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Thread: New Usenet indexer MysterBin let you search inside RAR archives

  1. #1
    This indexer has the knowledge of the filenames inside the RAR archives. Not only you can see what files are inside the archive but the search itself is done on these filenames. This is pretty powerful when the title of the post is cryptic but the file are correctly named inside the archive.

    Plus you can filter by content type and size if there are too many results.

    It's free, has the same retention as giganews and has plenty of features.

  2. Newsgroups   -   #2
    MultiForce's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Have to use it a bit more to see what I need it for but looks good. I like the filtering AFTER you click the search button.

  3. Newsgroups   -   #3
    thanks. bookmarked.

  4. Newsgroups   -   #4
    OMG this is awesome. No you can search inside those crypted subjects. Brilliant. Thanks!

  5. Newsgroups   -   #5
    Cubbie's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Very nice find.

  6. Newsgroups   -   #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    This is the most innovative new feature on a search engine that I've seen in a very long time, maybe the all-time best-ever feature.
    Last edited by zot; 09-14-2010 at 11:46 PM.

  7. Newsgroups   -   #7
    Disme's Avatar I'm Belgian BT Rep: +7BT Rep +7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Thank you for this information. Very usefull indeed.
    Last edited by Disme; 09-15-2010 at 08:23 AM.
    Can you feel the LOVE

  8. Newsgroups   -   #8
    SonsOfLiberty's Avatar The Lonely Wanderer
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Capital Wasteland
    Quote Originally Posted by philmb View Post
    This indexer has the knowledge of the filenames inside the RAR archives. Not only you can see what files are inside the archive but the search itself is done on these filenames. This is pretty powerful when the title of the post is cryptic but the file are correctly named inside the archive.

    Plus you can filter by content type and size if there are too many results.

    It's free, has the same retention as giganews and has plenty of features.
    Not really that innovative, considering those cryptic posts are both passwroded and then you must use a text document to get them decryplted....just becaue you can see inside those cryptic archives doesn't really amount to shit, since they are passworded or you must join a site to figure out how to join them, extract them and rename them, way way to much work when they are usually posted to another group correctly..

    And just search DIR names, eg... My.Big.Balls.DVDRip.XviD-BALLS would be balls-mbb.xvid

    You can get dir names using Google by searching the name, or using a pre.

  9. Newsgroups   -   #9
    Everything looks great but it would be nice to have be able to define the age range before hitting the search


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