How is that possible with only some months life? They will be the next TL?
How is that possible with only some months life? They will be the next TL?
Word of mouth, i suppose. The site's not too bad. And another TL wont hurt the torrent community.
WoW! Good news for the BT world of course
not so surprising.
some months ago, a new french tracker ( reached 40k members in only 24h and more than 100k after a week.
whenever people agree with me, i always feel i must be wrong.
Currently we have 194744+ registered members
they really are in a hurry
yeah, I registered too. They have open registration now.
Torrentday doesn't have strict rules compared to other trackers.
Let's see of how many will have their account banned or disabled in the coming month.
is this gonna end up like vip when they disabled almost 10k users within a day?
195244+ Registered member.
Owner of TD is a mighty Turtle From Afghanistan
He is not disabling accounts if someone spam LoL
They have a nice function, they jail members, members posts will be invisible an same comments.
so they don't suspend account until they abuse too much.
Blackbeard, Anti-p2p is in TL/RevT/SCC/Zamunda and all other torrent sites but they don't care about small sites when there are ThePiratebay / isohunt etc...