This has gotten so out of hand the last few days, that the tsunami of crud has begun to affect just about every news-server on the planet.
There have been some who were saying that things were 'settling down' on Giganews after a few hours, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I did some pretty detailed analysis of headers (or lack thereof) on several high and low volume newsgroups on their server in the last couple of days...
And it's so hosed, it isn't funny anymore.
Did all of their senior people take an extended post-labor day holiday, or what?!?
This is rapidly becoming a major 'gap' in usenet retention, that may exist as a 'sink hole' for months, just like the 'gaps' back circa late 2008 when several plants were first ramping up major retention pushes.
And yes, it's affecting the major nzb folks like binsearch, nzbindex, newzleecher et. al.