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Thread: How To Post a Collection (NZB)

  1. #1
    SonsOfLiberty's Avatar The Lonely Wanderer
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    Capital Wasteland


    Written by SonsOfLiberty and tesco.

    This guide will explain to beginners how to upload a Collection (NZB) to FST's nzb system.
    It seems confusing at first, but once you've posted once or twice it becomes a very powerful and flexible system.
    Also, it seems like a lot of steps, but they go very quickly...

    There are a few terms to define first for you to understand how this works.
    These definitions apply for the most part anywhere in the FST NZB Section:
    Collection = A posting within the NZB section.
    Binary = A single file on Usenet.
    NZB = A file containing a list of Binaries used to tell a Newsreader what to download.
    Category = Movies, TV, Games, Software, Music, or Misc.

    Subcategory = A type of content within a category, for example Xvid or 720p x264 within the category Movies.
    Info Fields = Information about the content, for example the summary of a movie, or description of a video game.
    Info Link = A link to summary/description of the content, for example an IMDB link or a link.
    Fetch Info = Scrape the Info Link for information to fill the Info Fields.
    Scrape NFO = Search for a valid Info Link within an NFO.
    Grab NFO = Download an NFO straight from Usenet.
    Scrape & Fetch = Scrape NFO then Fetch Info with one button click.
    Grab, Scrape & Fetch = Grab NFO, Scrape NFO, then Fetch Info with one button click.
    To start uploading, click New Collection. This can be found on the NZB Index.


    After that you will be presented with the collection editor. It looks complicated but it's really not...

    We will break down each section and what to do...

    First, in the Manage Binaries block, click on Select File.


    You will get a Browse... dialog box. You can choose any NZB, ZIP or RAR (coming soon) file.

    Click on Upload NZB to begin the upload.


    - This step might take some time depending on your connection speed, and the size of the NZB.
    - There is a progress bar to let you know roughly how much longer the upload will take.
    - It is a good idea to ZIP or RAR compress your NZB before you upload it. This can reduce the size to under 10%.
    After it's uploaded you should see the progress bar turn green (1), and the message of how many binaries are uploaded should change (2).


    Now, above the Manage Binaries block, you have the Collection Information block.
    Here you will enter the Title (1), the Language (2), and the Region (3).


    - For the title, always use the scene title. For example "Autopilot 2010 DVDRip XviD-VoMiT".
    - The script will provide suggestions for the title based on what you uploaded. These suggestions are sometimes incorrect (
    - If you do not know the language or region (or if they do not apply), leave that setting empty.
    - If a file is multi-language, we usually choose English.
    - For region, "RF" stands for Region Free.
    - Regions only apply to DVD-R (Movie or TV) and Xbox360.

    The next two blocks, "Extra Info" (Includes Category/Subcategory) and "NFO", kind of work hand-in-hand, so we will explain both simultaneously...



    First thing you need to do is in the Extra Info block choose your category from the tabs (Movies is default) (1), then choose a subcategory by clicking on it (it will highlight in yellow) Subcategory(2).

    Now in most cases you will go to the NFO block after choosing the category.
    Any NFOs contained within the NZB that was uploaded earlier will display here automatically (6).

    If there is an NFO displayed here:
    Click on "Grab, Scrape & Fetch" to download it automatically.
    In the best case, the NFO will download, it will find an Info Link within it, and then also Fetch the Info for the Extra Info block ("Scrape & Fetch").
    If you NZB contains multiple NZB's, you only need to do this with one.
    If no NFO is displayed here:
    You will need to find one and paste it into the text box.
    Then click on "Scrape & Fetch" if you think the NFO contains a valid Info link.
    Now scroll back to the Extra Info block.

    If all information is here already, then congratulations!
    If not, then:
    Find an Info Link for your content. Use google to find it.
    At time of writing, these sites are supported:

    Next just click on "Fetch Info" to fetch the info automatically, or do it manually if you want to.
    Now scroll up to the (final) Attachments block.


    If there is nothing here, find a Cover Image on google images and upload it as an attachment.
    To upload something, click on Manage Attachments (1).
    Click the checkbox (2) to make it the cover image for this collection (should be done automatically to your first attachment).
    If you have any screen caps of a movie or anything else you can upload them as well.

    After you're done all of your fine-tuning, you must select "Publish Collection" to make this collection visible to other members and place it in the NZB Index.
    This step is often missed by new posters, but the NZB Moderators are there to finalize it for you.


    After you hit publish collection your post now will be in the NZB index....

    See the next guide on Editing your Collection coming soon...
    Last edited by anon; 01-09-2021 at 01:14 AM. Reason: Cross-posted guide from the CMS

  2. Newsgroups   -   #2
    SonsOfLiberty's Avatar The Lonely Wanderer
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    Did you forgot to fetch the info, forget to add a link, upload the wrong NZB, forget PAR2 files?

    No problem.

    How to Edit a Collection

    Hover over the end of the release title and you should see a pencil, click that...


    Now as above in the guide, if you find a NFO, just copy/paste the NFO into the NFO box and click Scrape and Fetch..and it will do the rest..

    Okay, now did you upload the wrong NZB or forget PAR2 files?
    No problem once again...

    How to Edit the Binaries

    From the Edit Collection page (see above), click Manage Binaries.


    How to Add More Binaries

    Now same as before when you were first creating your collection, click Select File, find the NZB that you want to add, and then click Upload NZB.

    When adding additional NZBs, the original binaries are not deleted.
    If you upload an NZB containing the original binaries AND the new ones, only the new ones will be added.
    If you want to upload an entire NEW nzb (in other words, replace what was uploaded previously) then you need to manually remove the old binaries.
    How to Remove Binaries

    If you want to remove binaries that is easy as well.

    Again, make sure you are on the Manage Binaries page (see above).

    Use the Binary Editor (Existing Binaries block) to select the binaries that you want to remove. There are buttons for Select All, Inverse, and None to make it easier.
    At bottom click Remove Selected Binaries, it will then ask you to confirm, and they are then removed from this collection.
    Last edited by anon; 01-09-2021 at 01:16 AM. Reason: Cross-posted guide from the CMS

  3. Newsgroups   -   #3
    tesco's Avatar woowoo
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    Updated this quite a bit today...

  4. Newsgroups   -   #4
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    May 2010
    You think the categories should be updated for movies and tv shows (e.g. x264 480p or x264 SDTV), it seems that the scene will be pushing x264 for sdtv content now, based on this "". I don't know how these things work, but when adopted, having all those releases being posted under Misc will be just kind of weird.

  5. Newsgroups   -   #5
    tesco's Avatar woowoo
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    When we see a new category is needed we add it, and remove ones that are no longer in use.
    When x264 sdtv releases start coming in we will adapt.

    edit: Apparently that thing is nuked, not signed by real groups.

  6. Newsgroups   -   #6
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    May 2010
    Really, already nuked, what was it a troll? I was actually excited, since recently it's been harder to come across the HD versions of some shows. I wouldn't mind the SD so much if they were using a good codec. So question then, what happens to all the ones that are put under Misc if a new category is created, will they get moved or will they be stuck under Misc (currently where SD x264 stuff resides).

    Edit: On that site it just looks like it's not signed yet, still drafting revisions or something.
    Last edited by mjmacky; 01-02-2011 at 03:11 AM.

  7. Newsgroups   -   #7
    tesco's Avatar woowoo
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky View Post
    Really, already nuked, what was it a troll? I was actually excited, since recently it's been harder to come across the HD versions of some shows. I wouldn't mind the SD so much if they were using a good codec. So question then, what happens to all the ones that are put under Misc if a new category is created, will they get moved or will they be stuck under Misc (currently where SD x264 stuff resides).

    Edit: On that site it just looks like it's not signed yet, still drafting revisions or something.
    Some of it will be moved, depends on how much there is to move...

    I was excited too, I'm regularly going over my bandwidth cap so was going to start grabbing the x264 sd stuff instead of 720p...

  8. Newsgroups   -   #8
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    Saw the new Movie category NZBs - Movies - x264 SD
    Can't wait till TV catches up.

  9. Newsgroups   -   #9
    lorraine02's Avatar Poster
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    there is still some skills when posting files on it . and the links

  10. Newsgroups   -   #10
    Im new so thanks for the post looks very helpful

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