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Thread: The Bible

  1. #131
    Revelation is apocrophyl and was not written by the John that most people think of when they think of John

    If you want a fictionalized version of the events of Revelation pick up the Left Behind series by Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye

    Also check out the books by Tim LaHaye

    If you want a real intellectuals views on Christianity that is.

  2. Lounge   -   #132
    Earlier on in this topic someone said that the bible was used as something to keep people fearful and from doing crimes and being bad but is no longer relevant. But as i read through this post i realise why a book such as the bible is actually still needed; i mean the sheer ignorance of people in this topic who can't have a civilised debate without trying to insult other peoples beliefs just shows me that people havn't really gotten better over thousands of years. It's disgusting!

    I think that if people want to read something fictional they should read the Torah (now i havn't read it but i'll just say that scientific fact has proven that the people who built the pyramids were not slaves; and so Israel is not the homeland of the Jews. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the Egyptian pharaohs buried the workers who built the pyramids in the shadow of the pyramids to show gratitude).

    And before you start to judge the answer is NO i'm not at all religious. I follow my own mind although i believe in God and many things written in different religious scripts including Christianity, Islam and Buddhism.

  3. Lounge   -   #133
    :< :<
    Last edited by maynoth; 04-24-2007 at 11:45 PM.

  4. Lounge   -   #134
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Originally posted by maynoth@2 February 2004 - 03:34
    It saddens me to a great degree to hear all this illogical hogwash, from what seem to be otherwise moderately intelligent beings..... It shows me how incredibly incapable todays society is of thinking critically. If you believe in a personal god like the one described in the bible then you do so without any objective evidence or proof to back your belief. Doing so is absurd, and frankly it is dangerous to have people this ignorant in democracy. You cannot go around just believing in supernatural beings when you have absolutely ZERO objective evidence or proof to support such a belief. Does anyone else here besides me GET IT? Am I the only SANE person left here in this wonderful soon-to-be theocratic police state of ours? This shows me what a child-like mentality most of our population possess when they cannot demonstrate even the most basic critical thinking skills. Sad is the word i think that best describes it, grown adults that still believe in big men who live in the sky because a book says so or their parents told them so, without any need or regard whatsoever for objective evidence or proof to support said beliefs. It is pure absurdity&#33;, come on people this is the 21st Century we are living in.. We are advanced enough to send beings into outer-space and to the moon but we still believe there is a boogy man under our beds.... Disgusting... absolutely disgusting.

  5. Lounge   -   #135
    For someone who cricises people that he believes are "moderately intelligent beings" you&#39;re rather ignorant&#33; Now i don&#39;t like to describe people in that way but you have just shown in you&#39;re post that you yourself cannott have a civilised discussion without insulting other peoples beliefs. Don&#39;t use words like absurd and illogical hogwash; because it portrays you as being the fool rather than the people that you&#39;re criticising. If you believe that religions that believe in God are wrong then state why without trying to offend people. And by the way there may not be evidence that God exists but there also isn&#39;t any evidence that God doesn&#39;t so you&#39;re not one to judge about evidence.

  6. Lounge   -   #136
    :< :<
    Last edited by maynoth; 04-24-2007 at 11:46 PM.

  7. Lounge   -   #137
    The point that i don&#39;t think you understand is that you can&#39;t go around insulting peoples beliefs by calling them hogwash or absurd and attempting to offend them. This is because when you do things like that no matter what else you have said which may or may not be valid in your arguament people will refuse to listen to it because of your attitude to others.
    I may disagree with some of your beliefs but that doesn&#39;t give me the right to basically call them crap does it.

  8. Lounge   -   #138
    :< :<
    Last edited by maynoth; 04-24-2007 at 11:46 PM.

  9. Lounge   -   #139
    *double post*

  10. Lounge   -   #140
    i don&#39;t actually have a problem in people expressing their beliefs i just have a problem with people such as yourself who are both rude and enjoy insulting people. I don&#39;t know you but from what i gather from your previous posts you really aren&#39;t a good person, it&#39;s actually quite sad.


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