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Thread: Do you think once you join a "high lvl" site you become a better member?

  1. #21
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Quote Originally Posted by bryant View Post
    You see, bad-day is the type of guy who encourage you to spam others people threads.
    I see what you mean. I am highly corruptible to such Bad-Influences.
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  2. BitTorrent   -   #22
    Rart's Avatar Hold The Line
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    Quote Originally Posted by bryant View Post
    You see, bad-day is the type of guy who encourage you to spam others people threads.
    That's why his sig says "Closed". (with a <3 FST due to how unlikely that is to happen :-P)
    Last edited by Rart; 11-01-2009 at 04:03 PM.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #23
    BobFromAccounting's Avatar Is it Friday yet?
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    I don't think getting into more "exclusive" trackers actually changes people, I feel that a lot of the time it just brings out what has been there all along. What I'm trying to say is people often find it a lot more difficult to "put themselves out there" when there are a lot more people involved. I think using a real life example might kinda help back up what I'm saying...

    Let's say you're standing in two different crowds at two different points of time. Now lets say up in the front of the crowd there is a stage with a microphone in both cases, and it's an open mic, you, or anyone else can go up and say what they want to say. Now lets say the first crowd is the community from one of the behemoths like TorrentLeech, and the second crowd is the community from a much smaller, and closer tracker (You can fill in the blank on this one, there's multiple options). For arguments sake lets say the first crowd consists 75,000 people. Not all of them are paying attention, some of them are day dreaming or in their own little world, but up on the stage you're blindfolded, you have no idea who is paying attention and who isn't. Now lets say you're in the second crowd, and this one has 5,000 members. It's smaller, and you've most likely run into a number of the people that are in the crowd, you're still blindfolded but they're generally nice guys. To them, you're more than just another faceless number. Quite frankly I believe I can say with definite certainty that you'll be more likely to go up in front of the second crowd to say something than the first. It's something in human nature, kinda like stage fright. Not everyone has it, not everyone is deathly afraid of speaking their mind, but they would still feel more comfortable with a smaller number of people they have seen around and they know will be generally mature about things and not complete dicks.

    People are always afraid of people judging them or forming a negative opinion about them, noone wants to feel unwelcome. Some bigger trackers have the "in" crowd, if you're part of this than you're generally not afraid of posting anything or putting yourself out there because you know they have your back, where on the opposite spectrum you're the new guy and you come to ask yourself the question "Is it really worth posting this at all? Do I want to take the chance that I'm going to get ridiculed, or should I just not go through the trouble and remain another faceless shadow?" Generally people will choose to remain another faceless shadow, nothing gained, nothing lost, except for opportunities that never would have presented themselves otherwise. And don't get me wrong, of course there's an "in" crowd pretty much everywhere, but they're generally more welcoming on smaller trackers from my experience anyways.

    And of course there's just the people who have never glanced at the forum and have no idea what IRC is, they remain happy and content on browse.php and never seek anything else. These people exist everywhere, even on the most exclusive trackers out there that are said to have the best communities.

  4. BitTorrent   -   #24
    Totti's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +21BT Rep +21BT Rep +21BT Rep +21BT Rep +21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Albo Da Kid View Post
    Change can happen if one joined a community with a lot of experienced members(and im not talking Bittorrent experience wise) . I for example have learned a few things or two from observing "wise" and intelligent members post.

    Getting to know users who are wiser and have more life experience than you, has an effect on you. You start to pay attention to how they behave, what they say and how they say it, and you start to learn from them.

    I've met intelligent and intellectual users who've influenced and left impressions on me.

    Levels don't have anything to do change of behavior. Hdbits is a high level for example, and I wouldn't expect anyone to make any remarkable changes after joining it.

    Fst was once upon a time the #1 community filled with such members. It was exciting being here when guys like artemis disme cabalo cine polarbear and others were online at the same time and ready to discuss about the bittorrent politics. No other hgh level tracker or community or w/e is ever going to be like that again.

    I remember members often coming here and making requests on high level trackers for the sake of the community and would never believe it when they were told that Fst was the best community out there. Only if they knew lol
    I still think fst is a very good community i can always find interesting people to talk to here. Albo hdbits is not community oriented from what I understand and i'm asking about joining high lvl community based trackers.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #25
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    im, sorry to spam, after such nice replies made by francesco totti ( go roma! ) and karid - aka karate kid.

    Im always contorversial, and fun, no matter what.

    Quote Originally Posted by bryant View Post
    Yes, I believe so. When you are surrounded by better people and the environment is inviting you for being better of course you will be and do better.

    I can speak from experience, from the moment I entered into a tracker in particular, I can honestly say that I became a more responsible and active member because the site in general made me that way. That said, I do not mean I was a bad member prior to that, I simply didn't tried so hard because I didn't saw the need.
    No, you just, sound like someone who started to kiss all the buts he could,,,

    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Bad-Day View Post

    But, last night you said, it was so big!! Liar!!!
    No. I said stop emailing me pics. Just because you use a high-res camera does not make it BIG.
    I Wobe you!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by bryant View Post
    You see, bad-day is the type of guy who encourage you to spam others people threads.
    This topic deserves it. Fl or Tb, or demonoid, deserve the same respect has sct. or whatever, maybe even more, since their older, ( if not mistaken ) older = older users, not the generall teens you seen on all those penins enlargement sites.

    Uh, i returned from the dead, because its raining outside.

    i liked also, the way that albo, mentioned cabalo, lol sporting ole ole!
    Last edited by Bad-Day; 11-01-2009 at 08:53 PM.

  6. BitTorrent   -   #26
    pffm's Avatar -M- BT Rep: +8BT Rep +8
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    Ye I like to kiss buts... you too, I know it.

  7. BitTorrent   -   #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by bryant View Post
    Ye I like to kiss buts... you too, I know it.
    DDDDDDD hell yeah, and take their panties whit my theeths!!!! aaaahhh im so horny know, brb, gonna wake up her

  8. BitTorrent   -   #28
    Totti's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +21BT Rep +21BT Rep +21BT Rep +21BT Rep +21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bad-Day View Post
    im, sorry to spam, after such nice replies made by francesco totti ( go roma! ) and karid - aka karate kid.

    Im always contorversial, and fun, no matter what.
    Bad Day are you also a As Roms Fan ?

  9. BitTorrent   -   #29
    apextwin146's Avatar You kNow wHo yOu aRe BT Rep: +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25
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    Define Activity and Contribution first ..
    I consider myself failrly active on FST .. I am on some of those Community jing bang trackers like FSC n all yet i continue to post just on this forum .. you wudnt fund me posting or any other tracker even though i would be a member of it .
    All it has to do with is Activity and Contribution .. I knw guys joining FSC promising activity only to end up spamming the boards with shit load of worthless posts .. Are they active? No .. You see the same threads(Lst movie,song ur listening,lesbo couple ) type of threads in every forum/tracker forum .. So how would you gauge an activity here .. I knw a lot of actually community folks who actually contribute to the tracker not take part in forums just because of the all the lame shit that surfaces continually .. Does that mean they arnt active?
    Next time you get a brainwave and wanna ask some decent questions Quantify the measures first incase you actually want a serious answer ..

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