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Thread: R.I.P FTN or not?

  1. #211
    A's Avatar ... BT Rep: +1
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    Quote Originally Posted by deadalive
    My bitch with you abybeats is you are not even a member of FTN yet you feel you should have your questions answered. What gives you the right to know anything about it? Regardless of the answers you may or may not be given, you won't believe it.
    Dude,are you completely blind?If you dont have any intention of reading the thread dont bother commenting in it for gods sake.
    Quote Originally Posted by AbyBeats
    I dont want to see anything nor am I interested in the least bit in ftn or what they do.
    And my problem with you is comments like you made earlier.It is funny for you when people who complaint still keep their membership in the certain tracker.It is funny for you when non members ask something about the tracker and it is funny for you when a banned/disabled members complaint or ask questions.So what are you getting at?

    Quote Originally Posted by deadalive
    What? Do you mean make rules like don't post our screens anywhere? Or, don't share accounts or our (dot) torrent files with anyone? Or, don't trade/sell accounts/invites? lol Yeah, those rules work well... like that would make any bit of difference if someone wants to violate it or not. There are assholes everywhere who get off on that shit, hell some make blogs and screen sites and offer buffering services just so they can feel big and important and rub it in trackers faces because "THEY" think the rule/s is stupid or wrong (like their opinion matters at all) and think they have the right to do it since it isn't their ass on the line.
    Do you even care to read?
    Quote Originally Posted by AbyBeats
    You you dont want other people to talk?start a tracker with the rule "Rule#1: Dont talk anything about the tracker".And then you can ban people for speaking up.
    also add,"members,non members,disabled/banned members cant complaint"
    Last edited by A; 05-13-2010 at 10:10 AM.

  2. BitTorrent   -   #212
    Mr. Torrentstorm BT Rep: +3
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    FTN is the one to blame, if they go down due to economical problems. FTN has always been a site with strict access, so it is impossible for new users to enter. And even more impossible for new users to help by donation.

    If I was a member of FTN, I'd happy to donate money. Too bad for FTN, they prefer to have a small member society.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #213
    what level is ftn ?

  4. BitTorrent   -   #214
    Detale's Avatar Go Snatch a Judge
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    My arguments was clear in this thread,and I didnt say the above either.
    Dear lord in heaven, Abby you said "it is "libelous and irresponsible to say the least." on the part of FTN." YES YOU SAID THAT. When someone is being libelous they are defaming someone else, so you in fact DID say that even if you didn't know what the word meant.
    li·bel·ous also li·bel·lous (lb-ls)adj. Involving or constituting a libel; defamatory.

    Maybe you think your point was clear but I assure you it isn't, you come off as feeling owed an explanation and yet your not a member of the site. you keep arguing moot points when the overall is simple. They can do as they wish, like it or not, agree or not. Their site their rules. Simple.

    Man,seriously if you dont understand why I put in the IRC convo.leave it.I am not going to quote for you again.
    I do understand why you did it, I'm trying to let you know that it proves nothing, that it's a useless piece of info with no basis for anything.

    Point out the allegations I made please.Thanks.
    You said they were "libelous and irresponsible" for one.

    You keep saying that "questioning" isn't allowed blag blah, but it's YOU who are missing the point here. It's not questioning that's the problem here. It's the accusations without any proof to back it up. The early posts in this thread are just shit talking not questioning anything

    "Grab money from donations and close site. Just like every other tracker"
    "Let it die prick.Brandon and FTN scam of torrent world. "
    "ahh FTN begging money again, been there seen that "

    There's my problem, idiots posting nonsense. They're not simply asking what happened or how it happened, they are making clear accusations and YOU are coming to their aid on the subject. Where are they defending YOU here? Think about it

  5. BitTorrent   -   #215
    Quote Originally Posted by Ectr0bIL3 View Post
    what level is ftn ?
    Check the WTO table.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  6. BitTorrent   -   #216
    A's Avatar ... BT Rep: +1
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    Quote Originally Posted by Detale
    There's my problem, idiots posting nonsense. They're not simply asking what happened or how it happened, they are making clear accusations and YOU are coming to their aid on the subject.
    I am not coming to the aid for anyone.All I am saying is:
    Quote Originally Posted by AbyBeats
    You started by saying others should stop speaking if they didint know what actually was going on in FTN.I said unless/until FTN gives some sort of proof you have no right to tell others to STFU.If FTN gives proofs or not is upto them.If they decide not to,people will continue to speak what they speak.From there on it escalated where you tried to defend FTN while I tried to prove my point.The difference being you got personal while I was raising my points and arguing about the reasoning/answers why people should stop talking shit while FTN themselves are not ready to shut their mouths.I am not saying people who talk shit is the right thing to do,but without hard facts shit talking cant be stopped.There are just so many things to talk shit about when a definite answer is not given.And you dont have any rights to say to "stop shit talking" because you yourself have no proofs/reasoning to keep them quite.
    Quote Originally Posted by Detale
    You said they were "libelous and irresponsible" for one.
    I apologise for that.That wasnt my intention.That came out bad.

    Quote Originally Posted by Detale
    They can do as they wish, like it or not, agree or not. Their site their rules. Simple.
    That dosent stop people from discussing their methods,criticizing the methods and actions that they take.Let them do what they wish but people will keep on discussing and expressing what they like as well.
    Last edited by A; 05-13-2010 at 02:24 PM.

  7. BitTorrent   -   #217
    Burnsy's Avatar RIP BT Rep: +1
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    In a kind of round about way aren't you both kinda arguing the same point but from different angles?

    Aby - You are saying that all the rumour mongering will never stop until such times as FTN or a representative of FTN came out, made a statement and put all the shitty little comments being banded about to rest. I couldn't actually be bothered reading the whole thread and all of the replies by both of you, but even though I didn't see you backing up all the shite being thrown around you were saying it would always continue until someone put out the flames, so to speak... which is a valid point, like it or not.

    Detale - You are saying that all the shitty little comments shouldn't be happening or coming from people who have no vested interest in the site, ie non-members, general haters etc. You also go on to say that no one from FTN should HAVE to come out and give any sorts of explanation, OR proofs as to what went on and what happened... and this is true also...

    What exactly is it either of you are trying to prove on behalf of FTN or not? I think you're both just blabbering on now...
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    I'd comment further but it would obviously be like trying to reason with a dung beetle.

  8. BitTorrent   -   #218
    Detale's Avatar Go Snatch a Judge
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    Quote Originally Posted by Burnsy View Post
    ...What exactly is it either of you are trying to prove on behalf of FTN or not? I think you're both just blabbering on now...
    Maybe I am. My point isn't exactly for FTN but more so against the haters who decide to throw cheap shots at some of the better sites out there.

  9. BitTorrent   -   #219
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    I will stand up for FTN here.

    The site had their funds frozen by Paypal at the same time they had to pay their server bills. Why should the site owner and staff- who donate their time and efforts- dig into their own pockets to cover the shortfall? They had to come up with the funds on short notice. They explained the situation to their members, and the members (who enjoy their membership enough to help out) came up with the money to keep the site open. As soon as enough money was raised, the Paypal link was removed. I know this for a fact because I clicked on the link- it was DEAD.

    How could FTN have acted in any manner that was more appropriate?
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  10. BitTorrent   -   #220

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