Originally posted by john54321@1 November 2003 - 20:30
I have downloaded many xvid movies, but they are very difficult to convert to vcd, i have tried on many movies using tmpgenc, but every time it had errors.

Why dont people use WMV (version 2), or Divx they are more stable from my experience.

Any input will be appreciated.
Do you think that there's only one version of xvid? You should pay more attention to those numbers that follow the name of the software you are using. They are there for a reason. Xvid has not reached 1.0 status yet. Divx is past 5. They are two completely seperate codecs at different stages of development. The creators of divx call their latest releases stable. Wait until xvid1.0 comes out, then make a judgement about it. Right now its too early to make those silly conclusions. Xvid is fairly active, many builds are floating around. Here is a mirror.