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Thread: New Torrent Speed World Record at ScT!

  1. #21
    BobFromAccounting's Avatar Is it Friday yet?
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    I don't see why people are acting like this is a big deal, anyone willing to pay could easily upload at this same speed or faster if they were to jump on a new torrent, or upload it themselves, granted it has enough leechers.

  2. BitTorrent   -   #22
    Chief_Garbonzo's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +11BT Rep +11BT Rep +11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karid View Post
    I don't see why people are acting like this is a big deal, anyone willing to pay could easily upload at this same speed or faster if they were to jump on a new torrent, or upload it themselves, granted it has enough leechers.
    as the famous west coast usa rapper Eazy-E would say to you:
    Eazy-er said than dunn!

    Not anyone willing to pay... bandwidth depends on a lot of things. people with superior knowledge with computers and diagnostics and networking are morely likely to pull something like this off. bandwidth also can depend a lot on the locations of certain systems. some people are into networking bandwidth, and some dont care. but seeing that speed record, is sweet to me. I look at it as a technology news break

  3. BitTorrent   -   #23
    Yeah seen it
    Copy the bunny to your siggy to help him achieve world domination

  4. BitTorrent   -   #24
    Poster BT Rep: +7BT Rep +7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karid View Post
    I don't see why people are acting like this is a big deal, anyone willing to pay could easily upload at this same speed or faster if they were to jump on a new torrent, or upload it themselves, granted it has enough leechers.
    So the fact that it can be replicated means it isn't kind of cool? It isn't a really big deal. It's just like, wow that's fast. It's pretty cool to see those numbers and I don't see anyone really sweating SCT in this thread.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #25
    BobFromAccounting's Avatar Is it Friday yet?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chief_Garbonzo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Karid View Post
    I don't see why people are acting like this is a big deal, anyone willing to pay could easily upload at this same speed or faster if they were to jump on a new torrent, or upload it themselves, granted it has enough leechers.
    as the famous west coast usa rapper Eazy-E would say to you:
    Eazy-er said than dunn!

    Not anyone willing to pay... bandwidth depends on a lot of things. people with superior knowledge with computers and diagnostics and networking are morely likely to pull something like this off. bandwidth also can depend a lot on the locations of certain systems. some people are into networking bandwidth, and some dont care. but seeing that speed record, is sweet to me. I look at it as a technology news break
    This does not require "superior knowledge with computers and diagnostics and networking", it just requires having a deep enough pocket to purchase a box on a fast line and enough leechers. It's no technology news break, these kind of speeds have been around for awhile. And in regards to people paying, any site with sufficient donations could buy an identical or faster box.

    The whole point of this thread, and that screenshot, was to essentially flaunt something that can be replicated and beaten with relative ease. If it was to brag about pre times or something, more power to them, I just think it's pointless to praise an upload speed that can be matched by anyone willing to drop a few bucks. If it was a normal user flaunting their super cool new seedbox, than alright I don't have as big of a problem with that, but when it's a site's autoer funded by donations I see nothing praiseworthy in trying to wave their e-penis around.

  6. BitTorrent   -   #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Karid View Post
    This does not require "superior knowledge with computers and diagnostics and networking", it just requires having a deep enough pocket to purchase a box on a fast line and enough leechers. It's no technology news break, these kind of speeds have been around for awhile. And in regards to people paying, any site with sufficient donations could buy an identical or faster box.

    The whole point of this thread, and that screenshot, was to essentially flaunt something that can be replicated and beaten with relative ease. If it was to brag about pre times or something, more power to them, I just think it's pointless to praise an upload speed that can be matched by anyone willing to drop a few bucks. If it was a normal user flaunting their super cool new seedbox, than alright I don't have as big of a problem with that, but when it's a site's autoer funded by donations I see nothing praiseworthy in trying to wave their e-penis around.
    If it's so "easy to beat" then why haven't any other trackers posted such speeds already? Or are you suggesting that Feeling is only trying to flaunt his e-penis some more and that all of the other trackers out there who, as you assume, *could* pull such speeds just simply don't care?

    I mean sorry but if you spend that much money to get fast speeds like that, I for one would want to show other people how friggin cool it is. E-penises aside, and as TrollinThunder said, it's just something cool to see. Also considering SCT is one of the fastest trackers with some of the fastest pre-times, it goes to show that these kinds of speeds ARE in fact the best out there atm. Regardless of the fact that, yes, you could probably buy faster speeds, I've yet to see anyone else do so. So I'm not sure where you're coming up with your "facts" from. Perhaps you can post screenshots of better speeds from somewhere else? Please do so - I'd be interested to know their hardware/network setup too

  7. BitTorrent   -   #27
    cinephilia's Avatar I don't like you BT Rep: +10BT Rep +10
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    behind you
    amazing! wonderful! extraordinary!

    ... but useless in the end.
    whenever people agree with me, i always feel i must be wrong.

  8. BitTorrent   -   #28
    Totti's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +21BT Rep +21BT Rep +21BT Rep +21BT Rep +21
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    So it takes the pretime to 0.00000000001 sec who cares not such a big deal
    Last edited by Totti; 11-14-2009 at 05:26 PM.

  9. BitTorrent   -   #29
    BobFromAccounting's Avatar Is it Friday yet?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mousee View Post
    If it's so "easy to beat" then why haven't any other trackers posted such speeds already? Or are you suggesting that Feeling is only trying to flaunt his e-penis some more and that all of the other trackers out there who, as you assume, *could* pull such speeds just simply don't care?
    Why haven't they posted such speeds already? Maybe not everyone feels like waving their e-penis around, the whole point of Feeling posting that was to do just that. Also, I don't assume anyone *could*, I know for a fact *anyone* willing to spend the money can. This isn't racing a release, this is just uploading, which you could accomplish with ease on *any* site on a release with numerous leechers if you spent the money to get a box on a similar or faster line.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mousee View Post
    I mean sorry but if you spend that much money to get fast speeds like that, I for one would want to show other people how friggin cool it is. E-penises aside, and as TrollinThunder said, it's just something cool to see. Also considering SCT is one of the fastest trackers with some of the fastest pre-times, it goes to show that these kinds of speeds ARE in fact the best out there atm.
    If he wanted to post it on his site and go "hey guys, look what your donations got", alright, if you want to go flaunt it on a public forum that's completely different and obvious attention seeking.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mousee View Post
    Regardless of the fact that, yes, you could probably buy faster speeds, I've yet to see anyone else do so. So I'm not sure where you're coming up with your "facts" from. Perhaps you can post screenshots of better speeds from somewhere else? Please do so - I'd be interested to know their hardware/network setup too
    You've yet to see anyone else do so? Do you talk to every site owner and ask them what line their boxes are on? Just because people don't wave it in your face doesn't mean it's not out there. You'd like to know their hardware / network setup? Go look at any of the 10gbit OVH servers. Are they the best? No. Could they top 198MB/s? Definitely.

  10. BitTorrent   -   #30

    Question Mark

    Quote Originally Posted by Karid View Post
    Why haven't they posted such speeds already? Maybe not everyone feels like waving their e-penis around, the whole point of Feeling posting that was to do just that.
    Which is funny because just after wards you say this:
    If he wanted to post it on his site and go "hey guys, look what your donations got", alright, if you want to go flaunt it on a public forum that's completely different and obvious attention seeking.
    Apparently you didn't notice that the OP, who posted the picture FYI, is NOT Feeling

    Also, I don't assume anyone *could*, I know for a fact *anyone* willing to spend the money can. This isn't racing a release, this is just uploading, which you could accomplish with ease on *any* site on a release with numerous leechers if you spent the money to get a box on a similar or faster line.
    Which I'm sure is mostly true, given you'd need a site admin who knows how to setup said box to achieve such speeds (good luck getting said speeds without some customization), and excellent peering which is pretty hard to come by (certainly not the kind you find at OVH), however I don't see anyone else with such a setup posting better speeds. And by posting I don't mean it has to be here at FST, it could be on their own forums, though no doubt it would get out to FST eventually. Of course as you say they could just be keeping that to themselves:

    You've yet to see anyone else do so? Do you talk to every site owner and ask them what line their boxes are on? Just because people don't wave it in your face doesn't mean it's not out there. You'd like to know their hardware / network setup? Go look at any of the 10gbit OVH servers. Are they the best? No. Could they top 198MB/s? Definitely.
    But then I don't need to talk to any site owners. If they aren't "waving it in my face", as you put it, then I guarantee you they don't have it. It's really that simple. You don't purchase a box that expensive without at least showing your members amazing speeds like that - and I'm pretty damn sure anyone who has something like that has a pretty big e-penis they want to show off.
    It'd be like buying a Porsche and then hiding it in your garage so no one knows about it. Unless you have several Porches and you drive them instead... then okay

    And btw, just because you're on a 10gbit line and you've got a couple SSD's in a RAID0, doesn't mean you automagically pull speeds faster than 198MB/sec. However feel free to ask all of the people who've purchased one how their torrenting speeds are.
    Oh wait.....

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