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Thread: {Req} FTN

  1. #41
    ca_aok's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +1
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    SCT is definitely worth it depending on what you look for in a site. In its case, speed is the best part. Everyone has a seedbox, pre-times are about as fast as they get, and even old torrents will often max your download speed on a 100Mbit line. Also has the standard packs, etc.

    The tracker being requested here, while different in a few key areas, is more similar to the one you just joined than SCT.
    Quote Originally Posted by whatcdfan View Post
    u are somewhat fairer then the last occasions but still pal i give a damn to what u said and expect i really dont need anything from u or optimuscrime i get what i want coz u 2 guyes dont own bittorrent and i dont think i portrayed any image i wrote simple english and u are seems to be very good at making assumptions if someone is not a cheater and u assume he's a cheater and write what u wrote and when u are proven wrong who u think will owe an apology then barack obama????

  2. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #42
    kooltilldend's Avatar One n Only BT Rep: +2
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    well this has come as a bit of a surprise tbh because i really did get the feeling that FTN and SCT are similar (i mean i've seen many posts comparing the two yet none comparing FTN and FSC)...that said, if it is indeed similar to FSC (and is as good) then how come its not worth having?

    also what does SCT have which makes it supposedly superior to FTN?

  3. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #43
    KushBlow's Avatar Zen BT Rep: +8BT Rep +8
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    Quote Originally Posted by kooltilldend View Post
    wow i slept through half a day and i've got a barrage of posts here lol...all (fine most ) are really good responses though...and i seem to agree with most too...lemme go thru them anyways (sorry kushblow lol)

    @The_Martinator...see, its just what I mean...I dunno much about these trackers other than what I read...and nowhere did it seem that FSC and FTN had much in common...after reading thru these posts though, I'm obviously wrong about that such, even though I would "eventually" like to get on FTN, it does seem I perhaps don't need it now...that said, I am now interested in PTM since a number of y'all seem to recommend it to me...would you say, its worth having for me?

    also if I had indeed waited before making this request, I wouldnt've gotten this many replies now, would've I? ^^ seems most people didn't get the meaning of why i wrote that...i was saying that I'll never request FTN over FSC (just not worded properly) and indeed I never did

    @Funkin'...well without a question, FSC has become one of my fav trackers...irrespective of which other trackers I join, I'm def. gonna keep up with FSC so yeah, FSC is indeed awesome...that said, I always though there was much difference between FSC and FTN...but if there isn't (like you said)...well then that's a real shame I was waiting for your reply...I kinda enjoy responding to you

    aite so here goes:

    see I didn't know (or couldn't tell) that FTN and FSC had so much in common...if I knew I def. wouldnt've requested it...I thought that instead FTN and SCT had much in common and that I had a better chance of getting into FTN than SCT (hence the request)...I also didn't realize that FTN had paid invites otherwise I probably wouldnt've bothered...also, like I've been saying...FSC is awesome...I'm just hoping to find another tracker that's awesome (even if not as good since I doubt any are that good)

    as for movies...well yeah you are right...most "real" movie fans would stick with old movies...I'm not questioning that either...its just that most of the old movies that I watch, I prefer to watch them on TV (since they are potentially easier to find)...whereas, I only d/l the new yeah, I'm not saying old movies are bad...on the contrary, no new movie comes anywhere near the old ones...however, I only d/l new movies (have only done that so far anyways) so I don't want to "waste" an invite to karagarga or some specialized movie tracker per se

    As for donating...again I think I wasn't clear in my explanation (mind you, I was half-dead when I typed this earlier so hopefully I'll make more sense now) are right that people would happily donate for friendship, help, support, etc...but do you really think that a thread requesting the respective site (such as this one) is enough to invoke emotions (or w/e else it needs) so that the inviter is willing to splash out cash for the person (like me)?...I would've thought that any person who spends cash on another person would instead prefer to get to know the person better....perhaps chat through msn, discuss other know just get to know the person better before they go ahead and burn some cash...that's my opinion though

    also the way torrent sites are going, I don't think I make for a very good user tbh...I'm saying this because most sites seemingly would like to go paid...whereas, I've always been a little stiff when it comes to paying cash (there are sites I would happily do so for when I have the cash, with FSC being the latest addition but they are few and far between)...either way, I'm not on any of these paid sites so my comments are rather intangible in all truth (other than DT, but I joined there when it was open sign-up ages ago)

    @ca_aok...well its just like I've been much as I would love to, clearly I can't please everyone...I will agree with you though that perhaps PTM is indeed what I'm truly looking for...again, I just don't know really because these mini-reviews where mostly the reviewer is complimenting these sites, hardly tell the real scenario regarding these trackers (i.e. if its worth having or not, or for that matter, what the site truly offers)

    that said, I still think FTN is a good site to have...fine it perhaps has a lot more common with FSC than I realized but atleast my gut feeling tells me that there are still a number of things differentiating the two that they both can be worth having at the same time (I could be wrong though ofcourse)...and yeah, I'll perhaps end up getting into the site through FSC only...still doesn't hurt to ask here...besides if nothing else, I, at the very least, enjoyed this discussion (can't say everyone else did though - I'm looking at kushblow lol)

    @forfos...indeed it is a hard one...if it wasn't...there wouldnt've been a 4-page discussion lol

    and finally @kushblow (you are gonna hate me for this haha)

    firstly, I dunno what's the orange you were mentioning...I do have a bad habit of rambling though (as you obviously wrote )

    secondly, since you don't exactly want an answer to why I made this request (although I did mention earlier why I did) I won't bother replying to that either...still its nice knowing that you actually read through this thread (atleast partly) despite getting a headache from my posts lol

    cheers everyone!

    I'm just gonna agree with whatever you said there cause it seems sofistimicated ...

    Oh btw I see back on page 1 you don't really know why you're requesting this. I heard sexy FTN people like confidence...

    Seriously though if you're not sure why you're requesting it, and ITS ONLY BEEN A WEEK since you got into a new tracker (hard to please people who want more after being invited to FSC ), I wonder what's up. Sure you can keep continuing to reply to these posts, and people can continue knit-picking and dissecting all your posts, but

    Last edited by KushBlow; 10-29-2009 at 01:51 AM.

  4. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #44
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    I understand that this ritual is important to maintain standards within (let's just call them) "sites that are preferable". However, here is a case where we have someone who is a plus to the community. He can add to a discussion-and does so. He can make an argument- and does so.. He can defend himself/a topic without getting upset- this thread, and the last one, are good examples of that.

    So, we have someone who does not have a history of breaking community/site rules and he enjoys being a part of the community. In this case, is NEED really a factor for exclusion? When someone brings quality to the table, why not let him try out the site? No one will lose out, or get kicked off, because the guy gets a shot. This is one case where curiosity should be enough.

    I am willing to bet that kool would not be the worst member that FTN ever had.
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  5. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #45
    kooltilldend's Avatar One n Only BT Rep: +2
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    900 i don't really know how to answer one point, you sound like you are complimenting me while the other you are obviously bashing me

    what I will say though is not just me, I cannot think of anyone who would join a site such as FTN or even SCT (or any other site - unless its your first of the kind) as a NEED...FSC is unique in a lot of ways so it makes sense when I can provide very legitimate reasons for trying to get in are right, I don't have any reasons nearly as strong to want to join FTN...but do I really "need" such reasons? is being a good user really not enough? posts generally make sense, I seed my stuff for ages...try my best to seed back what I take (i mean directly and not thru bonuses)...and really overall, don't create much of a hassle

    tell me if i'm wrong but really does a tracker require anything more than that from a member?

    @megabytme...thanks again for the support mate!'ve summarized everything i'm saying above (just in a more accurate and succinct way as you always do lol)...i'm trying to make the same point too...I think I have most of the qualities of being a good really just because a tracker isn't "essential" to my requirements doesn't mean I shouldn't be given a chance (or for that matter anyone)

  6. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #46
    KushBlow's Avatar Zen BT Rep: +8BT Rep +8
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    Quote Originally Posted by kooltilldend View Post
    FSC is unique in a lot of ways so it makes sense when I can provide very legitimate reasons for trying to get in are right, I don't have any reasons nearly as strong to want to join FTN...but do I really "need" such reasons? is being a good user really not enough? posts generally make sense, I seed my stuff for ages...try my best to seed back what I take (i mean directly and not thru bonuses)...and really overall, don't create much of a hassle

    tell me if i'm wrong but really does a tracker require anything more than that from a member?
    Kind of paradoxical. You don't "need" such reasons but on the other hand you say you don't "need" FTN. I'm not bashing you, just stating my opinion. You are a good user and I have nothing against you, but believe me there are other good users here at FST, maybe not as capable of writing long replies like you but good nonetheless.

    And also, why contradict yourself like you did with the quote?

    oh and if you are indeed wondering then no I won't be requesting FTN anytime soon either since I feel FSC is more useful for me (and vice versa)
    This baffles me, no explanation required. FSC is more useful for you (like it says), and you don't "need" FTN apparently. This is like when you finally get that hot girl you've been wanting, nail her for a week, and then proceed to cheat on her with another hot chick.

  7. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #47
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Quote Originally Posted by KushBlow View Post
    This is like when you finally get that hot girl you've been wanting, nail her for a week, and then proceed to cheat on her with another hot chick.
    This is BT. There is no monogamy here. You can bang 'em, you just can't trade 'em.
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  8. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #48
    KushBlow's Avatar Zen BT Rep: +8BT Rep +8
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    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by KushBlow View Post
    This is like when you finally get that hot girl you've been wanting, nail her for a week, and then proceed to cheat on her with another hot chick.
    This is BT. There is no monogamy here. You can bang 'em, you just can't trade 'em.
    It's the principle .

    I don't even think kool is legally authorized to request anything just a week after getting FSC. Unless he lives in Texas.

    I wish you the best don't get me wrong, it's just that "i want" thing that throws me off. First it was FSC, now it's FTN, next week it's gonna be SCT. No you're probably not gonna request X tracker after getting X but how do I know since you already did that once? Sorry for being rather hostile but this is what FST did to me as well. FST. They turned me into this...thing. Ever since I don't eat, don't sleep, I just post random ass shit with a quirky twist on FST while pretending to look smart. LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO ME!

    *rips of shirt hulk hogan style*
    Last edited by KushBlow; 10-29-2009 at 04:14 AM.

  9. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #49
    Poster BT Rep: +2
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    hiya kooltilldend,you surely can write. I bet, you would always top the essay writing competitions held anywhere.

    well on your request, as someone else in this thread stated that you are a good user to have at any tracker. If this was ur first request, this might have been filled by now(If i was staff, i would do it). But as you had another request for fsc a few weeks ago, that surely reduces your chances to get in. what doesnt seem legit that if you were geniunly looking to get into FSC due to their community, then what else do you need from ftn. If you are not sure what you need then why are going for the top tracker. you should try something like ptm, ptn, ptp. If they can't fulfill your needs then make a request, that due to blah blah..... i want ftn cuz i can find blah blah........ on those trackers.
    It has been only a week that you got into FSC and you have 400 posts(according to a post in this thread). This also seems like a posting competition as if you were trying to prove something. Before your request for FSC you had approx 200 posts here at FST. but after that your post count is 2.5x . So was this all a set up for this ftn request. I surely doubt it.

    and don't get me wrong that i am against this request, I was one of the users who wished you luck with your FSC request. but another request just after FSC, does raise some questions.

    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post

    This is BT. There is no monogamy here. You can bang 'em, you just can't trade 'em.
    lol it cracked me up.

  10. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #50
    kooltilldend's Avatar One n Only BT Rep: +2
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    Quote Originally Posted by KushBlow View Post
    Kind of paradoxical. You don't "need" such reasons but on the other hand you say you don't "need" FTN. I'm not bashing you, just stating my opinion. You are a good user and I have nothing against you, but believe me there are other good users here at FST, maybe not as capable of writing long replies like you but good nonetheless.

    And also, why contradict yourself like you did with the quote?
    well there's an obvious misunderstanding here so lemme see if I can explain myself any better

    when I say I don't need reasons...I'm not saying I don't need FTN...its not the same thing's how

    I'm saying I can offer a lot to FTN (and get back in vice versa)...however, until I join the site...I dunno what the site truly offers and as such, dunno how "useful" the site is for me - same statement holds true for all sites until you join them no, perhaps I don't "need" the site...but I don't know that atm - if you know what I mean

    also I'm not saying there are no other good users here...there most def. are...and perhaps some of them (if not all) deserve to be on sites like FTN, SCT, etc too...however, at the end of the day, we are on the internet and that too on a unless they can "talk" (or in this case "type"), they aren't doing themselves any favors

    oh and if you are indeed wondering then no I won't be requesting FTN anytime soon either since I feel FSC is more useful for me (and vice versa)
    I already explained what I meant by that quote...that quote isn't saying I won't be requesting FTN (afterall, FTN - along with SCT are two of the trackers I would love to join eventually)...rather it was saying that I feel (from my understanding of what I read elsewhere) that I would be better off requesting FSC before I request FTN (which is what I did)...that's why, as you can check from my background...that was my 2nd FSC request, yet this is my first FTN request - i.e. I would've never requested FTN (or any other site for that matter) before I managed to get into FSC (where I'm a member now)

    This baffles me, no explanation required. FSC is more useful for you (like it says), and you don't "need" FTN apparently. This is like when you finally get that hot girl you've been wanting, nail her for a week, and then proceed to cheat on her with another hot chick.
    again, its not about I don't "need" FTN...I simply do not know at this point (nor does anyone else)...unless one joins a tracker, its impossible to tell how useful a tracker is for you (or for anyone else)

    also I think the analogy you presented doesn't really work since I'm not leaving that hot girl (i.e. FSC), I'm just trying to hook up with more than one hot chick at a time (i.e. FTN, SCT) - something that practically everyone does in torrenting (I mean c'mon...who's a member of only "one" tracker?)

    Quote Originally Posted by awaited View Post
    hiya kooltilldend,you surely can write. I bet, you would always top the essay writing competitions held anywhere.

    well on your request, as someone else in this thread stated that you are a good user to have at any tracker. If this was ur first request, this might have been filled by now(If i was staff, i would do it). But as you had another request for fsc a few weeks ago, that surely reduces your chances to get in. what doesnt seem legit that if you were geniunly looking to get into FSC due to their community, then what else do you need from ftn. If you are not sure what you need then why are going for the top tracker. you should try something like ptm, ptn, ptp. If they can't fulfill your needs then make a request, that due to blah blah..... i want ftn cuz i can find blah blah........ on those trackers.
    It has been only a week that you got into FSC and you have 400 posts(according to a post in this thread). This also seems like a posting competition as if you were trying to prove something. Before your request for FSC you had approx 200 posts here at FST. but after that your post count is 2.5x . So was this all a set up for this ftn request. I surely doubt it.

    and don't get me wrong that i am against this request, I was one of the users who wished you luck with your FSC request. but another request just after FSC, does raise some questions.
    hey mate! thanks for your my reply, i'll admit you are partly are partly wrong too though imo - here's where i feel you are:

    yeah i can write a lot lol...i like writing poems so its a bit of a natural tendency to "go with the flow" lol

    you just wrote that I'm a good user to be had at any tracker (assuming you believe that statement) - well if I am then why does it matter that I am a member of a site I joined recently? I could've joined another site recently through separate means and then made a request here would've complaint then? (since no1 would've known you'd think)...just b'coz some1 was kind enough to invite me here should be irrespective to another site I'm requesting, don't you think? perhaps if the two had much in common then it would be a different story (I def. felt this was not the case before I read a few posts in this I kinda agree with y'all)

    also you are right...I got into fsc for the community and tbh I couldn't be happier...I love the site, have already made a bunch of friends and really its one of the finest sites I'm a member of now...but again, what does that have to do with ftn? If ftn is as good as it supposedly is...then that just means, I have two wonderful sites that I'm a member of...anything wrong with that?...maybe if ftn too was all about community but it isn't, is it?

    FTN, from my understanding, is about torrenting, scene, pre-times and so on...despite being a great site...none of these are the primary aspects of FSC (atleast most are not) me, that's enough reasons to want to join a very good site

    now finally onto your point about my posting spree...if you checked properly, you would've seen I had hardly any (if any) posts after last Dec...that's because I graduated from uni back then and had been going through a bit of a all fairness, I still am but things are certainly somewhat better now...really my whole torrenting life had taken a backseat since last dec and only got better maybe a month or 2 ago

    as for FSC's request...that came from seeing a request that was posted just before mine (something I mentioned there too) all truth, I didn't think it would get filled but thankfully it I figured, it wouldn't hurt to try worst, I won't get in...and well, its not like I am getting in any other manner anyways...hence this request

    as for spamming...well I "am" a spammer (i.e. a big poster)...I have over 10k posts on another site, more than 1k on a large number of forums and had at one point posted over 1k posts in a single day!...i'm not trying to boast anything here...but am trying to explain why this sudden surge in my posts shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone (and infact if things remain stable for me...this will def. become a norm rather than a random scene i promise)
    Last edited by kooltilldend; 10-29-2009 at 04:36 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

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