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Thread: Let's talk about BT

  1. #41
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Martinator View Post
    Uhm, PITA stands for pain in the ass. I guess you're a n00b at these things... or you were joking. I can never tell, tbh.
    I'm only serious about things that need to be taken seriously if that's any help.

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Martinator View Post
    PPS: About Albo and Cabalo: Constructive criticism is something that betters trackers. But the criticism that those two present is not constructive, neither is it argumented, but what bothers me the most is their approach (I'm repeating myself, I know ). You hear a lot that at sites like TPS you have to suck dick and are not allowed to criticize sites. Not true. But if you do it the same way as those two do it here, expect to be banned. Fast.
    I'm of an entirely different mindset on this because primarily a. they are only words b. they are only words directed at an inanimate object( a bt tracker ) which has no feelings and therefore is immune to harm c. there are more than one side to every argument and by seeing other ones you begin to reason instead of just follow.

    @ Bad-Day since you have now more or less confirmed what was , at least to me, apparent from the outset that there is a lot more to you than first met the eye , I just wonder if you consider your presence here as aiding or mocking .And if mocking then aren't you as much of the problem as those like Albo who you disdain?

  2. BitTorrent   -   #42
    The_Martinator's Avatar I is posting MACHINE BT Rep: +6BT Rep +6
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes

    I'm of an entirely different mindset on this because primarily a. they are only words b. they are only words directed at an inanimate object( a bt tracker ) which has no feelings and therefore is immune to harm c. there are more than one side to every argument and by seeing other ones you begin to reason instead of just follow.
    A tracker has no feelings, but people who work hard to keep the tracker going and constantly improving do.

    I said that it's good you see both sides of an argument. Still asking to remain civilised while expressing yourself is not too much, don't you think?

    I've seen you say your mind about trackers and I know you do it in a totally different way than Albo for instance (even when you're basically saying the site sucks).
    Last edited by The_Martinator; 09-23-2009 at 01:10 PM.
    I'm back. The downside is that I'm also old now.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #43
    Yoann64's Avatar El Niņo Fan
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    Why do you use bit torrent, and why to the degree that you use it?
    My brother used Audiogalaxy, Napster, Edonkey, TribalWeb (now GigaTribe) at home ...i moved to BT because i was tired to have fake files with eMule.

    What do you feel is the ideal tracker for you, and are you a member of a site that fills those requirements?
    I don't think that the ideal tracker can exist ... i prefer a "specialized tracker", as WhatCD, BCG, Goem...( i know that Stoi love these words :p ), where i can easily find what i'm looking for.

    Do you feel you are on enough trackers, and what do you think is too many trackers?
    I always find stuffs which i need, then yes, i can tell that i'm on enough trackers.I'm on no 1337 tracker, and i don't feel the need, because i can't see what they can bring to me and what i can bring to them.Some of you are going to tell me "Community" (or something like that)...i'm on specialized forums for that, and i'm already member of a great community (i'm sorry to tell you that it's not here).
    What also bothers me is that most trackers forums are filled with the same people who post the same topics, and even putting the best of intentions I find this boring.

    What do you see the politics of BT entailing, and does it affect your actions in this field?
    I try to find the way to not be a sheep...and not be a rebel at the same time.
    As Funkin'said:
    Quote Originally Posted by Funkin'
    "Bt politics" interest me none. I just do my thing and try to stay within the rules of each tracker I belong to(whether I agree with them or not)
    Do you think there is an ethos necessary when interacting, and if so, what does it consist of? By this I mean what do you think the "morals" of BT are, if you think there should be.
    I think that kallieb is right.
    Quote Originally Posted by kallieb
    Say thanks to those who share, offer help when you can, fill a request if you're able, don't bail on a seed if you're the last one, and check in on teh site regularly enough to at least demonstrate that you're not taking up space on the tracker for ego - but that you actually want to be there.
    But nowadays people are more and more individualistic, the BT allows to avoid it a little, the BT=Sharing: but not only files, we exchange everything: the knowledge, the utopias, the visions, the discoveries, the informations etc....
    I find hallucinating that people through the BT, the forums, or the web are capable of speaking to strangers, while most part of them are incapable to do it IRL. You can call it " the magic of the internet " if you want.
    (I don't know how is your country, but here, when you say "Hello" to somebody, he has reflex to touch (or hide) its moneybag, or to lower eyes!)

    PS: It's funny that all the threads at one time or another, end up talking about Albo or Cabalo
    Last edited by Yoann64; 09-23-2009 at 02:29 PM.
    Bienvenida Mamacita - I'm in ruta Babylon - Bienvenida La Juana - Tequila, sexo, marihuana. (M.Chao)

  4. BitTorrent   -   #44
    sez's Avatar c0V3r3Ð iN Ba57ArÐ BT Rep: +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Martinator View Post
    Intr4ns1t, yeah, I agree about the being nice part. The way you were raised has a big part in it. But again, there's the problem of internet, you don't know who my parents are...

    PS: Great thread!

    PPS: About Albo and Cabalo: Constructive criticism is something that betters trackers. But the criticism that those two present is not constructive, neither is it argumented, but what bothers me the most is their approach (I'm repeating myself, I know ). You hear a lot that at sites like TPS you have to suck dick and are not allowed to criticise sites. Not true. But if you do it the same way as those two do it here, expect to be banned. Fast.
    for some strange reason whenever I read any of your post it always sounds like you've been sent by TPS or something.

    And about the being nice part,it doesn't take half a brain to figure who's being nice coz they are nice and who's being nice coz they want something but still refuse to admit it(what kinda idiots do they think we imiz).For starters just dig through your post history here and those other places then compare it with that of dawn-6 or lisabritpop or the guy dishing polish tracker invites or the guy who got banned by what for doing a giveaway here and eventually getting re-enabled(jincandoit was his nick) then see whether your 'niceness' doesn't warrant cabalo's distaste.

    Being nice is good but i think it goes hand in hand with honesty.I'd rather an IRC stranger who chats me up coz he knows am on tracker X and may potentially have invites than someone who is being nice with me over pm or pretends to share similar interests with me only to stop upon realisation that I don't got shit for him but then continues to deny that they were/are nice only coz of the invites<---and that's what sucks even harder.

    Its probably nothing but you really gotta give it to those who hold fort knox invites <insert the most relevant reasons here >

    anyways this is a good thread that probably doesn't deserve such rants but like n00bz0r once pointed out,it doesn't make sense for y'all to turn every thread into an albo/cabalo affair.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by sez View Post
    anyways this is a good thread that probably doesn't deserve such rants but like n00bz0r once pointed out,it doesn't make sense for y'all to turn every thread into an albo/cabalo affair.
    Strange phenomenon.

    @Idoleyes show me the money, i canīt see anything from here, unfortunately. ( ps give me pmīs privileges please! )
    Last edited by Bad-Day; 09-23-2009 at 03:24 PM.

  6. BitTorrent   -   #46
    The_Martinator's Avatar I is posting MACHINE BT Rep: +6BT Rep +6
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    Quote Originally Posted by sez View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Martinator View Post
    Intr4ns1t, yeah, I agree about the being nice part. The way you were raised has a big part in it. But again, there's the problem of internet, you don't know who my parents are...

    PS: Great thread!

    PPS: About Albo and Cabalo: Constructive criticism is something that betters trackers. But the criticism that those two present is not constructive, neither is it argumented, but what bothers me the most is their approach (I'm repeating myself, I know ). You hear a lot that at sites like TPS you have to suck dick and are not allowed to criticise sites. Not true. But if you do it the same way as those two do it here, expect to be banned. Fast.
    for some strange reason whenever I read any of your post it always sounds like you've been sent by TPS or something.

    And about the being nice part,it doesn't take half a brain to figure who's being nice coz they are nice and who's being nice coz they want something but still refuse to admit it(what kinda idiots do they think we imiz).For starters just dig through your post history here and those other places then compare it with that of dawn-6 or lisabritpop or the guy dishing polish tracker invites or the guy who got banned by what for doing a giveaway here and eventually getting re-enabled(jincandoit was his nick) then see whether your 'niceness' doesn't warrant cabalo's distaste.

    Being nice is good but i think it goes hand in hand with honesty.I'd rather an IRC stranger who chats me up coz he knows am on tracker X and may potentially have invites than someone who is being nice with me over pm or pretends to share similar interests with me only to stop upon realisation that I don't got shit for him but then continues to deny that they were/are nice only coz of the invites<---and that's what sucks even harder.

    Its probably nothing but you really gotta give it to those who hold fort knox invites <insert the most relevant reasons here >

    anyways this is a good thread that probably doesn't deserve such rants but like n00bz0r once pointed out,it doesn't make sense for y'all to turn every thread into an albo/cabalo affair.
    I was not sent by TPS, but I am a big fan of them and have been there from the start. They don't thank me for posting here, nor do I get any ''other prizes''. I'm just speaking my mind.

    About being honest, I am, and even then some people don't like it when I admit that one of the reasons for me signing up here was to learn more about FTN and then eventually maybe get there. I got there with no thanks to FST, btw. And yes a member at TPS invited me, but I wasn't really looking for an invite at the time, nor was it my dream to get there. I can't objectively say it hasn't affected my liking towards TPS, though. Subjectively I can.

    PS: Cabalo hates me because he forced me to take sides in one of the many arguments he had with trackers' staffs and I didn't choose his side. That's all there is to it. I didn't beg him for anything and got rejected (if that's what you're thinking).

    I did ask him for advice on occasion and not all of which I got was good.I really have to stop talking about this e drama loverz, so if anyone has any more questions, I just cleared my inbox.
    I'm back. The downside is that I'm also old now.

  7. BitTorrent   -   #47
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bad-Day View Post

    @Idoleyes show me the money, i canīt see anything from here, unfortunately. ( ps give me pmīs privileges please! )
    I don't have that kind of power all I can do is make hot women yearn and strong men cry.

  8. BitTorrent   -   #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Bad-Day View Post

    @Idoleyes show me the money, i canīt see anything from here, unfortunately. ( ps give me pmīs privileges please! )
    I don't have that kind of power all I can do is make hot women cry and strong men yearn.

  9. BitTorrent   -   #49
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    I'm disabling you at TPS for that .

  10. BitTorrent   -   #50
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    Mwahahahahah Iīm not @ TPS mwahahaha

    I went there, but it sucks, i only use IC somethimes, its nice.

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