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Thread: SceneAccess Review

  1. #31
    mindlock's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +20BT Rep +20BT Rep +20BT Rep +20
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    United States
    I'm a member, been a member at SCC for two years......the best tracker period for getting "scene" releases the fastest.....the tracker it a lot like ScT was in the fact that need a seedbox to keep a good ratio as all members there have seedboxes, but the good news is they have an archive section there that is "free leech" and they add the newest "scene" releases to the archive section relatively fast.

  2. BitTorrent Tracker Reviews   -   #32
    Quote Originally Posted by mindlock View Post
    I'm a member, been a member at SCC for two years......the best tracker period for getting "scene" releases the fastest.....the tracker it a lot like ScT was in the fact that need a seedbox to keep a good ratio as all members there have seedboxes, but the good news is they have an archive section there that is "free leech" and they add the newest "scene" releases to the archive section relatively fast.
    NO NO NO! You do NOT need a seedbox and I am sick of people who are not able to manage a ratio saying this! All you do is sit on a few freeleech packs and you can easily get multiple gigabytes per day off of a home connection depending on your speeds. /rage
    My sig, back to being better than anon-sbi's.

    O and if anyone has FTN invite and just don't know what to do with it give it to me

  3. BitTorrent Tracker Reviews   -   #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    yes i agree if that does'nt work too then upload a torrent
    that will surely fix that

  4. BitTorrent Tracker Reviews   -   #34
    Normal users can't upload torrents at SCC, and upapp.php just gives a blank page.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  5. BitTorrent Tracker Reviews   -   #35
    it`s real hard to upload.

    if you doesn`t have seedbox. do not and never get there.

  6. BitTorrent Tracker Reviews   -   #36
    Quarterquack's Avatar sprclfrglstcxpldcs BT Rep: +3
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon-sbi View Post
    Normal users can't upload torrents at SCC, and upapp.php just gives a blank page.
    SCC uses more of a "Talk to the man" approach if you want to be an uploader. Some people on there will even hook you up with lines, links and the app if you're serious.

    If you aren't serious though, you get a warning and a kick in the nuts.

    Quote Originally Posted by xisabella View Post
    if you doesn`t have seedbox. do not and never get there.
    I'm sick and tired of people that react to SCC this way. In a recent poll 50% of the tracker population voted that they do not use a seedbox, so stop complaining. One can easily manage on SCC without a seedbox.
    Ellipses go here.

  7. BitTorrent Tracker Reviews   -   #37
    superjojo's Avatar Everywhere BT Rep: +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30
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    Does anybody know anything about the use of invites. I have a friend with * invites and he wants to invite me to the tracker but everytime he tries
    to generate an invite it seems the site to be full.

  8. BitTorrent Tracker Reviews   -   #38
    Has someone a new scc review?

  9. BitTorrent Tracker Reviews   -   #39
    I've been a member of SCC for almost 2 years, and I can say it's the best tracker I'm on, for one main reason, its MASSIVE freeleech section that always maxes out my connection. SCC gets new releases up very, very quickly (which site doesn't these days), but, like I said, that's not why I love it. SCC has an unparalleled freeleech section.

    Download Speeds
    If you're jumping on a new torrent, it WILL max out your connection. Doesn't matter which section or what release you're downloading, it will go as fast as your ISP allows. Users with seedboxes do RSS/IRC automatic downloads, which subsequently gives the swarm insanely fast speeds.

    Torrent Upload Speeds
    Very fast. As you can see in the images below, torrents are posted within minutes after pre, and they're well seeded, no matter what it is.

    What about older torrents?
    Although SCC is my one-stop tracker for all new stuff, it does have a great archive section, though sometimes, these may not be as well seeded. They'll still be fast (300K/S-700K/S), just don't expect to max out your connection on some of the lesser-seeded stuff.

    You keep talking about their freeleech.
    Yes. This, in my opinion, is where SCC really stands out among its peers. SCC harbors a very expansive freeleech section. It offers up entire television series packs (in DVD or 720p). Movie packs based on certain actors, directors, themes, trilogies, box sets, etc, etc. I've even seen packs for things like 'Movies based on books', 'Movies about movies', 'Movies about substance abuse', 'Movies about high school'. There's even packs that contain all the movie releases from the week. And another great thing, When a movie is added to the archive, you can either grab standard DVD rip, 720p, or 1080p rips (provided a scene group has released it, of course).

    The MP3/0DAY section is just as robust, and also freeleech. I barely ever use it, but when I'm looking for a certain new app, or obscure death metal album, it's on SCC, and sometimes before I can find it on

    And it doesn't end with movies and TV shows either. Here you can find packs for Xbox games, PC games, DS games, Wii games, and more. Some notable packs from the past: 2009 PC games pack. Top 15 Xbox 360 games. Entire DS game collection.

    Is it true I need a seedbox to be on SCC?
    Absolutely not. I don't use a seedbox, and you can see my ratio in the images below. The freeleech section is so huge, it makes it so far beyond easy to build a solid ratio. I leave my torrents seeding at about 60 K/S all day, and I'm able to seed about 4GB a day to the various trackers I seed on. And if you did want to use a seedbox to build your ratio, you could do some serious ratio building in just one month on a good box. Of course having a mad fast seedbox would help, but is it necessary? Not. At. All. Lay that idea to rest immediately.

    And now, some screens showcasing the 3 categories of SCC. These images are large. I'll link to them instead of put them in this thread. They're very large in size (dimension, not file size). These will help you get a feel for the freeleech packs I was talking about.

    The 'Browse' section. This is where all the latest releases can be found. This is the only non-freeleech section of SCC.

    MP3/0Day. Freeleech.

    Archive. This is where you'll find movie packs, entire TV series/seasons, and game packs for PC, Xbox, Wii, DS, etc, etc.

    If you find somebody giving away an SCC invite, I definitely suggest you snatch it up. Their freeleech alone is worth it. Not sure how often you'll come across an invite though. I've been there for 2 years and never gotten one (unless I donated).

    If anybody has any questions, fire away.

  10. BitTorrent Tracker Reviews   -   #40
    cool krynj, i joined this tracker now. i like beta and main design
    secondly you re right about free leech, i havent a seedbox and my speed isnt high but i am seeding a long time and
    my ratio is good.
    Last edited by adrenalin; 04-17-2010 at 07:09 AM.

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