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Thread: Classic late 80's and Early 90's Music Videos

  1. #1
    Hi. I said this before...but I really really love american music videos. In the late 2000, i used to download all my music videos off of kazaa-each file was mostly 50 mb in size and had *decent* quality but they were that great though. Then I got a bunch off of Ares and limewire..but again..quality wasn't the best. I know youtube has lots and lots but they quality isn't that good.

    I have heard that MusicVids has lots of good music videos. I just started and don't have much but I have a TorrentLeech invite and a HDTorrent account for anyone who will be willing to trade with me. I also get alot of stuff from Piratebay and isohunt. Those two are kinda my favorite site. Don't worry..I always share what i download because i know that if someone didn't share that file i wouldn't be able to download it in the first play too. Everything you get is because someone was nice enough and had enough patience to upload it from the kindness of their heart.

    If anyone can help me with a MusicVids invite please...I can offer you anything i can help you with. I have a invite to Torrentleech and account to HDtorrent if anyone wants it.
    Last edited by PlaystationMan; 02-17-2010 at 06:38 PM.

  2. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #2

    I GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS HOPELESS!!!!!!! WHY WAS I EVEN BORN?
    Last edited by PlaystationMan; 02-20-2010 at 10:52 PM.


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