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Thread: New Torrent Speed World Record at ScT!

  1. #31
    This thread is dildos

  2. BitTorrent   -   #32
    Join Date
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    look, its a talking chair!!!

    Have i smoked too much ?

    were can i get one ? In Ikea ?
    Last edited by Bad-Day; 11-14-2009 at 11:29 PM.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #33
    BobFromAccounting's Avatar Is it Friday yet?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mousee View Post
    Which is funny because just after wards you say this:
    If he wanted to post it on his site and go "hey guys, look what your donations got", alright, if you want to go flaunt it on a public forum that's completely different and obvious attention seeking.
    Apparently you didn't notice that the OP, who posted the picture FYI, is NOT Feeling

    Feel free to check the time that was posted compared to this thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mousee View Post
    Also, I don't assume anyone *could*, I know for a fact *anyone* willing to spend the money can. This isn't racing a release, this is just uploading, which you could accomplish with ease on *any* site on a release with numerous leechers if you spent the money to get a box on a similar or faster line.
    Which I'm sure is mostly true, given you'd need a site admin who knows how to setup said box to achieve such speeds (good luck getting said speeds without some customization), and excellent peering which is pretty hard to come by (certainly not the kind you find at OVH), however I don't see anyone else with such a setup posting better speeds. And by posting I don't mean it has to be here at FST, it could be on their own forums, though no doubt it would get out to FST eventually. Of course as you say they could just be keeping that to themselves:

    You've yet to see anyone else do so? Do you talk to every site owner and ask them what line their boxes are on? Just because people don't wave it in your face doesn't mean it's not out there. You'd like to know their hardware / network setup? Go look at any of the 10gbit OVH servers. Are they the best? No. Could they top 198MB/s? Definitely.
    But then I don't need to talk to any site owners. If they aren't "waving it in my face", as you put it, then I guarantee you they don't have it. It's really that simple. You don't purchase a box that expensive without at least showing your members amazing speeds like that - and I'm pretty damn sure anyone who has something like that has a pretty big e-penis they want to show off.
    It'd be like buying a Porsche and then hiding it in your garage so no one knows about it. Unless you have several Porches and you drive them instead... then okay

    And btw, just because you're on a 10gbit line and you've got a couple SSD's in a RAID0, doesn't mean you automagically pull speeds faster than 198MB/sec. However feel free to ask all of the people who've purchased one how their torrenting speeds are.
    Oh wait.....
    Try to realize that not everyone is like you, and not everyone feels the need to show off. (Also try to realize sysops don't sit there all day watching how fast their box is uploading so they can screencap it. Not to mention members obviously take notice when they get their 100mbit and gbit boxes maxed out by the initial seed, some things go without saying.) Consider a car like the earlier Audi RS4s. They were wagons, looked like something the average soccer mom would drive, and could blow that flashy Porsche of yours out of the water. Have you also forgotten there are some sites that don't wish to be traced despite having comparable pre times to some of the "top sites"? Not everyone cares about e-penises, and it doesn't take some kind of prodigy to set up a box on a fast line, or to find someone willing to aid you in doing so.

  4. BitTorrent   -   #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Karid View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mousee View Post
    Which is funny because just after wards you say this:

    Apparently you didn't notice that the OP, who posted the picture FYI, is NOT Feeling

    Feel free to check the time that was posted compared to this thread.
    LOL my point still stands. By your definition it's "okay" if he posts it on his own forums, but if he comes here and posts it then it's "completely different and obviously attention seeking. However if someone else also posts about it then we're left with what? A mix of both?
    Feeling's post in the other thread was in a topic about pre-times, other tracker's pre-time speeds in comparison to SCT & SCC, and after someone mentioned tracker speeds they were included in the "comparison" as well. So explain to me how his post was "obvious attention seeking" when that thread is all about competition and comparing speeds? Your logic seems to suggest that anyone attempting to compete here, by showing they're "better" than another, is "obvious attention seeking". I suppose you could conclude that any form of competition is therefore attention seeking, no?

    Try to realize that not everyone is like you, and not everyone feels the need to show off.
    What's "like me"? I think I've made what? 8-9 posts in total here, and you know me that well already?

    (Also try to realize sysops don't sit there all day watching how fast their box is uploading so they can screencap it. Not to mention members obviously take notice when they get their 100mbit and gbit boxes maxed out by the initial seed, some things go without saying.)
    I'm not sure I even stated, much less implied, anyone was sitting around a box all day watching their upload speeds. If you're implying that's what Feeling was doing then I see a couple problems with that assumption. For one, it's rather obvious that Feeling was anticipating a LOT of leechers on the MW2 torrent (who wasn't?) and chose to wait for the release and watch what kind of speeds the SCT box might get with that kind of peer size. I've yet seen any other screenshots from him in regards to other random torrents, so as you're in the habit of assuming, I'll assume this is/was a rarity. Second, it's quite clear by now that you have a disfunctional e-penis issue. You've made some far out claims, thrown around biased assumptions (including assuming you "know" me) around, and have yet to prove your claims that "anyone" can achieve such speeds. Honestly I'd love to meet this "anyone" and see just what kind of speeds they can get on their OVH box. Or oops, sorry, I assumed it was an OVH box

    Anyways - the point is you assume too much. With no evidence to back up your claims, as Feeling did in the post you so kindly pointed out, I don't see how anyone can take you seriously. If setting up such a system is so easy then why hasn't anyone else replied to Feeling's post (or this thread) with better stats? How come we haven't seen a screenshot or evidence of someone elsewhere, assuming they don't know about or don't post on FST, having reached such speeds? Simple - because it's not as easy as you've assumed. There's no person out there going "I heard about SCT supposedly beating the torrent speed world record, but my box can do 10x that speed easily. I'm just not going to post a screenie of it because all of the 3 users on my amazingly fast tracker like to remain ninjas."

    You hear that Feeling? OUR KUNG-FU TOO GOO FO JOO!!

    Ninja trackers with 10gbit speeds don't exist. Period. Get over it.

    Have you also forgotten there are some sites that don't wish to be traced despite having comparable pre times to some of the "top sites"?
    I don't recall mentioning anything about pre-times in any of my posts? So no I don't care.

    Consider a car like the earlier Audi RS4s. They were wagons, looked like something the average soccer mom would drive, and could blow that flashy Porsche of yours out of the water.
    Sorry but I know jack shit about expensive/fast cars and could care less. I used the Porsche as an example of a high-end, fast, expensive car to compare with the seedbox in question to show that you wouldn't just buy something like that and not want to show if off. Personally I think (most) Porsches are ugly anyways, but I'd still be envious if I saw one as 1) I can't afford it, and 2) it'd beat the shit out of my crappy car any day, even if it was running on just two wheels.

    ...and it doesn't take some kind of prodigy to set up a box on a fast line, or to find someone willing to aid you in doing so.
    No but clearly it takes a prodigy to figure out that you can't get the kinds of speeds in the screenshot that was posted with the kind of generic setup you're talking about. Go read about how bitorrent peering works for starters.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #35
    BobFromAccounting's Avatar Is it Friday yet?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mousee View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Karid View Post

    Feel free to check the time that was posted compared to this thread.
    LOL my point still stands. By your definition it's "okay" if he posts it on his own forums, but if he comes here and posts it then it's "completely different and obviously attention seeking. However if someone else also posts about it then we're left with what? A mix of both?
    Feeling's post in the other thread was in a topic about pre-times, other tracker's pre-time speeds in comparison to SCT & SCC, and after someone mentioned tracker speeds they were included in the "comparison" as well. So explain to me how his post was "obvious attention seeking" when that thread is all about competition and comparing speeds? Your logic seems to suggest that anyone attempting to compete here, by showing they're "better" than another, is "obvious attention seeking". I suppose you could conclude that any form of competition is therefore attention seeking, no?
    If you honestly believe that post had nothing to do with flailing his e-peen around, than all I can say is lol.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mousee View Post
    Try to realize that not everyone is like you, and not everyone feels the need to show off.
    What's "like me"? I think I've made what? 8-9 posts in total here, and you know me that well already?
    You don't purchase a box that expensive without at least showing your members amazing speeds like that - and I'm pretty damn sure anyone who has something like that has a pretty big e-penis they want to show off.
    It'd be like buying a Porsche and then hiding it in your garage so no one knows about it. Unless you have several Porches and you drive them instead... then okay
    You're opinion is all too clearly represented in that statement, and if you're saying I can't derive what kind of person you are in regards to the subject of that statement, than that would mean you do not support what you said.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mousee View Post
    (Also try to realize sysops don't sit there all day watching how fast their box is uploading so they can screencap it. Not to mention members obviously take notice when they get their 100mbit and gbit boxes maxed out by the initial seed, some things go without saying.)
    I'm not sure I even stated, much less implied, anyone was sitting around a box all day watching their upload speeds. If you're implying that's what Feeling was doing then I see a couple problems with that assumption. For one, it's rather obvious that Feeling was anticipating a LOT of leechers on the MW2 torrent (who wasn't?) and chose to wait for the release and watch what kind of speeds the SCT box might get with that kind of peer size. I've yet seen any other screenshots from him in regards to other random torrents, so as you're in the habit of assuming, I'll assume this is/was a rarity. Second, it's quite clear by now that you have a disfunctional e-penis issue. You've made some far out claims, thrown around biased assumptions (including assuming you "know" me) around, and have yet to prove your claims that "anyone" can achieve such speeds. Honestly I'd love to meet this "anyone" and see just what kind of speeds they can get on their OVH box. Or oops, sorry, I assumed it was an OVH box

    Anyways - the point is you assume too much. With no evidence to back up your claims, as Feeling did in the post you so kindly pointed out, I don't see how anyone can take you seriously. If setting up such a system is so easy then why hasn't anyone else replied to Feeling's post (or this thread) with better stats? How come we haven't seen a screenshot or evidence of someone elsewhere, assuming they don't know about or don't post on FST, having reached such speeds? Simple - because it's not as easy as you've assumed. There's no person out there going "I heard about SCT supposedly beating the torrent speed world record, but my box can do 10x that speed easily. I'm just not going to post a screenie of it because all of the 3 users on my amazingly fast tracker like to remain ninjas."

    You hear that Feeling? OUR KUNG-FU TOO GOO FO JOO!!

    Ninja trackers with 10gbit speeds don't exist. Period. Get over it.
    I'm not sure how stating that it's possible for others to obtain such speeds is a biased opinion, in fact that would be the complete opposite of a biased opinion especially in regards to ScT fanboying, not to mention assuming you know someone is not a bias, maybe you should go look the word up. And what far out claims and baseless assumptions have I made? Faster speeds are possible and if you deny that you are simply ignorant, and if you think I'm going to go buy myself a server on a 10gbit line, or go find someone with one just so I can prove some kid on FST wrong than you are sadly mistaken. I don't need some kind of evidence to prove that 10gbit lines exist, because they do. And than again, I could take the same stance as you have been taking on your last statement, prove to me that there are no trackers with 10gbit boxes. Quite frankly you don't know, that's something you cannot prove to be false, and just because you may not think there is does not mean there isn't.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mousee View Post
    Have you also forgotten there are some sites that don't wish to be traced despite having comparable pre times to some of the "top sites"?
    I don't recall mentioning anything about pre-times in any of my posts? So no I don't care.
    You mentioned that trackers would want to flaunt their e-penises if they had fast upload speeds, and I'm simply backing up my claim that no, not every tracker waves theirs around at every given opportunity.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mousee View Post
    ...and it doesn't take some kind of prodigy to set up a box on a fast line, or to find someone willing to aid you in doing so.
    No but clearly it takes a prodigy to figure out that you can't get the kinds of speeds in the screenshot that was posted with the kind of generic setup you're talking about. Go read about how bitorrent peering works for starters.
    When did I say anything regarding a generic setup? Ohh wait, I didn't, I gave an example of a host that has 10gbit lines. Are you going to get the maximum theoretical speed from them? No. If you get 25% of the theoretical speed can you beat the speed in the screenshot? Yes. Are you going to beat it on a fresh install? Probably not, but contrary to what you seem to be insinuating, it does not take some super ScT wizard's magic to get those speeds, in fact you personally don't even need to know how to do it, you could even pay someone to set it up for you, which supports my initial statement that anyone willing to drop some dough can achieve that upload speed. If one of the behemoths like TL spent even a fraction of the money they make from their essentially P2L donation system they could easily get a box on a 10gbit line, and just for the hell of it pay someone to optimize it for them. Could any other site do the same thing? If they felt like paying for it. Could any other person do the same thing? Again, if they felt like paying for it.

  6. BitTorrent   -   #36
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  7. BitTorrent   -   #37
    Chief_Garbonzo's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +11BT Rep +11BT Rep +11
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    looks like we have a new member in the E-peen Police. honestly Karid, your taking this too far. its pretty much to the point now where you show a pic of your setup that has a better speed or stfu.

  8. BitTorrent   -   #38
    cinephilia's Avatar I don't like you BT Rep: +10BT Rep +10
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    behind you

    this guy will never cease to amaze me!

    whenever people agree with me, i always feel i must be wrong.

  9. BitTorrent   -   #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Karid View Post
    You're opinion is all too clearly represented in that statement, and if you're saying I can't derive what kind of person you are in regards to the subject of that statement, than that would mean you do not support what you said.
    Oh really? Just because I'm discussing a subject and/or stating facts doesn't mean I have to support them, much less practice them. In the same way I could claim that you're clearly jealous of speed that Feeling posted and are trying to play it down as if it's an easy thing to do so as to buff your own ego. However I've yet made that assumption myself because I assumed you were just one of the typical know-it-all guys who loves to make up false drivel that other people either eat up or just ignore because they know it's BS. So far I've proven that

    I'm not sure how stating that it's possible for others to obtain such speeds is a biased opinion, in fact that would be the complete opposite of a biased opinion especially in regards to ScT fanboying, not to mention assuming you know someone is not a bias, maybe you should go look the word up.
    Uhmm, lol? I'm not even sure where to begin with this...
    How you imagine I was talking about you being biased in regards to people obtaining such speeds or not is beyond me. I'm pretty sure I already agreed that someone could indeed get better speeds. So if you're biased on that matter then I'm sure myself and most other people reading this thread are too.

    And I'm sorry you missed my pointing out your biases in my previous posts, though it's rather clear now you have no idea what the word means yourself or you wouldn't have started rambling about something we both already agreed on. Let me know when you've checked in a dictionary and I'll be happy to clarify any points of my claim to your biases.

    And what far out claims and baseless assumptions have I made? Faster speeds are possible and if you deny that you are simply ignorant, and if you think I'm going to go buy myself a server on a 10gbit line, or go find someone with one just so I can prove some kid on FST wrong than you are sadly mistaken. I don't need some kind of evidence to prove that 10gbit lines exist, because they do.
    Again your ignorance is profound as you continue to misquote me.
    Yes, once again, as I've stated, I'm SURE getting speeds faster than 198MB/sec are possible, but as we've yet seen anyone else get said speeds then it just hasn't happened yet. Possibility = yes, happened yet, no. Why? Because either they're you're infamous ninjas and they don't feel like making such information public (for reasons unknown), in which case they only exist in make-believe-land and thus such speeds were never achieved by them, or no one out there can afford (or wants to afford) a better setup. No one out there is coveting such stats "just because". For security reasons is bullshit. If you were running a tracker and were trying to be secure about it you simply wouldn't be running a tracker as it's not nearly as secure as other forms of network sharing that are available.

    With regards to someone having achieved higher speeds in general, not specific to torrenting over a public network, I have no doubts that's true and I'm quite certain I could Google up some form of evidence of it. But again it wouldn't be via torrenting.

    I'm also wondering where I stated or implied that a 10gbit line didn't exist as well... hmmm?
    More ninja magic! You seem to be good at making these kinds of things up.
    The kid comment was at least entertaining though. It's just unfortunate you've run out of any real arguments and have had to resort to this form of childish lambasting.

    And than again, I could take the same stance as you have been taking on your last statement, prove to me that there are no trackers with 10gbit boxes. Quite frankly you don't know, that's something you cannot prove to be false, and just because you may not think there is does not mean there isn't.
    Indeed, I don't know. Tomorrow one of your ninja tracker staff members could leap out of the bushes, capture me, run all kinds of anal probing, and then drop me off at Starbucks for a free coffee. However without any evidence to suggest that such ninja trackers exist anywhere, I'll continue to point out the fact that Feeling is the only person to have posted such an amazing speed and that no one as of yet has stepped up to the plate to show they've been able to get anything better. Which, mind you, isn't to say it won't happen, it just hasn't happened yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mousee View Post
    Have you also forgotten there are some sites that don't wish to be traced despite having comparable pre times to some of the "top sites"?
    I don't recall mentioning anything about pre-times in any of my posts? So no I don't care.
    You mentioned that trackers would want to flaunt their e-penises if they had fast upload speeds, and I'm simply backing up my claim that no, not every tracker waves theirs around at every given opportunity.
    Fast upload speeds = ... pre-times? I hadn't even taken pre-times into consideration when I mentioned that, but I do see your point and how you could assume I was referring to them as well. Though flaunting pre-race times and just showing how fast you can upload things are two rather different "e-penis" subjects if you consider one is going on 24/7 (races) and the other happens... whenever the tracker's staff feel like it I suppose.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mousee View Post
    ...and it doesn't take some kind of prodigy to set up a box on a fast line, or to find someone willing to aid you in doing so.
    No but clearly it takes a prodigy to figure out that you can't get the kinds of speeds in the screenshot that was posted with the kind of generic setup you're talking about. Go read about how bitorrent peering works for starters.
    When did I say anything regarding a generic setup? Ohh wait, I didn't, I gave an example of a host that has 10gbit lines. Are you going to get the maximum theoretical speed from them? No. If you get 25% of the theoretical speed can you beat the speed in the screenshot? Yes. Are you going to beat it on a fresh install? Probably not, but contrary to what you seem to be insinuating, it does not take some super ScT wizard's magic to get those speeds, in fact you personally don't even need to know how to do it, you could even pay someone to set it up for you, which supports my initial statement that anyone willing to drop some dough can achieve that upload speed. If one of the behemoths like TL spent even a fraction of the money they make from their essentially P2L donation system they could easily get a box on a 10gbit line, and just for the hell of it pay someone to optimize it for them. Could any other site do the same thing? If they felt like paying for it. Could any other person do the same thing? Again, if they felt like paying for it.
    I'm just going to quote your original post on this:
    This does not require "superior knowledge with computers and diagnostics and networking", it just requires having a deep enough pocket to purchase a box on a fast line and enough leechers. It's no technology news break, these kind of speeds have been around for awhile. And in regards to people paying, any site with sufficient donations could buy an identical or faster box.
    I don't see any mention of paying for someone else to set it up for you, I just see an ignorant, uneducated statement that suggests a faster setup only requires a *fast line* and *enough leechers*. That's as generic as it comes. And once again: Where are they? I don't see any one posting speeds above 198MB/sec. Why? Because it's not as simple as you've stated -which is what I was originally contending. Now if you want to bring in buying someone to set it up for you, we may as well start talking about someone just buying an entire server farm to produce insane, godlike speeds that no one earth could compete with.

    Anyways, this ninja is out.

    PS. Despite being a member of SCT, I dont' really care that much about whatever speed Feeling posted, because my 56k modem still isn't going any faster!
    Last edited by Mousee; 11-15-2009 at 09:26 AM.

  10. BitTorrent   -   #40
    Swift's Avatar twat BT Rep: +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35
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    I'm not looking to get 1000000 MBytes download / upload speed as long as I'm getting what I want and have a good time.

    You know how retarded this thread is when you see people fapping on 197 MB/s dld/up speeds.

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