Originally posted by DrunkeNStylE@4 November 2003 - 11:02
@Virtualbody1234 Canadas the best place for everything including high tax prices
nope. heres the truth: theres no taxes on food and basic needs, like clothes, food, and other stuff. there's a hefty tax if u were to buy computers. lol. but u do have to know that the service is amazing in canada. free health care, to watever degree, as well as community service so well that u'll say it's heaven. free public pools every few blocks. lol. a public library that can request videos and dvds and send them to ur home library. i used to live rite across the street from my library. they u got amazing "don't give a shit bout riaa" laws. lol. well, here's a freaky part: over 50% of students, at least at the school i went to, was chinese. that was kinda freaky