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Thread: I Want You Guys To Look At Tis Post

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    A place somewhere
    that was dumb thats not your view i read it its people like you that will stop the peace in the middle east because people like you just don't know when to quit and

    when it comes to zarko well the little people have lots of power if we come together expically a boycott not people like him allow the big businesses to over charge us and push us around which we don't have to take it if we refuse to pay the ridiculous prices they will be forced to lower them to a senceable price

    an in your first post u didn't state your opinion you just said everyone has a right to an opinion which is off topic

  2. File Sharing   -   #32
    *sigh* Rapfan, it seems as if you don't want to understand, so I won't waste more time by trying to explain things to you again. Please reread my previous posts on this thread.

  3. File Sharing   -   #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    A place somewhere
    well i read your posts and no you have never have given your opinion u seem to live in a black and white world i put my post in this forum because most people are mad at the riaa for what they are doing then after reading the debate between me and zarko you say that we were polite and that there were grammar errors if u look around you people arent telling people that their grammar is bad or they were polite people are sounding off on the riaa that what i wanted people to comment on or voice their opinion on. why don't you go down to the lounge and take a glance at the posts there mabe you will wake up.

    BTW mabe if you knew how a messageboard worked mabe you would understand my "train of thought" better this isn't english class no commas peroids or any of that is needed

  4. File Sharing   -   #34
    Sholix's Avatar Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Currently I'm in Limbo
    I'm not sure about what you want our opinion on here RapFan, but I'm guessing it's the 'discussion' between you and Zarko.
    If that's the case I have to agree with Lady K and say there's nothing wrong with both of you stating your very different opinions on the subject.

    It's true that almost everyone here will agree with your particular stance, but there are some who don't and Zarko happens to be one of them.

    But just because his view is in the minority, there's no justification for denying him the right to express his opinion.

    Perhaps his "mistake" was in bothering to respond at all to your plee for help in boycotting the RIAA, since he doesn't agree with that action.

    Don't all jump on me at the same time.
    I can only type so fast. B)

  5. File Sharing   -   #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Well, I've read as much of this thread as I was able to without a street person to translate some of what RapFan posted... Try using capitals and dotting your i's when you are posting to a world class forum please. I don't like my time wasted by illiterates. What you do elsewhere does not concern me.

    What posts you're involved in on another forum also do not concern me and I wonder why the hell you thought it was needed in this forum.

    The people who replied to you did nothing wrong, expressed themselves well, and put up with far too much of your aimless drivel in my opinion.

    You're bringing world events into it demontrates a childish mind. Grabbing headlines of things you hear in the background but do not understand or really care about I suspect.

    Go Back to that other forum and take your beating. Come back here when you've grown up and can participate in a dicussion in an adult manner.

    This thread is over.

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