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Thread: Article: James Cameron Tells Hollywood To Stop Making Trash 3D Movies

  1. #1
    Cabalo's Avatar FileSharingTalker BT Rep: +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24
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  2. vBCms Comments   -   #2
    3d seems to look less realistic. Often characters look like paper cut outs etc. Its also been shown than even with the new tech 2d still has superior pq. I was really wound up about 3d at first but now don't really care about it.

  3. vBCms Comments   -   #3
    sandman_1's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by jedispork View Post
    3d seems to look less realistic. Often characters look like paper cut outs etc.
    True. Also another factor to take into account is that some people have trouble seeing certain types of 3D.

    Avatar was great in 3D. I watched it again in 2D and it just didn't have the same effect as the 3D version. However saying that , I agree that there are ALOT of crap movies in 3D as the already mentioned Clash of the Titans. That movie was horrible on so many levels, it wasn't even funny. It sure as hell didn't even come close, even by a million miles, to being as good as the original.

  4. vBCms Comments   -   #4
    brilman's Avatar Poster
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    I must be real old cause this is the 2nd time 3D has tried and fell flat again.
    whats next smell-a- vision (yes it was done too)

  5. vBCms Comments   -   #5
    link2009's Avatar NZBer
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    Quote Originally Posted by brilman View Post
    I must be real old cause this is the 2nd time 3D has tried and fell flat again.
    whats next smell-a- vision (yes it was done too)
    Really? I've never seen 3D being pushed in the way it is nowadays. Sony, LG, Panasonic, etc... all of the big players, are pushing 3D as hard as they can. Movie theaters are showing 3D movies and film makers are producing them.

    Anyway, my opinion on the subject is that 3D rarely adds any effect to the story. It is mainly there for special effects and individuals that crave those effects will go through lengths to see them. I also hate wearing those horrible 3D glasses and the tickets are more expensive.

    You will never see me buying a 3D monitor or TV unless the glasses disappear (which they're working on now) and prices go down.

  6. vBCms Comments   -   #6
    I thought Avatar was trash and I watched it in 3D. So cameron should take his own advice. Lets face it loads of people watched it because of the graphics.

  7. vBCms Comments   -   #7
    Honestly the best representation of Avatar is the Trey Parker, Matt Stone remake "Dances with Smurfs"

  8. vBCms Comments   -   #8
    Don't forget hollywood loves 3D because it can't be cam'd no piracy and even if a copy leaks if you don't have the right hardware you are not watching it.

  9. vBCms Comments   -   #9
    3D with Avatar was nice, 3D with How to train a dragon also and 3D with Resident evil ok but too tried. 3D with The last airbender somehow redundant and 3D with Alice more of a nuisance. Not to forget the Clash of the titans 3D debacle. Shrek 3D was the worst of all Shrek movies. The 3D with Piranha didn't make any difference - it was simply crap.

    That's it for me - I didn't watch that owl stuff or Despicable me even if they seem to be nice. I'm sick of the right eye only getting a darker pictures, light headaches after each visit and that stupid glasses.


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