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Thread: PHP related question

  1. #1
    I have a .php inlcude that is blowing out my template from left to right. Below is a sample of the code.


    <td width="71%" height="444" valign="top"><table width="100%" height="2%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="text">
    <td colspan="10"><div align="left"><font color="#000000"><b>
    <? include 'mysecret.php'; ?>
    <? include 'also_my_secret.php'; ?>
    <td height="14"><div align="justify"></div></td>

    Here is the code that is blowing out the template

    php Code

    $URL = "";
    $FILE = fopen("$URL", "r");
    $r = "";
    do {
    $DATA = fread($FILE, 8192);
    if (strlen($DATA) == 0) {
    $r .= $DATA;
    } while (true);
    $START = '<TD bgcolor="#F7F7EC" colspan="10"align="center"><b>Closed Term</b></td>';
    $END = '<br>Random info<br>';
    $STUFF = eregi("$START(.*)$END", $r, $CONTENT);
    $REP1 = eregi_replace("\r", "", $CONTENT[1]);
    $REP2 = eregi_replace(' bgcolor="#CCCC99"', "", $REP1);
    $REP3 = eregi_replace('<TD class="bodytext" bgcolor="#F7F7EC" colspan="10" align="center">', '</TABLE>', $REP2);
    $REP4 = eregi_replace(' bgcolor="#F7F7EC"', "", $REP3);
    $REP5 = eregi_replace(' BGCOLOR="CCCC99"', "", $REP4);
    $REP6 = eregi_replace("\n\n", "", $REP5);
    $REP7 = eregi_replace(' bgcolor="F7F7EC"', "", $REP6);
    echo $REP7;

    //$OUT = fopen("index.html", "w");
    //fwrite($OUT, $REP6);


    Any ideas. In the old template is displayed fine.
    Last edited by lynx; 10-24-2009 at 03:38 PM. Reason: Removed ad links


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