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Thread: Get Faster Downloads

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Originally posted by DarkReality@17 October 2003 - 16:55
    I install Windows on it myself, build the system (sofware-side) up myself, so nothing is on it that I don't want, and then I install software from my archives.  No evaluation software, no crippleware, no Basic... everything "Full" or "Pro", the best software in each category... I pimp that shit out...
    Btw, even after installing only a few games, a computer may start acting strangely due to the games copyprotection software interfering -- possibly with OTHER games copyprotection. Or possibly with normal and legal CD burning. Even if it has no effect in any other way, installing and removing those games often leaves behind some/much of the copyprotection, which WILL slow the computer down.

    My best friend got a Kodak digital camera -- but the software that came with it had 'phone home' support built into it. If it wasn't for SpyBot Seek and Destroy anti-trojan software, we'd never even know that... we didn't read the EULA (End-Users Licensing Agreement -- the devil is in the details.)

    Viruses nowdays can slip past all but the most secure systems via direct ip connections -- and they try ip connections at random.

    Even when you know everything you install, with Microsoft's Obscurity-by-Design system registry approach, it doesn't stay that way very long.

    When I (re-) install windows, I am a minimalist. I install everything I need and might need SOON -- but nothing more. Fewer security holes that way, less always running in RAM from boot-up, fewer files on the hard-drive, faster boot times, and even better system stability in general because fewer things are likely to go wrong. I don't have to worry about USB connectivity interfering with the windows dial-up DLLs because I don't HAVE the dial-up DLLs loaded. B)

  2. File Sharing   -   #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    What all that with the Signture?? ??
    Ip adress ect?? ??

    I am with you on the not sharing I just posted a tipon the same thing...

    But you should remore the sig you bad boy....


  3. File Sharing   -   #23
    I totally fucking agrree even tho ive only been at this for 2 days now but the concept should be common sence but its not. people thing if they dont sahre they DL faster. which if every one thought that way then its is going tobe SLWOER open your fucking eyes. share your files!!! if EVERY ONE shared then every one could DL faster omfg thats to hard to comprehend!

  4. File Sharing   -   #24
    WHOA rm=omminous !!! IOOMFG 300 to 600 KBS. give mroe info bitch whats your processor ram OS? what did you do to twink it? i would bet alot of people woud be really interested to know how the fuck your getting 300 to 600 BBS!! i know i sure am . im running win 98 256 ram 800 meghrz proces im on dsl and i max can see 70 KBS and ionly DL 1 movie at a time. im using a linksys network card and a linksys hub. plzz tell me what you would recomend that i could do to get 300 to 600 kbs

  5. File Sharing   -   #25
    btw im drunk and i dont use spell check so fuck it la~

  6. File Sharing   -   #26
    oh btw my ssytem resources is 96 prct free !! and i still get only 50 to 70 bbs DL

  7. File Sharing   -   #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Originally posted by dogma@19 October 2003 - 19:54
    if EVERY ONE shared then every one could DL faster omfg thats to hard to comprehend!
    There is also the Kazaa (and KL++ default if you DON&#39;T run KL++&#39;s configuration wizard) default of unlimited MAX uploads at unlimited speed -- which if someone turns on sharing with LOTS of popular files shared means... <0.2 KB/sec upload speeds per upload slot... because they&#39;ll have 20+ going at once.

    And because Kazaa/KL++ hard-limits you to about 8 or fewer ACTIVE download sources at a time PER download if you&#39;re downloading more than 2 files at once, this means you may STILL be tied into those slow uploaders even though there are many others who can upload MUCH faster...

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