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Thread: Salvia Divinorum

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    Seedler's Avatar T__________________T
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    Salvia divinorum (also known as Diviner's Sage,[2] ska María Pastora,[3] Seer's sage,[4] and by its genus name Salvia) is a psychoactive plant which can induce dissociative effects. By mass, salvinorin A is the most potent naturally-occurring psychoactive compound known.
    At present Salvia divinorum remains legal in most countries.
    Something I've been working on:

    I tripped BAWLS.

    My mind has been pondering and revisiting my trips 2 days ago; I have been trying to explain and record my experience in words, but so far, despite my humble proficiency in writing, I have failed miserably.

    Once upon a time not so long ago on a Saturday afternoon, 2 friends and I bought 2 grams of Salvia 40x extract (very, very potent: it comes in leaves, 10x, 20x, 30x, and 40x) from a local smoke shop. We could barely contain our excitement on our way back home, having previously read/heard stories of its unworldly effects.

    Fast forward 2 hours. We were sitting on friend A's (henceforth known as "Alex") bedroom floor, lying on the most comfortable body pillows, satisfied from the extra-large Meat Lover's pizza we had just consumed, sipping on Labatt Maximum Ice, with a 40" LCD in front of us playing SC2 beta, listening to “Smoke Some Weed” by Ice Cube, already ripped out of our minds from all kinds of substances of abuse.

    Friend B (henceforth known as "Billy") grabbed the Salvia bag and water pipe, padded a bowl with cigarette filling/weed, and topped it off with the Salvia extract.

    Camera in hand, I gave Alex the green light to smoke it up. Looking nervous but immensely eager, he picked up the torch lighter and filled his lungs - the effect was immediate. Grabbing the water pipe from his hands as he dropped it, I knew he was fucked beyond all recognition; he was gone from this world. Uncontrollable and hysterical laughter ensued; Alex laughed the most ridiculous and maniacal laughter which was inexplicably humorous, and we couldn’t help but join in with him. Next came the limb thrashing, it looked as if he was trying to climb something, and we lifted him up onto his bed. There, the slurred and completely incomprehensible speech came, where the only word we understood was “I”. The drug absorbed him for over 15 minutes, and finally, we could just tell that he was coming back though the confusion in his eyes. “What. The. FUCK,” exclaimed Alex as he stared at us with empty eyes, and that was the moment where we all started laughing again. The full effect of the drug took almost an hour to wear off, as during this time span Alex gradually responded to more and more visual/audio stimuli and eventually fully came back.

    Naturally, having just witnessed the physical effects, we were very curious about the mental effects during his hallucination. When asked about it, he took the longest pause, and simply respond, “I can’t quantify what I’ve just gone through in words.” “Please make an effort?” Inquired Billy, and after another long pause, Alex replied, “I was a train, and also a boat.” “LOL what the fuck?” exclaimed Billy again while I was quite literally, ROFL’ing on the ground.

    Maybe it was the potency of the extract, or perhaps the combination of all the things we were fucked up on was too much, because upon further inquiry Alex could explain no further into his trip. At this point, I won’t lie; I was afraid. But curiosity got the best of me, and I picked up the water pipe stuffed with a giant bowl of the herb. My hands shook slightly as I lit up, unusually aware alert as I pressed the torch lighter close to the bowl and inhaled a full breath. Billy must have packed too big of a bowl, because there was still quite a bit of Salvia left so I took another hit. Just like Alex, my mind was simply, ripped from my body before I even exhaled the second hit. Very vaguely, I recall Billy snatching the bong out of my hand and being dragged onto the bed, but that was as far as reality still gripped a hold.

    The next part is the hardest; I’ve been sitting in front of my computer for almost an hour unsure of how to even begin. I felt like, no, I was my economics textbook, in which I had been using as a mousepad before my trip. It was so real that it was almost, surreal. I was been flipped through, I was the pages racing through air, I felt the wind brushing through my face, I sensed the heat from the fingers that was turning me, and it was as if I was dreaming while still awake, having a lucid dream except everything was completely tangible and more material than reality, as if I transformed and teleported to another world where all my senses of perception were heightened and amplified. The author of the Matrix Trilogy must have been tripping fucking llama testicles on Salvia, because only now do I fully understand how “reality” is no more than just electrical impulses interpreted by one’s brain.
    It was too much. I was simply unprepared and I awoke from my trip almost as abruptly as I dove into it. I opened my eyes and I remember seeing my friends’ faces, but I understood none of it as my cognition and perception was still quite severely FUBAR. I was hot, I felt I was going to BOIL, sweat was streaming down my body in torrents, and I closed my eyes again. As soon as the visual stimuli stopped, I lost connection with reality and began my second trip. Once again, I felt my mind leaving my body, as if I was a cell and I had just finished division, with one cell still earthbound while the new cell had left the real world behind. I shouldn’t say “leaving the real world behind”, because it certainly did not seem that way. On the contrary, it was as if I had been awakened from the dream that is reality, as if I was being reborn after the very long dream of the life before me.

    I felt my body being completely annihilated by the drug. I felt myself descending, eventually making an impact with the soft ground below. I picked myself up and surveyed my environment, and what I saw was simply out of this world. Senses heightened and at peace with the world, I was in a meadow with blossoming flowers, with a crystal clear stream trickling past me, holding a HUGE (~ 20 meters?) bong in my hand, smoking it up with the Teletubbies. I reached into the stream, felt the texture of the water instantaneously crystalize, picked up a few crystals, and packed them into my bong. As I took hits from the bong, the blue Teletubby smiled at me and said to me in the voice of one of my ex- girlfriend, “That’s some good shit eh?” Then I flew. I can’t recall what I was, but I was something abiotic that flew. All I remember is myself racing through the air again, holding hands with my ex, and feeling nothing but pure euphoria .

    The flight lasted forever in duration, but eventually, I felt my fuel tanks drain and I was losing altitude at an alarming rate, so I picked up my bong again, took a few more puffs with my ex, accelerated into the skies once more and finally shot through the clouds. There, I met the Japanese Anime character Doraemon, who gave me a gadget to solidify clouds. I sunk myself into the softest and most comfortable bed I had ever slept in on top of a Cirrus cloud with my ex in my arms, exactly how I felt a few years ago when we were still together. Unfortunately, good things never seem to last. After the episodes of making out, fellatio, and cunnilingus, things began to go horribly wrong. The overwhelming jubilation faded as I realized I didn’t have a condom, just as I didn’t have a condom a few years ago. As I punched myself in the uttermost regret, I heard a loud knock crashing down from above me. Looking through a peephole through the door, I relived my past. There he was, my ex’s dad, all 200 pounds of him, ready to burst in and completely obliterate my ass for doing what I was doing to his lovely daughter. Revisiting the sense of panic and despair I felt before, I did what my instinct drove me to do; I picked up my school bag and shoes from the floor, and threw myself into the nearby closet. Those 3 hours were the worst of my life, I remember, with extremely vivid detail, about how my ex lied to his dad about taking a shower, about how her dad just sat there in front of the TV for an eternity, about how he FINALLY got up to use the washroom, and ultimately about my escape. As the washroom door closed behind him, I sprinted for my life towards the backyard door, only to find myself incapable of opening it. As I pulled on the door with all my might, fear spread through my body like venom but thankfully, my ex was there for my salvation. She unlocked the door and it slide open smoothly. After gluing our lips together in both relief and gratitude, I ran, I ran faster than I had ever done so in my life and jumped the fence to freedom, oblivious even to the pain from the wires slicing through my back.

    I opened my eyes again, confused, completely dazed, and closed them again for 2 additional trips, both of which I cannot recall in their entirety. Only fragments of details still linger in my mind; all I can remember are some other memories from my childhood and teenager years, being molested by my pet hamsters, going through a tunnel with Artyom from Metro 2033, and reciting Pi to hundreds of digits. What really fucked me up was the fact that I accurately recited Pi to over twenty digits immediately after my trip to my friends, having NEVER memorized pie to more than ten digits in the past.

    Waterfall. That’s what everything appeared to be after the hallucinations finally stopped. I stared at the icons on my desktop on my 40” LCD, and they began to flow. They waved, twisted, and rippled through thin air, almost as a liquid earthquake where the epicenter was my body and the shockwaves rages through my extremities. The world was the Matrix, wholly unreal and unquestionably conquerable. I felt immeasurably confident, I felt like THE SHIT; I was the motherfucking Emperor of the entire fucking universe and all other concepts of existences combined. Everything appeared to be in perfect harmony with each other, and I saw the world through crystal-clear clarity and insight. My brain was JOLTED, it solved all problems of life and somehow I knew exactly how my life would unfold from that point onwards. I was… simply put, enlightened .

    Mendelssohn Piano Trio No. 1, a magical rendition of it by arguably the three greatest musicians ( Heifetz, Rubinstein and Piatigorsky) of their respective instruments of modern time, performed itself in my mind. I isolated the melodies of each instrument, drowned myself in the harmonies and dynamic variations, and my brain, there’s no other description for it, ejaculated over and over again harder than ever before.

    My trips lasted over 40 minutes, and I only fully came back after 2 hours. Even then, I still felt relatively detached to reality and unsure of who, or what I was.

    $36.99 for a gram of 40x extract. Better let it blow you away before it’s criminalized.
    Biostar XE T5
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  2. Lounge   -   #2
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Using Mrs. Nussbaum's CC#
    Very interesting read! My wife would completely lose her mind if I ever tried that, but it was fascinating to read such an articulate, detailed account.

    I did laugh a bit when you said you had become your Econ textbook. Would it even be possible to imagine yourself as a lamer, more mundane item? Perhaps a little tea pot...

    Thanks again for sharing your experience!
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  3. Lounge   -   #3
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
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    Over here!
    You're such a prick, seedler.

  4. Lounge   -   #4
    BANNED BT Rep: +2
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    WHOA WHOA WHOA, HOLD YOUR HORSES!!!!! Dont ever try and convince anyone to do that shit. And Frankly you'll see soon enough that you wont like the intense high. Its not illegal, but, its really dangerous. I recommend no one do this shit. Do it if you must to say you tried it, but seriously youll see soon enough, that shit is not to be taken lightly. STICK TO WEED. If you wanna see pretty colors and wanna melt into a couch, i suggest you just eat a couple caps and stems. Its way, way safer and a million times more enjoyable.

    Someone once told me, "Everytime you take a hit of salvia, its like getting hit in the head with a bat!" HEED THE WARNING DUDE, I CARE.

  5. Lounge   -   #5
    cinephilia's Avatar I don't like you BT Rep: +10BT Rep +10
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    behind you
    "i was a train, and also a boat"
    "i was my economics textbook"

    please allow me to add another one to complete the picture:

    "i knew a guy who thought he was a bird and jumped out of the window roflmao"
    whenever people agree with me, i always feel i must be wrong.

  6. Lounge   -   #6
    BANNED BT Rep: +2
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    Quote Originally Posted by cinephilia View Post
    "i was a train, and also a boat"
    "i was my economics textbook"

    please allow me to add another one to complete the picture:

    "i knew a guy who thought he was a bird and jumped out of the window roflmao"
    i lost one of my boys that way. it wasnt because he was hallucinating he was bird, but because he was in an extreme state of depression and just decided to take a swim with a bookbag full of bricks. Honestly, im more concerned with people getting aneurysms with this shit, its way way too strong. All the people that use this shit for real dont use it in such a strong concentration.

  7. Lounge   -   #7
    Albo Da Kid's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +18BT Rep +18BT Rep +18BT Rep +18
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    Seems like a painful experience, kind of like a nightmare. One of my friends tried it once and he said that it wasn't worth it.

  8. Lounge   -   #8
    Better let it blow you away before it’s criminalized.
    Damn i want to try this so bad. would you say a good number of smoke shops sell it?

  9. Lounge   -   #9
    Seedler's Avatar T__________________T
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    Quote Originally Posted by ziggyjuarez View Post
    Better let it blow you away before it’s criminalized.
    Damn i want to try this so bad. would you say a good number of smoke shops sell it?
    99% of smoke shops sell it, but it's banned in a few selected states.

    And to everyone ranting about how "dangerous" Salvia is, well, I don't know how you can be more ignorant. The least you could have done was read the wiki article.

    As long as you're in a good mood/place before your trip, you WILL trip to a good place.

    And nice to see you too Barbie.
    Biostar XE T5
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  10. Lounge   -   #10
    Albo Da Kid's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +18BT Rep +18BT Rep +18BT Rep +18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seedler View Post
    As long as you're in a good mood/place before your trip, you WILL trip to a good place.
    Lol i don't think that's how it goes. Take a look at some youtube vids. You'll see that some are in a good mood and excited before doing it and a few seconds after they inhale they freak out and panic.

    What you are talking about implies to the effects of marijuana.

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