1 x TL invite(KiNdZiUs)
3 x eThor invites (razvy; ?; ?)
1 x CZone invite
3 x 20 GB TvT invites
? x Demonoid invites
Obviously, PMs will get you excluded.Originally Posted by Requirements
1 x TL invite(KiNdZiUs)
3 x eThor invites (razvy; ?; ?)
1 x CZone invite
3 x 20 GB TvT invites
? x Demonoid invites
Obviously, PMs will get you excluded.Originally Posted by Requirements
Last edited by Cristian; 09-21-2010 at 02:46 AM.
Last edited by optimus78; 02-11-2012 at 10:02 AM.
As I said, no trading records. Sorry, mate.
Could I get an invite to eThor?
i fail
Last edited by Downloader; 09-09-2010 at 03:09 PM.
Why hosting the speed test on Imageshack when they give you a direct link?
"I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
Well just for my information, how do you get the statictics for rutorrent? I dont need your invites, just your knowledge..are uploaded/downloaded amounts/ratio/running time not 'statistics'?
Install utorrent.
I already have a TL account
but my friend really wants one and i can assure you that he will upload alot
this is a picture of my user acount and you can see that i have a great ratio
And here is my friend speedtest:
Thanks for reading
Last edited by chertin; 09-10-2010 at 07:05 PM.