should be kicked in the melon and have their chest caved in with the carcass of a once rabid squirrel!!

    After all, there still is the condition in such a "contract", which resembles an extortionist ploy more than an actual agreement since those who are "guilty" are really getting screwed...and they aren't even given the option to use a lil' KY Jelly, that they agree to stop all filesharing activity at present and in the future. And THAT'S exactly the objection to it!! This extends way beyond mere "fairness" and "financial responsibility". It's about the ability for us (especially Americans, as it seems those in the UK aren't immediately affected by this at the present time) to be free agents...autonomous...without some larger agency "keeping tabs" on us and conducting unmitigated surveilence and censure. Bleh!

    Good luck trying to bust me for this kinda crap. FINE??!! Heh...good luck...I don't have any flippin' money anyway. Where are they gonna get it from? Pull it outta their....?

  2. Music   -   #12
    mogadishu's Avatar {}"_++()_><.,{}}[":+
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    this sounds like some fascist roundup or something. its what the us does to immigrants, tell them to come somewhere and they will get a green card then arrest them.
    signature removed, check the boardrules.

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