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Thread: Ubuntu Lucid (linux) + Sabnzbplus + miredo (ipv6) + FREE usenet + auto download

  1. #1
    To start off I am an Ubuntu user not an all around linux user. I don't really know linux I just know how to get this to work and its super simple...I think. This is a nub tut, written by a nub that is.

    1. get a ipv6 server to connect to
    2. install miredo
    3. install sabnzbdplus
    4. setup sabnzbdplus (not by me. from sabnzbd's website)
    5. optional additional setup, auto download TVshows(works for windows too) and set sabnzbd up to autostart at system boot

    1. lets get those free servers

    self updating list of current server connectivity down. Try

    no sign up for this one. max speed ~150kb/s
    port: 119
    connections: 3
    there is no username or password

    sign up for free ipv6 at xsnews. max speed ...well i have had it at 2Mb/s Registration closed SOL
    port: 119
    connections: 3
    They will email you the username and password

    For one day only try
    go there and get the server name, username, password, # of connections

    Keep that that info for later you will need it

    2. okay time to install miredo as the ipv6 tunnel. thanks to them ipv6 tunnel is easy
    can do command line style
    sudo apt-get install miredo
    or use the ubuntu software center on your Applications menu

    search for it like i did and click install

    You can test your ipv6 at this point. I have just found this site which works well for me Down. Try You can google whats my ipv6 and click another site but many showed mine not working when it was. you can also ping6 if you know how

    3. install sabnzbdplus. thanks to the sab team and community.
    same deal command line
    sudo apt-get install sabnzbdplus
    or the software center

    you only have to install the one i have selected the rest will be install along with it.

    4. Now sabnzbdplus is installed lets follow the first start guide they gave use. To start sabnzbplus ALT+F2 and input
    then click Run. It will launch the program for the first time and direct you to the setup wizard. If your browser didn't open, open your internet browser and go to http://localhost:8080/sabnzbd/
    follow the guide instructions and have your servers from step one ready. PS. I like smpl best as a skin

    The Wizard On all operating systems, on first-launch of SABnzbd you'll be presented with our quick-start wizard, which will hopefully get you up and running as soon as possible. Here's a quick walk through the steps of the wizard. All settings in the wizard can be changed later on under the various Configuration pages.
    Language Selection

    SABnzbd 0.5 ships with five language choices: German, English, French, Dutch, Swedish and Danish. Pick one, click "Start Wizard"
    Theme Selection

    There are three themes to select from: smpl (New Default), Plush and Classic (Old Default). Pick one, click "Next".
    Access Options

    First, determine if you want SABnzbd to be locally or remotely accessible. If you've chosen to make it remotely accessible (or if you're just paranoid) you will likely want to set a login and password for the web interface, which you can also do on this page. Then, if you want to enable HTTPS ( see here for more details ) you can turn it on here. Additionally, at the bottom of the page you can determine if you want SABnzbd to launch a browser when it starts. You should probably turn this off if you have SABnzbd set to automatically launch at startup.
    Server Setup

    On this page, enter the server information provided by your news host. If you are using SSL, be sure to tick the SSL checkbox. Once you've entered your server details, click the "Test Server" button to determine if the connection works.
    Index Site Options

    If you have an account at NZBMatrix, enter your login details here to be able to use the site integration functionality in SABnzbd.

    You've reached the end of the wizard! Once you've reached this page, SABnzbd will automatically restart. Please wait for it to finish. After a few seconds you'll be presented with a link to http://localhost:8080/sabnzbd. You should bookmark this link, as it's how you'll access SABnzbd in the future.
    All from

    5. set where your files download to
    go to the folders page from http://localhost:8080/sabnzbd . I have mine changed from the default to the setting I want. I did notice that by default they have
    in ubuntu the downloads folder is upper case D Downloads so sab makes a new lower case d downloads folder. I didnt like that so I changed it to an upper case D. Then deleted the extra folders. they will prolly fix this soon its just a typo for the deb install. The locations shown are from your home folder on. If you want to set it somewhere else do it like this and start with /
    fill in the location you want. I have all mine dump into my Downloads folder not the Downloads/complete folder so mine is
    if you just put
    it will auto create a complete folder and set it to download to it

    thats where and a little how on setting up your downloads folder. Now lets download TV shows automatically so you don't even have to search for the .nzbs.

    I believe there will be a free replacement for this in the coming weeks
    Big thanks to for providing this service. take a look at there about page. Site Down

    Auto TV download.
    got to Site Down
    select HD or SD TV shows and then check the shows you want to auto download. At the bottom of the page click generate feed.

    now you have a page with a couple links you want to keep. The top one goes into sabnzbdplus via the web interface you have been using. The second is a link to the page you are looking at and is used to modify it later. example: you come back to that page link later and can check or uncheck shows and click generate feed at the bottom again and you have updated your downloads list that is being sent to sabnzbdplus for download.

    Take the top link and paste it into the RSS page of sab. You can name it what you want.

    click add
    now u must check the feed to enable it and click save.

    thats it. The feed is checked every 60 minutes by default for new files to download. The time interval can be adjusted on the "General" page near the bottom there is a setting for "RSS Checking Interval:" default is 60 and MEDIAnzb only updates every 20 minutes as per there about page. So I set mine at 25 minutes. MEDIAnzb recommends that
    The shows are updated every 20 minutes using several websites as source, please do not poll your personal RSS feed more than that, preferably even less - if you hammer your feed, you will be blocked.
    So be gentle its a free service don't abuse. BTW this works for windows too.

    If you want to to have sab run at system boot and not have to start it manually after the computer boots its really easy.
    press ALT+F2 and the run box pops up.
    put in
    gksu gedit /etc/default/sabnzbdplus

    Click run and this will open

    Where i have my USER blurred you put in the USERNAME that you log into the computer as and save then exit now sab will autostart at system boot.

    thats all for now just click around on the sabnzbplus interface and find stuff one usefull tip is to go to the servers page and test your servers with the built in test button.

    thats my .02 on how to d/l usenet for free
    for fun my desktop screenshot
    Last edited by rdtphd; 10-09-2011 at 07:44 PM. Reason: giving more credits

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  3. Guides and Tutorials   -   #2
    Cabalo's Avatar FileSharingTalker BT Rep: +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24
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    Funny, that yesterday I came across Miredo when looking for a working tunneling solution for IPv6.
    Any chance you have a link to a working one for windows? The one we have here is a little outdated.

  4. Guides and Tutorials   -   #3
    I am still able to use hexago go6 for xp and 7 it does D/C sometimes but it works through a router. If you are not behind a router you can use the built 7 ipv6 and if on xp its a few command lines away. hope that helps for ur googling when you try to find the solutions. I well test it in a few weeks. My windows box has not been connected to the internet all summer but i'll get it back online sometime. I perfer ubuntu/linux for download it always gets just a little more speed out of my network that windows.

  5. Guides and Tutorials   -   #4
    Cabalo's Avatar FileSharingTalker BT Rep: +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24
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    The problem is I'm behind a NAT on windows 7.
    I will resume my googling then.

    I've also ubuntu karmic running on a VM, I'll give it a shot, as this guide is pretty comprehensive.
    Last edited by Cabalo; 08-27-2010 at 04:48 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  6. Guides and Tutorials   -   #5
    additional note but i dont think it has anything to do with getting this to work is that i use google dns and websites to test whether your ipv6 is working or show that im on ipv4, but testing xsnews in sab proves that ipv6 is working. teredo "should" work thru nat from wat i read. there are some setting tho.i have used 7 and tunnels behind all kinds of networks and got it to work be. college firewalls and filtering. normal routers, firebox. when my 7 desktop gets the dust knocked off ill try and see wat i come up with. not 7 but it pretty much says with write settings it will work and i know i was using teredo at one point i dont remember why i went to go6

    maybe ill vmware 7 haha and we can work at it from opposite ends lol. geez its late if thats funny

    update. Try this ipv6 checker to see if your ipv6 is working =)

    you can check ur reg settings to make sure all ipv6 is enabled on your 7 box. this is an article how to disable it but it shows where the settings are and what the enabled setting is

    i think ill make a windows thread. ha
    Last edited by rdtphd; 08-27-2010 at 02:59 PM.

  7. Guides and Tutorials   -   #6
    elbuitre's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +1
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    Holy hell! I'm newsgrouping now! thank you very much for this tutorial, it was very useful.
    A note though, the page you linked to check ipv6 connectivity said i did not have one but the program worked great.
    Last edited by elbuitre; 10-20-2010 at 02:24 AM.

  8. Guides and Tutorials   -   #7
    sometimes you have to refresh it a few times and then it will say its working. it seems the connection goes into a sleep mode and once you try connect it wakes up and then the next time it says its okay.

  9. Guides and Tutorials   -   #8
    hi i was looking at getting rss working and came across this but the link for medianzb is dead it says site is not available


  10. Guides and Tutorials   -   #9
    I believe there is a updated site coming just waiting for it to go public then we will have rss again.

  11. Guides and Tutorials   -   #10
    Join Date
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    Screwston, TX
    is it possible to upload to NZB indexing site from seedbox (i have rapidleech + sabnzdb + pyload) i am using xirvik essentials plus plan so will it work? i really want to upload sources from torrent to nzb. just let me know thanks. just pm me or reply thanks.

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