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Thread: Has it become cool to cash in on piracy?

  1. #11
    ca_aok's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +1
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    As for the "no one will donate if they don't give you an incentive other than a donor star" argument... out of all the trackers I've donated to the main reason I did it was for the donor star. GFT is the only site where I donated for something (an invite). A few of them did have other benefits but they were either negligible or something I didn't need in the first place. I disapprove of the "Pay2Leech" philosophy and would never donate for that purpose.
    Quote Originally Posted by whatcdfan View Post
    u are somewhat fairer then the last occasions but still pal i give a damn to what u said and expect i really dont need anything from u or optimuscrime i get what i want coz u 2 guyes dont own bittorrent and i dont think i portrayed any image i wrote simple english and u are seems to be very good at making assumptions if someone is not a cheater and u assume he's a cheater and write what u wrote and when u are proven wrong who u think will owe an apology then barack obama????

  2. BitTorrent   -   #12
    stoi's Avatar BCG Owner BT Rep: +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45
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    very pleased for you, but for every 1 of you (or members like you) there are 100 that are the complete opposite, self self self, I dont get anything, stuff yous.

    My point from above still stands though, If i wanted to make a fortune off this, I would have made a public link site when Suprnova went down, not a private site.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #13
    The_Martinator's Avatar I is posting MACHINE BT Rep: +6BT Rep +6
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoi View Post
    no you didnt, you said that if they have a prize draw, they are making money.

    maybe they have a prize draw as a way of saying thanks to the donators that did donate, and to give something back, even if its just to 1 of them.

    PS: this is what makes me laugh though.

    TPB, Mininova, BTJunkie, ISOhunt 3 of these have not even got trackers associated with them.

    They have a ton of ads, they get millions of hits a day, 2 cents per impression = a shit load of cash every day, never mind a month or a year.

    2 million hits a day 50% use adblock = 1million views of ads, * 2cents each = $20,000 a day just off 1 ad, have 5 ads and thats $100.000 a day.

    and they are lorded as gods.

    A private tracker only has a donation button, and a few benefits here and there, and maybe a prize draw, and a few mass PMs, and they are the scum of the earth.

    doesnt make sense.

    Its like users see a donation button and think, making a fortune, they see ads and think, eww ads, not making even more cash than a donation button.

    Only way we can keep these trackers going is through donations, page views dont do us any good, but those trackers i just mentioned, they dont need donations, as long as people keep coming to the site, which they will, they will keep on making money. Honestly some people are just thick as 2 short planks. (not mentioning any names though lol)
    Well of course public trackers make even more. I thought that was taken for granted by everyone.

    Maybe I was speaking in general too much, though.

    In my defense, I have no experience in running a tracker, but I do know this: some trackers do make lots of profit. These are what the OP is refering to IMO. Maybe he wanted to bring public ones into the discussion also, but it didn't seem that way to me.
    I'm back. The downside is that I'm also old now.

  4. BitTorrent   -   #14
    stoi's Avatar BCG Owner BT Rep: +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45
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    yes but how come all i hear is, they make a profit its wrong, when lets be honest, no one knows which private trackers make silly money. they believe a tracker with 30,000 members must make more than a tracker with 3,000, but that tracker with 3,000 can have a better "community" (whatever the hell that is) and actually take more donations than the one with 30,000 members, because most of the 30,000 members think, ah well thee have 30,000 members, so they make enough, they dont need my cash. (if you get me lol)

    But the sun shone out of TPB asses until they sold out, they had already sold out, years ago. (or at least making a small fortune) they were going to buy sealand after all. and they didnt, so where did all that cash go.,2933,242351,00.html
    The world's smallest "country" is going on the chopping block.

    The self-proclaimed sovereign principality of Sealand, built atop a World War II artillery platform in the North Sea, is for sale for the whopping price tag of $977 million.
    Just pisses me off how public trackers never ever get tarred with the same brush as a private one, its always the private ones that are monsters, and doing it for the money, but the public ones are doing it for the principle, if anything its the other way around.
    Last edited by stoi; 07-29-2009 at 08:16 PM.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #15
    They were trying to raise donations to buy sealand so I don't think there was any cash that went anywhere. I'm skeptical about the rumors of profitability of many sites.

  6. BitTorrent   -   #16
    stoi's Avatar BCG Owner BT Rep: +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45
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    well for $977 million i would have to sell my soul to the devil never mind just ask for donations (and even then i would be $976,999,999 short lol)

  7. BitTorrent   -   #17
    sez's Avatar c0V3r3Ð iN Ba57ArÐ BT Rep: +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoi View Post
    well for $977 million i would have to sell my soul to the devil never mind just ask for donations (and even then i would be $976,999,999 short lol)
    I don't think i meant to attack any site.Am talking about things like usenet(which if am not wrong you are an avid fan of ),places like that exploit on n00bs,and of course torrent sites that are clearly beyond self sufficient but still take money from members under the guise of server bills<--mind you,bills that were postpaid sometime in january.One would expect them to at least (even if its for one month)just say ok folks,you've given us more than enough to cover the bills for this and the next 30days and during that period we won't be asking you for anything<--i think they call it a show of gratitude.

    I personally made a conscious decision to not give any money to torrent sites that aren't making any effort at showing accountability,the least a site would do is at least give me a donation meter<---whether its moving or not.

    As for Ads,i honestly don't care,let them milk those advertisers for all they got.just that the site owners aren't lying to members for the sake of their own get rich ambitions and this is exactly why the RIAA/MPAA are ever getting closer to filing their first criminal case against us.

    And i'd bet you for it stoi that you being a niche tracker,you barely come close to what a serious closed general tracker would pull in member donations in a month.

    Something else that i forgot to mention,some sites that am on are still accepting donations for invites nvm the fact that the donations meter started reading 100% nearly 2 weeks ago and yet when august comes the meter is going to be pulled back to 0 notwithstanding the donations that were made this and last week.

  8. BitTorrent   -   #18
    Zaxx's Avatar Ol' Skool P2P BT Rep: +3
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    Quote Originally Posted by realityhd View Post
    They were trying to raise donations to buy sealand so I don't think there was any cash that went anywhere. I'm skeptical about the rumors of profitability of many sites.

    Lmao...TPB was gonna raise nearly a billion $$...
    "It's not what ya got, it's what you give."
    Please do not PM me for invites. Thx.

  9. BitTorrent   -   #19
    Polarbear's Avatar deep funk BT Rep: +5
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    How do you think trackers get all those scene releases shortly after pre? Credits? Maybe sometimes, but most of them simply pay for them. Even the ones who claim to be strictly against P2L do exactly what they critisize. Behind the curtain they P2L to get the warez on their trackers.
    Last edited by Polarbear; 07-30-2009 at 01:11 AM.

  10. BitTorrent   -   #20
    stoi's Avatar BCG Owner BT Rep: +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45
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    I personally made a conscious decision to not give any money to torrent sites that aren't making any effort at showing accountability,the least a site would do is at least give me a donation meter<---whether its moving or not.
    Well funnily enough, we could never get ours to work properly, and then when we did members were saying they hate trackers with donation target bars as they never believed them anyway lol so ours is just there for any prize draw we have (which is seldom as they are failiures).

    How do you think trackers get all those scene releases shortly after pre? Credits? Maybe sometimes, but most of them simply pay for them. Even the ones who claim to be strictly against P2L do exactly what they critisize. Behind the curtain they P2L to get the warez on their trackers.
    From personal experience, I do not have scene axx, i have never had scene axx, so i do not pay for scene axx, yes i do pay for usenet, which used to get games on the site first, now i am to slow as my members have scene axx, that they pay out of their own pocket, i just use usenet now for me and what i want.

    and the reason i use Usenet, is i am the biggest leech going, I hate seeding back, unless its my own torrent, also my asymetric ISP is a nightmare, 20meg down 256k up (supposed to be 700+k up but hardly ever get that), and i also do not have a seedbox either, it feels like cheating to me, especially when i do not get 0 day releases fast anymore.

    I am not saying other trackers do not have that, i am just sayig i dont.

    And regarding the ads argument, why do you think most private trackers dont have them.

    People block them
    Not enough unique visitors per day to justify having them.

    It is not worth the bother having an ad on a private site, and the only other way is donations, but like i said, if I and i bet a lot of other owners of private trackers, wanted to make a mint off this, they would have started up a public link site 5 years ago when Suprnova went down.

    To me it doesnt matter how they get their cash, either way they are still profiting from P2P, whether thats right or wrong is for you to decide, but i bet if those public trackers had to accept donations to survive, they would and they would be a lot more scrupulous than private trackers about doing it. OK some Private trackers are alledgedally in it for the cash, but lets be honest here, the average donation from a single user is between 25p and £10, it very very rarely sites will get £100 donations from just 1 user or a number of users.

    So to me you are donating, of your own free will (we dont hold a gun to your head) to the tracker of a sum probably no more than £10 a month, so even if that tacker has 1000 donors that have donated that in a month, so £10,000 a month, so what, its not like they have taken £10,000 off 1 member, or £10,000 of each member, they have taken £10 of someone that wanted to donate, for whatever reason they wanted to donate, and that person got giving what they donated for.

    Honestly i cant see a problem with that at all, and the fact is members will never know anyway, so how do you know they can do what you suggest, like i said, just because a tracker has 30,000-150,000 members, it does not mean a lot of them donate.

    This month we have 200 donators, now £5 gets you full benefits, so you may be thinking, 200*5 = £1,000, very nice, the problem is, a lot of those donate 50p or less, which paypal takes a vast chunk of it as well.

    and to work it out 30,000 members 200 donors is 1.5% of my memberbase donate, luckily it does cover the cost, but its still pitiful lol (and when i had 100,000 members, it was no better).

    If sysops are making lots of cash from this, then i am doing something seriosly wrong, and if anyone starts a private tracker just to make cash, then they wont last very long.

    PS: Honestly, when i tried the ads on the site, if they did bring in the cash to pay for the servers (never mind anything extra) i would have stopped taking donations full time, but they did not by a long way.

    PPS: I am going to bed now, but i like the way that i am the only sysop thats gets involved in these types of converstations lol even though i said i would not anymore, I just cant help myself when i see threads like this on here, I had someone on my forum saying i made more money than TPB, I just laghed at them and explianed what I posted here, Not everyone gets it, they see no donations link, and think that site must not be making anything at all, well if they have ads its bullshit.

    PPPS: to me its the same as, you buy a counterfeight DVD for $3 on the market, you dont ask to see their profit and loss statements for the last 4 years do you. You have got what you wanted (the DVD) and they have got what they wanted (your cash). A family has just been sentanced in London for 6 years for 2 brothers and 4 years for the Father for counterfeighting DVDs, but they had 5 Factories set up in houses and made £7mil over 4 years. Now that to me is wrong, very bloody wrong, I have never ever sold a copyright anything to anyone, but the law if i was ever caught, would probably treat me, like them or even worse than them. Most racker owners dont have to do this, we do it because its what we believe in, stop releasing so much crap/bring the prices way down and we wont have many members left, keep charging an arm and a leg for crap, and we will just keep getting bigger and bigger, its not rocket science.
    Last edited by stoi; 07-30-2009 at 02:31 AM.

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