If you want to convert FAT32 to NTFS , you can do and your data won't lose .
1. Go to RUN dialog box and type cmd .
2. Type convert drive: /fs:ntfs .
3. Reboot your computer .
I'm not sure in Vista , but you can in XP .
If you want to convert FAT32 to NTFS , you can do and your data won't lose .
1. Go to RUN dialog box and type cmd .
2. Type convert drive: /fs:ntfs .
3. Reboot your computer .
I'm not sure in Vista , but you can in XP .
It works on Vista also, I did it a while ago with my external Hard Disks. Nice job on this one, I think someone might take use of this guide.
Great guide for those who are still using FAT and want to move on NTFS
IT's basic tips for beginners. very useful for bigfile .
thank you man for this post
it was very helpful for me
wow, that can be more useful for the beginners who cannot reformat the HD and reinstall Win
can you re-upload the images?
I knew this one before.. Thanks anyways!!