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Thread: Filesharesquad [SCAM ALERT] again dhruv

  1. #41
    Read this on DHruv:

  2. BitTorrent   -   #42
    Cabalo's Avatar FileSharingTalker BT Rep: +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24
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    European Union
    I'll copy paste it here.

    Red Snow

    - A static blog by Synth. ================================================================================================================ 2010:11:11
    I started up this miniature poor excuse for a blog to leave notes for the torrent community in general. Not to mention a few people claiming to be me when I've only been on digitalrebels IRC once, always on the Austirc, and a few tracker IRC networks to warn them of the scammer, Dhruv.
    People who want to send comments, questions, and death threats can do so at: [email protected]
    I'm keeping this blog stupid simple for a few reasons:
    -Less exploits
    So now that we are done with credibility onto the pressing matter I wish to share.
    As a side note, how much damage did Dhruv do? Roughly $20,000 in company damages between "P" - and me. Hundred of thousands of dollars in credit card damage that multiple organizations are looking into at the moment. This is probable something that will never reach your local news.
    Most of you probable have a fair idea of what happened but I will lay out the order of events as best I can. I currently own a company and I've been looking to move my customers to some other server provider because my servers were move to Germany without my knowledge. I met Dhruv in the Austirc in the #TIHelp room. He first approached another staff member who told me he had a business offer for TI. I think it had something to do with promoting his seedboxes in exchange for a few free ones. he sounded desperate and very suspicious. I decided to talk to him, and he gave me a free server from just for listening. His excuses for this outgoing behaviour was that he worked in a data center and could write off these boxes easily. I thought that was pretty cool, and the fact that he needed some help for this to take off made it more interesting. I wasn't really interested in helping sell the servers, I only wanted to help build the website. This is where my business came in, we design websites. We mostly design for locally companies. However, if we could provide cheap servers to my clients I thought of it as a win win situation.
    Dhruv was pushing for time though. Some of us had to pull 24 hours straight to complete what he wanted with a silly and strict time line. We thought the guy might be on his death bed or something. This is where all you experienced web designers and freelancers can laugh your ass off for not taking a deposit. After we had built the website( he wanted as a tracker as well to compliment selling seedboxes. We probable spent a good amount of time on that as well. All of this was done in several days with little sleep.
    After all of this was done he wanted us to start selling seedboxes which made me wonder where does our part end? I thought why not I'll configure a few for him. This is where it starts to get interesting. All the boxes had a ton of shit on them, none were a fresh install, and he kept complaining about how much it is a hassle to get them wiped. The boxes started crashing soon randomly and getting taken down for poor excuses.
    He also opened up an account under my name at FDC servers and started opening up tickets and bitching like the little brat he was for some servers. He started ordering ridiculous amounts. One of my part time employees said he ordered over 10,000 Euros of servers under his account in one day. This seemed really stupid, so now I began to question where he was getting all this money. No one could throw away this much money in servers and expect a 20% return or less even if he was writing them off! If there were ever bigger idiots than those on wall street it is dhruv ladies and gentlemen.
    We decided to compare some of the credit cards. I compared two on my SingleHop account to another one another employee had. They matched so that took suspicion off of him for another few days. However, FDC servers gave us a call from their credit fraud department apologizing for the delay but asked us to sign a credit check or something like that. The same day Dhruv tells us "screw FDC" and OVH also calls us saying he's been ordering with dozens of credit cards. This was proof as it was and I quit.
    The next day he starts giving out torrent flux to everyone on the waiting list, fail. He even said himself "screw the customers I know what's best. If they complain then move them."
    The last bit of involvement I had directly with dhruv was buying with the money in the paypal account and refunded every customer who asked. To those wondering, yes he still owes customers money! For a small time before the ************** article I hosted the on my server so that I could spy on him. Good thing I did too, he uploaded from one of his servers 1GB in text documents of stolen credit cards, random IRC chat documents, screenshots of him buying stolen credit cards and selling stolen information. I have never met more of an idiot in my life, and half the stuff on there I have still not gone through. Anyhow here's some proof:
    The zip file of is what I zipped up. The FTP log is 200 pages + so I will not upload it to show it came from his IP but on request I can provide it. Also, I can provide the same FTP login to any staff member of any tracker of his files if you require further evidence. It's the same login I gave to the RCMP.
    Now with Seednation, I would like to give a shout out to Sharky at **************. We've been in contact since he posted the article. He's been very helpful and extremely cooperative. His responsibility is to post the news, not censor everything. He just reported what he heard from dhruv. He also didn't take down the article because at the time dhruv would of questioned why and may have bolted. I was working with the RCMP to bring down dhruv and didn't want to draw suspicion, and could use any information Sharky could give to me on dhruv. A little later a note was put on the article outlining how not to trust everything you hear. The article has now been deleted. I can say the same about myself, If I owned the domain why didn't I take it down? Simple, I needed as much information from him as possible and the RCMP wouldn't advise on a take down while they were investigating.
    Another company I would like to bring up is P's He had no idea of the situation either. I was going to tell him about the whole credit card fraud investigation but he mentioned he knew dhruv so I thought he might have an idea of the illegal actions going on.
    Also thelen was involved in helping. He was able to get dhruv's phone number for me that I am grateful for. How did he become involved? was hosted on pulsedmedia's server and I expressed my concerns over a PM that thelen happen to read. He knew most of the story by then and started to spread the news. I'm actually happy the news got out without blowing my cover. I am writing this now because it doesn't matter.
    Some of you may be wondering, investigation? Rcmp? Yes, the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) were the first organization to get involved. It originally started at my local police station that I reported all this information at. It then escalated to the RCMP K-Division in Edmonton, and finally to the FBI. I wish I could show the emails, but it is sensitive information.
    I also think he might of been collecting information on members too. When he was on my server he sent an email to the wrong address and it bounced back. I read this email and they were templates of lots of users on seednation. The template contains their IP first followed by any other information he can grab from that user. Name, address, SSN, credit card, etc.
    Since Dhruv likes to release so much personal information why don't I give out some of his?:
    School's IP:
    His home IP (static):
    I am only posting this information because I am asking for a global ban on this guy. Do you want your members scammed? He moves to new ideas and new ways everyday to scam people, lets make sure he never does again.
    Thanks for reading, I'll post any emails I get here as well.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #43
    KFlint's Avatar ... BT Rep: +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlashFSS View Post
    lmfaoo the photoshop is pricelessly evident there, thanks. Fake screenies, i love it. P2PDOG stfu, im not dhruv, go shuv it now and get a life. As far as champo goes, it is clear dhruv owned seednation, how late can you be? lol, are you boys done yet? Bye.
    You are dhruv....cawk... I wish you a good meeting with the feds

  4. BitTorrent   -   #44
    bijoy's Avatar secret lover BT Rep: +1
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    Quote Originally Posted by KFlint View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by FlashFSS View Post
    lmfaoo the photoshop is pricelessly evident there, thanks. Fake screenies, i love it. P2PDOG stfu, im not dhruv, go shuv it now and get a life. As far as champo goes, it is clear dhruv owned seednation, how late can you be? lol, are you boys done yet? Bye.
    You are dhruv....cawk... I wish you a good meeting with the feds
    same people, how many nick? how many account?

  5. BitTorrent   -   #45
    Poster BT Rep: +1
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    nice story!

  6. BitTorrent   -   #46
    Join Date
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    Wow, I felt a little warm inside with that mention, certainly gives me *some* street cred

    Now to hunt his next scam...

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