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Thread: Ciana Pelekai and other undiscovered talents

  1. #1
    gamesover's Avatar Panda BT Rep: +16BT Rep +16BT Rep +16BT Rep +16
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    I've been wanting to make this thread for awhile and with a new season of America's Got Talent coming up soon (they are already doing some of the auditions), it seemed like the time to make this thread. Love or hate the show, and there are certainly a lot of things i hate about the show, you can't deny there are some talented acts that come out of it.

    One such act has inspired me and plenty of others. I wanted to use this thread to bring some more attention to Ciana Pelekai and discuss other talents that have yet to be discovered. Who is Ciana Pelekai:
    ^^^I don't how to embed this link, but there are more youtube videos of her below

    Ciana auditioned last year for America's Got Talent when she was only nine , which is where I first saw her.

    The judges turned her away later, even after they were all so in awe of her they practically said she should start counting her winnings. After seeing these videos I think you'll agree with me that she has an amazing gift that is rarely seen in a child that young. Remember she is ONLY eight or nine years old in these videos. I highlighted a few of the best ones.

    Talented sister too:

    She's auditioning for the show again this year and this time I know the audience will vote her through to the end if the judges don't lose their senses and send her home again.

    More of her videos can be found here -

    She's going to be a superstar and now you can say you knew her way back when.
    Last edited by gamesover; 04-08-2010 at 10:36 AM.

  2. Lounge   -   #2
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Children should be children and whores to the media or something that parents live their own failed dreams through.
    Just a question gameover have you ever heard of one child star that went on to have a happy life?
    Respect my lack of authority.

  3. Lounge   -   #3
    gamesover's Avatar Panda BT Rep: +16BT Rep +16BT Rep +16BT Rep +16
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Children should be children and whores to the media or something that parents live their own failed dreams through.
    Just a question gameover have you ever heard of one child star that went on to have a happy life?
    Depends on the parents and if the kid really enjoys performing. Yeah its true a lot of Hollywood kids are messed up by the system that makes them famous when they are cute and when they get older forgets all about them. Maybe that has something to do with it. Can you name me any child 'film' stars that have much of an acting career after they hit 18? There are some differences though.

    We are talking about films and telivision, where it isn't so much about the talent as it is about the roles. Most of these child stars weren't so talented. If you ever saw Macaulay Culkin when he was younger on SNL you would know he suffered from the same disorder shared by other child actors, he couldn't act. Bud Bundy, the two Coreys, Danny Bonaduce, most of the kids on the Brady Bunch - none of them were ever going to win an academy award.

    Music is a different ballgame. Can you watch those videos i posted and then say with a straightface she isn't amazingly talented. Also in my opinion she does look like she really is passionate about singing, and her parents don't seem like the typical pushy stage parents. Isn't it possible someone can find their gift early on in life and develop it.

    And to answer your question, I think its hard sometimes to come up with examples because we only ever hear about the horror stories. Blame that on the tabloids and the american media being in love with sensationalism. I think plenty of them go on to live normal lives.
    Last edited by gamesover; 04-08-2010 at 06:27 PM.

  4. Lounge   -   #4
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by gamesover View Post
    [ Isn't it possible someone can find their gift early on in life and develop it.
    There is a big difference between "developing your gift" and going on America's Got Talent, I think even you will agree with me on that.
    I also think that precocious talent aside no children has the emotional ability to deal with the demands of a high profile career and the inherent pitfalls that comes with it.Children deal in fantasy after all and only see the potential niceties and not the potential heartbreaks.It's up to adults to make the wise decisions and not just the convenient ones.In this particular case either the parents are blinded by their own need for fame or they are allowing a nine year old to make decisions which either way is close to being criminal in it's foolishness.Not even of course factoring into the whole equation that a child singer( even one supremely talented) is nothing but a novelty act and will never be viewed by the public as anything more.
    Lastly I don't think that many reasoning adults looking back on their lives given the opportunity would trade their childhood for money or fame.Of course you are only 19 yourself and maybe have yet to realize exactly how precious a thing childhood is( probably having no children and not being that far removed from childhood yet yourself as it were).

    Of course I could be totally wrong as I feel that it is not even the best thing to put children into organized sports too young and just allow them the opportunity to play for the simple joy of it while they are still able.
    Last edited by IdolEyes787; 04-09-2010 at 08:25 PM.
    Respect my lack of authority.


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