I'm sure there are validation issues (which I will try to deal with somehow), but what are the hardware issues?
The OS is WinPro7 64-bit.
I'm sure there are validation issues (which I will try to deal with somehow), but what are the hardware issues?
The OS is WinPro7 64-bit.
"Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."
-Mark Twain
Probably isn't going to boot up. I replaced my main board in a computer I built a long time ago and Windows wouldn't boot up.
I think there's a good chance it might actually boot- Win7 has a much larger and sophisticated driver library- but don't see the point.
Pull the relevant data from the drive, wipe it and start fresh.
Win7 install is so painless that risking weirdness with your course of action makes no sense.
"I am the one who knocks."- Heisenberg
More like driver issues. The old operating system will not have the newer drivers for the motherbord.It will be quicker and cleaner to just do a fresh install.
I agree with clocker, although its possible to do some uninstalling of motherboard related drivers before you switch, once in the new box, stuff will get written to the drive and you can end up sad. Actually the best thing for you to do if you can afford it, is to buy a new drive for the new box (if you shop carefully you can get a real good deal these days). That way you install fresh and afterwords can put the old drive in as a secondary drive with all your data intact or leave it in the old box as networked storage, adding new drives and space as you gather funds.
I swapped my winXP hdd with other people dozen times, it almost always worked, but it worked badly with no hardware support and abusive warning messages.
Last edited by Expeto; 10-20-2010 at 02:29 PM.
You will more than likely have driver issues and possibly hardware issues. The former being more apt to happen. If possible backup your critical data and just do a fresh install of Windows 7 on the new HDD, and then load your backup data back on your new drive. I believe you will find it may be less of an annoyance.
Tried this on a friends PC with my old HD.Tried to recover files recently by installing my HD from a XPS410(my old PC) to a XPS710, messed it up! We still do not know what is wrong.It must have reset his settings or fried the motherboard.