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Thread: Obama Administration to File Suit Over Arizona Immigration Law

  1. #21
    Skiz's Avatar (_8(I)
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    Quote Originally Posted by l33tpirata13 View Post

    Hypocrite? Nothing was "illegal" about Europeans coming to the New World.

    I have no problem with immigration either. None whatsoever. You can take that "skinhead, whiteboy, bigoted white folk" talk elsewhere. I do however have a legitimate beef with 20 million +/- illegal immigrants taking advantage of the benefits set aside for legal, tax paying residents of this country. Illegal immigrants; not legal ones.
    Last edited by Skiz; 06-24-2010 at 08:01 PM.


  2. The Drawing Room   -   #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skiz View Post
    Hypocrite? Nothing was "illegal" about Europeans coming to the New World.
    Yeah, you need to revise your history. Manifest destiny is a bunch of bullshit. tejas was part of a sovern country. so how in the fuck was it a GOD given right? Again, skiz, read a history book dude.

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skiz View Post
    I do however have a legitimate beef with 20 million +/- illegal immigrants taking advantage of the benefits set aside for legal, tax paying residents of this country. Illegal immigrants; not legal ones.
    Pick a side guy, the benefits are my GOD GIVEN Right just like they are yours!!! i love MY country too. But yet you willfully decide to ignore my rights to fuck over illegals? Dude i dont want any fucking wetback without papers taking my demo job, but its not their fault. The dick that hired him and is taking advantage of the situation is the one who should be deemed the lawbreaker. But NO, lets scapegoat the fucking Paisa and in effect screw me over for just looking like the "bad guy".

    ill give you a opportunity right now to convince me that im wrong. seriously, ill look at your argument with an open mind. i really wanna see your logic.

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #24
    Skiz's Avatar (_8(I)
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    Quote Originally Posted by l33tpirata13 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Skiz View Post
    Hypocrite? Nothing was "illegal" about Europeans coming to the New World.
    Yeah, you need to revise your history. Manifest destiny is a bunch of bullshit. tejas was part of a sovern country. so how in the fuck was it a GOD given right? Again, skiz, read a history book dude.

    You really are dense, aren't you. I never said a single word about "manifest destiny", any "GOD given right", or "tejas" so please stop insinuating that I have. You're putting words in my mouth and debating no one but yourself.


  5. The Drawing Room   -   #25
    Skiz's Avatar (_8(I)
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    Quote Originally Posted by l33tpirata13 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Skiz View Post
    I do however have a legitimate beef with 20 million +/- illegal immigrants taking advantage of the benefits set aside for legal, tax paying residents of this country. Illegal immigrants; not legal ones.
    Pick a side guy, the benefits are my GOD GIVEN Right just like they are yours!!! i love MY country too. But yet you willfully decide to ignore my rights to fuck over illegals? Dude i dont want any fucking wetback without papers taking my demo job, but its not their fault. The dick that hired him and is taking advantage of the situation is the one who should be deemed the lawbreaker. But NO, lets scapegoat the fucking Paisa and in effect screw me over for just looking like the "bad guy".

    ill give you a opportunity right now to convince me that im wrong. seriously, ill look at your argument with an open mind. i really wanna see your logic.
    I'd love to reply; really I would. However, you're all over the place there and I can't even understand what you're posting about.

    Take a deep breath, calm down, and start over. You might want to start with making a point based on logic or reason. Heck, make a point using both.


  6. The Drawing Room   -   #26
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    again, you have no point to even explain, so dont pretend like youre too smart to share it. the fact is that your probably really ashamed of your view. im not all over the place on anything. i know my history, it appears you dont. Europeans use manifest destiny as their pretext to "settle" wherever or whatever they wanted. youre very opinionated but very stupid. Again, im not putting words into your mouth. YOU said it not me. Or is it that you just dont know how racist you really are? cuz thats really common.

    So if youre not referring to Manifest destiny, tell me why you think Europeans settled Texas? Thats about a 5th grade lesson. How the fuck can you even provide an opinion if you dont even know how the fuck whitebread got there?
    Last edited by l33tpirata13; 06-25-2010 at 02:07 PM.

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #27
    HeavyMetalParkingLot's Avatar Poster
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    Yeah, you need to revise your history. Manifest destiny is a bunch of bullshit. tejas was part of a sovern country. so how in the fuck was it a GOD given right? Again, skiz, read a history book dude.
    I'm sorry, but you keep telling Skiz he needs to learn his history, but it is obvious you need some schooling here. Texas was NOT a part of a sovereign country, it WAS a sovereign country. Remember the Texas Revolution, when we fought to not be a part of mexico? Remember the following years when Texas was a country to itself? Remember how they joined the U.S. about ten years later?

    Also I was wondering, you complain how we wish to enforce our border, but what if we enforced it the way mexico enforces theirs? would you be ok with us raping and beating immigrants?

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeavyMetalParkingLot View Post
    Yeah, you need to revise your history. Manifest destiny is a bunch of bullshit. tejas was part of a sovern country. so how in the fuck was it a GOD given right? Again, skiz, read a history book dude.
    I'm sorry, but you keep telling Skiz he needs to learn his history, but it is obvious you need some schooling here. Texas was NOT a part of a sovereign country, it WAS a sovereign country. Remember the Texas Revolution, when we fought to not be a part of mexico? Remember the following years when Texas was a country to itself? Remember how they joined the U.S. about ten years later?

    Also I was wondering, you complain how we wish to enforce our border, but what if we enforced it the way mexico enforces theirs? would you be ok with us raping and beating immigrants?
    look dude, im not here to argue your Version of what happened. its a fact that the US teaches a ridiculously REVISED version of what happened there. do you seriously believe all that alamo bullshit? ALL, im gonna say is WOW. and you have a mexican flag on your avatar? baboso.

    And you think i dont know what happens to immigrants there? Yeah, its fukt up. REally fuckt up. Dude i wont go anywhere near el DF. Its a known fact that i would probably be either robbed, stabbed, kidnapped, tortured, or killed. PInches chilangos putos. guatemaltecos, hondurenos, basically anyone south of mexico has it the fucking worst. its too fuckt up to put into words. the shit they have to do to make it to WHERE? Yeah thats right retrasado, Here to the US of Anal. where the business owner fucks him or her, and at the same time Us. If They didnt hire guess what would happen?

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #29
    HeavyMetalParkingLot's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by l33tpirata13 View Post

    look dude, im not here to argue your Version of what happened. its a fact that the US teaches a ridiculously REVISED version of what happened there. do you seriously believe all that alamo bullshit? ALL, im gonna say is WOW. and you have a mexican flag on your avatar? baboso.

    And you think i dont know what happens to immigrants there? Yeah, its fukt up. REally fuckt up. Dude i wont go anywhere near el DF. Its a known fact that i would probably be either robbed, stabbed, kidnapped, tortured, or killed. PInches chilangos putos. guatemaltecos, hondurenos, basically anyone south of mexico has it the fucking worst. its too fuckt up to put into words. the shit they have to do to make it to WHERE? Yeah thats right retrasado, Here to the US of Anal. where the business owner fucks him or her, and at the same time Us. If They didnt hire guess what would happen?
    Sorry, but it is the truth.

    Now, about those employers. How can they get away with how they treat illegal aliens, why do they do it? Because they can. What can the illegal aliens do without fear of deportation? Now, what if they came into the country legally, do you think they would be treated the same way if their abuses could bring about repercussions from the various labor departments and civil rights groups? Legal immigration comes with protection of the law. Illegal immigration comes with no protection whatsoever.

    You say you wouldn't want to go to el DF, well guess what, we don't want el DF coming here. In the last few years Cuidad Juarez has had over 10,000 murders. This place is right on the border. I don't want to see that enter this country, and I am sure any person with any brains would want that either.

    Also, seeing what illegal immigration has done to the state of California, I can not see why anyone would wish that on this country. If you feel your country is so horrible, why would you leave for another country only the make that country as bad as the one you left?

    And yes I do have a Mexican flag in my avatar. It's called being hispanic.

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #30
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    honestly im really suspicious of you calling yourself a hispanic, in all likelyhood youre not. no self respecting Latino would ever call themselves HisPanic. Thats a white label. now, as far as employers go, how is it that youre saying that they are in the right? it called morals. How are you gonna blame the immigrant coming here out of necessity, and in most likelyhood hunger, rather than blame the greedy business owner who hires them because he wants a yacht?

    Now as far as Tejas, seriously guy, do yourself a favor and read "Lies My Teacher Told Me", it will do you alot of good. You dont even have to go very far to find that the US version of what happened there is extremely revised. FACT.

    Maybe i dont want all those chilangos over here, honestly i feel you on that one. but dont ever compromise your rights, for NO ONE or NO THING!!!! If your "hispanic", like you say you are, im sure you would not find it too pleasant to be pulled over, asked for papers, having to worry about being wrongfully deported, and just the inconvenience of sitting in a holding cell for any amount of time. Its wrong. Morally and Legally. Truth be told, there is no real way to distinguish a "Illegal" from a "legal". 'Cept for biometrics. Pulling em over and asking for papers is not done with the intent of finding their legal status(thats impossible at the moment), its done with the intention of demeaning and insulting nothing more, nothing less. That piece of paper you have, dont really mean a thing, i can get that on 26th street for about 300 bucks with a state id. so i ask you again whats the point if youre not using biometrics?
    Last edited by l33tpirata13; 06-28-2010 at 07:13 PM.

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