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Thread: PS3 Loses Linux Support And PS3 comes with scary update, no April Fools Joke

  1. #1
    SonsOfLiberty's Avatar The Lonely Wanderer
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    PS3 Loses Linux Support And PS3 comes with scary update, no April Fools Joke

    Ever since it launched in 2006, one of the neater features of the PlayStation 3 has been its ability to run operating systems other than its own. Like Linux. Next month, however, the console will ditch that compatibility.

    On April 1, Sony will release the next firmware update for the PS3, bringing it to v3.21. It seems the sole purpose of this update is to remove the "install other OS" feature from pre-Slim models of the console. SCEA's Senior Director Corporate Communications & Social Media, Patrick Seybold, says the move is "due to security concerns".

    He also says that disabling the feature "will help ensure that PS3 owners will continue to have access to the broad range of gaming and entertainment content from SCE and its content partners on a more secure system."

    Of course, Sony is quick to point out the install is "optional", but then, if you refuse to upgrade, you'll no longer be able to sign into the PlayStation Network or play any PS3 games (or Blu-Rays) that require v3.21 (or higher). So no, for many people, it's not really optional.

    This of course doesn't affect owners of a "Slim" PS3, as the feature was never present in that model in the first place.

    People who already have Linux installed and choose to receive the v3.21 update should move any relevant stuff somewhere else, as they "will not be able to access that data following the update".

    The "security" reason is an interesting one, given that, around the time of the initial announcement of the PS3 Slim losing Linux support, Sony promised that "this feature will not be disabled in future firmware releases".

    Sony I guess debunked this and said there not, but as of today, news sites all over the interwebs are reporting Sony indeed is full of shit

    PS3 Firmware 3.21 will be available this Thursday. It will disable the “Install Other OS” feature that was available on the PS3 systems prior to the current slimmer models, launched in September 2009. This feature enabled users to install an operating system, but due to security concerns, we’re now removing this feature.

    For most of you, this won’t have any impact on how you use your PS3. If you are one of the few who use the “Other OS” feature, or if you belong to an organisation that does, then you can choose not to upgrade your system. However, doing so will mean that the following features will not be available:

    * Ability to sign in to PlayStation Network and use network features that require signing in to PlayStation Network, such as online features of PS3 games and chat.
    * Playback of PS3 software titles or Blu-ray Disc videos that require PS3 system software version 3.21 or later.
    * Playback of copyright-protected videos that are stored on a media server (when DTCP-IP is enabled under Settings).
    * Use of new features and improvements that are available on PS3 system software 3.21 or later.

    If you currently use the “Other OS” feature and you wish to update to system software 3.21, make sure you back-up any data stored within the hard drive partition used by the “Other OS,” as they will not be able to access that data following the update.

    In other words, Linux has now been classed as a security risk and has to go.

    Anyone using their PS3 for Linux needs to act now to save their data. If the 3.21 patch is applied to your machine on April 1st then you will no longer be able to access your Linux install or your data. If you choose not to update your firmware then you lose the ability to play the latest games and access the PlayStation Network.

    Some reads from the PS3 hacker, would undoubtable caused this

    Wait, you are removing a feature?
    First off, I want to apologize to all the people who use Linux on their PS3. Before releasing, I weighed the pros and cons, and considered the possibility of an impact on OtherOS support. My logic was this. OtherOS support had already been removed from the Slim(not for technical reasons; I believe it only existed in the first place to promote the Cell for IBM) The builders had apparently no intention of including it in future products. So for the purposes of openness why not release? Not like anything else has(or probably will be) done on the PS3.

    Now you go and remove a feature that people expected to be included with the expensive device they purchased, citing "security concerns". What security concerns? It's not like the exploit can be run even close to without the users knowledge. You have to open the fucking thing up. How could this harm users? Your blog post doesn't list positive reasons for upgrading like I think most users expect. Instead it lists things you will lose if you don't upgrade. Seriously?

    The PlayStation 3 is the only product I know that loses features throughout it's life cycle. Software PS2 emulation, SACD playback, and OtherOS support are all just software switches you can flip. It's unbelievable you would go and flip one, not just on new boxes you are shipping, but on tens of millions already in the field.

    Again I'm sorry users. Sony, I expected more from you.
    Don't Update
    A note to people interested in the exploit and retaining OtherOS support, DO NOT UPDATE. When 3.21 comes out, I will look into a safe way of updating to retain OtherOS support, perhaps something like Hellcat's Recovery Flasher. I never intended to touch CFW, but if that's how you want to play...

    Two things, some people seem to think CFW will enable some sort of piracy. It won't. It'll just be a custom version of 3.21 that doesn't lose OtherOS support. Hacking isn't about getting what you didn't pay for, it's about making sure you do get what you did.

    And this is about more than this feature right now. It's about whether these companies have the right to take away advertised features from a product you purchased. Imagine if an exploit were found in Safari on the iPhone, but instead of fixing it, Apple decides to pull web browsing altogether. Legally, they may be within their right to do so, but we have to show them it's the wrong move for the future of the product and the company.
    Source: Kotaku | geohot PS3 Haxor
    Last edited by SonsOfLiberty; 03-31-2010 at 06:44 PM.

  2. News (Archive)   -   #2
    Cabalo's Avatar FileSharingTalker BT Rep: +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24
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    Again I'm sorry users. Sony, I expected more from you.
    I didn't.
    Sony is known for this kind of narrow minded decisions, that's why I absolutely refuse to buy anything that has the sony logo. Not even mobile phones.

    I can only see them losing the next generation console war next year, with the alienation they are causing on their user base.

  3. News (Archive)   -   #3
    SonsOfLiberty's Avatar The Lonely Wanderer
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    Yeah I bought a movie silly me thinking I could transfer to any device like you can with the 360, oh no, only playable on PS3 and is exclusive, bullshit. I have the slim anyway, and didn't know about the OtherOS support till after the fact. But the fact of not being able to "own" the content your purchase off PSN is just ludacris bullshit, with piracy or not, I paid for it, and I should be able to watch it wherever the hell I want, sucks lugging a PS3 all over the house. I will never buy anything from PSN again, I won't even rent it now.

  4. News (Archive)   -   #4
    The Company BT Rep: +8BT Rep +8
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    I do not see the day when someone hack the PS3!

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  6. News (Archive)   -   #6
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cabalo View Post
    I can only see them losing the next generation console war next year, with the alienation they are causing on their user base.
    Funny thing, I went with the PS3 because of its (seeming willingness) to allow owners to utilize their machines. I had chosen (and found when it was still hard to do) a 360 and got put off by M$'s unreliability and unwillingness to support other OS's.

    If M$ puts out a reliable machine, I'm leaving Sony for good. They don't deserve my business. Since buying a real media player (Asus ), I rarely turn the PS3 on anymore.

    I hope for a class-action suit on this. I paid an extra $100 so my machine would play PS2 and have Linux support. Oh, BTW, the machine's processor is so locked down that Linux really isn't very functional anyway...

    They aren't trustworthy. Fuk 'em!
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  7. News (Archive)   -   #7
    iLOVENZB's Avatar FST Crew BT Rep: +1
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    Thank you GeoHot.

    OtherOS was used for the PS3's exploit. Sony have just ruined another console. PS2 was pretty much their only successful console. Possible because there were no constant 'patches' for the exploits released.

    Once again, customers are being fucked in the ass.
    "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music"

  8. News (Archive)   -   #8
    thisguy's Avatar Poster
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    i always thought of sony as awesome but this gives them a bump down for taking away something that is so great, i wonder if this has anything to do with the recent hack in attempts to mod the system

  9. News (Archive)   -   #9
    iLOVENZB's Avatar FST Crew BT Rep: +1
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    Quote Originally Posted by thisguy View Post
    i always thought of sony as awesome but this gives them a bump down for taking away something that is so great, i wonder if this has anything to do with the recent hack in attempts to mod the system
    Have you been sleeping since 2005 to not notice the TIFF exploit on PSP with OFW of 1.5?

    I would assume it has something to do with GeoHot's exploit and Sony's lack of knoweldge to know that exploits help sales. Look at the PS2 compared to any other modern-gen console.
    "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music"

  10. News (Archive)   -   #10
    Sanka113's Avatar Bobsled King BT Rep: +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25
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    I just got a PS3 yesterday and I like it. I bought it to play blu-rays and the occasional Ps3 exclusive game. If I want linux I can use a pc for that. TBH i'm surprised they supported it in the first place.
    See ya in another life, brother.

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