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Thread: Some Questions About Trackers

  1. #1
    Waddafocky's Avatar dvd BT Rep: +1
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    Why are there so many scene trackers? And why are so many of them "rare"? What differentiates them, if all they carry is scene?

    Is it the community? I find this hard to believe - the same people who are attracted to one scene tracker will be attracted to another. They all look the same, anyhow. Also, rarity of tracker will maybe weed out a few people who legitimately can't seed, but I don't believe that rarity is any barrier to douchebags, cheaters, and

    Also, can I question the quality of the scene? I used to believe in scene torrents back when I used to use public trackers for my movies and the alternative was really shitty rips, but now I almost always choose a non-scene movie over scene. In house encodes for both PtP and PTN are much better quality (I probably would include Goem, KG, SDBits, HDBits, CN - but I am a member at none of these sites).

    As for TV, the other major thing that scene trackers cover - what is the advantage of downloading off a scene tracker vs. a site like TvT or BTN? Is it speed? I'm already capping at both of those sites. Is it pretimes? Seriously, does anyone believe in pretimes anymore? Although it might be a slight inconvenience to watch the TV show an hour later than you had expected, is this really a reason to join yet another tracker?

    Scene encodes of music are almost always inferior to any rip done by someone who knows anything.

    Apps/Games - Ok, non-scene almost never releases apps, but they do release Games (at least on BCG). This is maybe the only place where I find scene to be more comfortable than non-scene, although this is probably left-over bias from my stupid days. Also, I think scening apps is one of the most ridiculous things. Like I really needed version 1.003568 of SQL Database ExploderX the minute it hit the eMarket.

    So far, I have found nothing that would encourage me to join yet another scene tracker. In addition to those I have listed, how, in any way, is SCC/SeX/GFT/SBT/InsertSceneTrackerHere better than a site like IPT (considering I don't care about download speed or pretimes)?

    Nobody has to answer - I guess these are rhetorical questions I pose while I stumble across torrent-land.

    P.S. - Is TL superior or rarer than IPT? Please note that I'm making a distinction between the two. If it's just rarer, then I won't look for an invite, but if people think it's superior in any way (I guess my criterion for superiority would be massive scene+NON-SCENE selection along with retention), then I might have to post up for an invite.

  2. BitTorrent   -   #2
    ca_aok's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +1
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anarkial View Post
    Why are there so many scene trackers? And why are so many of them "rare"? What differentiates them, if all they carry is scene?

    Is it the community? I find this hard to believe - the same people who are attracted to one scene tracker will be attracted to another. They all look the same, anyhow. Also, rarity of tracker will maybe weed out a few people who legitimately can't seed, but I don't believe that rarity is any barrier to douchebags, cheaters, and
    It's all the same content. Differences are in pre-time, swarm speed, and the members present. Really, you only need one. If you wanted overall speed, SCC would be your best bet, lots of people prefer ratioless because you don't have to worry about seeding much though. I understand GFT is open signups right now, you could try that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anarkial View Post
    Also, can I question the quality of the scene? I used to believe in scene torrents back when I used to use public trackers for my movies and the alternative was really shitty rips, but now I almost always choose a non-scene movie over scene. In house encodes for both PtP and PTN are much better quality (I probably would include Goem, KG, SDBits, HDBits, CN - but I am a member at none of these sites).
    Scene quality is crappy, but at least it's fairly consistent. P2P rips are better if they're done by people who know what they're doing, however there are plenty of aXXo-esque P2P groups out there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anarkial View Post
    As for TV, the other major thing that scene trackers cover - what is the advantage of downloading off a scene tracker vs. a site like TvT or BTN? Is it speed? I'm already capping at both of those sites. Is it pretimes? Seriously, does anyone believe in pretimes anymore? Although it might be a slight inconvenience to watch the TV show an hour later than you had expected, is this really a reason to join yet another tracker?
    Pretimes, and rared versus unrared. Also TV trackers generally have a lot more features tailored towards TV... series pages, daily schedules, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anarkial View Post
    Scene encodes of music are almost always inferior to any rip done by someone who knows anything.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anarkial View Post
    Apps/Games - Ok, non-scene almost never releases apps, but they do release Games (at least on BCG). This is maybe the only place where I find scene to be more comfortable than non-scene, although this is probably left-over bias from my stupid days. Also, I think scening apps is one of the most ridiculous things. Like I really needed version 1.003568 of SQL Database ExploderX the minute it hit the eMarket.
    I usually prefer scene stuff here as well since it's *usually* more trustworthy (but not always, you still need to be careful).

    Quote Originally Posted by Anarkial View Post
    So far, I have found nothing that would encourage me to join yet another scene tracker. In addition to those I have listed, how, in any way, is SCC/SeX/GFT/SBT/InsertSceneTrackerHere better than a site like IPT (considering I don't care about download speed or pretimes)?
    They aren't. Don't tell the traders that though.
    Quote Originally Posted by whatcdfan View Post
    u are somewhat fairer then the last occasions but still pal i give a damn to what u said and expect i really dont need anything from u or optimuscrime i get what i want coz u 2 guyes dont own bittorrent and i dont think i portrayed any image i wrote simple english and u are seems to be very good at making assumptions if someone is not a cheater and u assume he's a cheater and write what u wrote and when u are proven wrong who u think will owe an apology then barack obama????

  3. BitTorrent   -   #3
    whatcdfan's Avatar A.W.A BT Rep: +2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anarkial View Post
    how, in any way, is SCC/SeX/GFT/SBT/InsertSceneTrackerHere better than a site like IPT (considering I don't care about download speed or pretimes)?
    what are the standards of being good, great, poor if download speeds arent considered? secondly SCC is by far the best 0day tracker out there not by that fact that its hard to get in but considering its scene content, Download Speeds, Freeleech packs (which actually help people like me without seedboxes to maintain a healthy ratio) and pretimes is unarguably the best of all

  4. BitTorrent   -   #4
    Quarterquack's Avatar sprclfrglstcxpldcs BT Rep: +3
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    Matter of the fact is, this one chalks up to personal preference. Sure, some methods of measuring a site's quality are inane, but it remains to be a fact that not all people find it pointless. That alone is a good thing for every site, as every site will find a member base that "clicks in" with itself. However, over to your point of over-saturation of scene trackers, I recently asked a friend why he decided to start up a tracker, and his answer was "I wanted to provide something nice for people." Now I respect this friend a fair bit, so I won't name his site, but it stands to reason that he could have invested his time and money into providing food and shelter from the homeless. The difference is, with bittorrent comes a source of income, and there's no shortage of influx of users looking to get their content fix off of off-scene sites. There really is no difference between IPT and Demonoid, and one step further down, TPB even has the most content. With the kinds of questions you're asking, it's only a matter of time before you hit a dead end and realize you have no business grabbing content in private websites at all. So to be honest, the simplest version of the answer to all your questions is: Find out what you're looking for. Find someplace you click in/with well.

    As honest as an answer gets, is that it's usually the fact that it's the cool thing to do, that you feel a sense of elitism, that you tend to trust your files a bit more, and that those sites are properly organized. Take for example BTN's series search, or PTN's movie grouping; features that are helpful but you can't really make the most use of them elsewhere. That, and monkey sees, therefore monkey does. You see a lot of "like-minded" individuals doing something, and especially if you associate with them, you will do the same. In this case those individuals are pirates, that are interested in having a deeper experience with the platform/protocol than they would get elsewhere (refer to the second sentence of this paragraph).

    Over to why you should pick scene over p2p; you shouldn't. And you shouldn't also care about having preferences period. At the end of the day, a movie, a song and a game all lose no meaning or value depending on the source you get them from. If you're after content solely, then you shouldn't care who provides it to you, as long as you get them at the times you go out looking for them. Period. Regardless if that timing you oh-so-need is midnight the day a game released, or a fortnight later when guides have been published. Also, I'm sorry that people find pretimes meaningless, but to a lot of people they are not. The thrill of the chase, of trying and succeeding to become the best, is the same thrill you'd get from racing someone with your shopping cart to the express aisle at a grocery store, or burning a yellow light when you could have easily stopped, or countless other examples. We intrinsically need to be first, we need to satisfy our sense of individuality, and pretimes are just a way to channel that necessity. If that's not your cup of tea, then take entertainment out of your life until the laws are restructured and copyright laws only hold for a few years past release of the media. You won't, because you still want that file in what is, to you, a reasonable time period after its release. Then dare I say, it's unreasonable to judge someone else for having less of an attention span or more of a drive to get that media before you.

    I'm not attacking you. I'm simply giving you more questions to help you get to more concrete answers. Last thing you'd want is reaching an answer that deep down you know is not convincing to your own self.
    Ellipses go here.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #5
    elbuitre's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +1
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    IPT has a lot of stuff but I like to use sites that have better organization so I search elsewhere first. why should there be more than one scene tracker? because trackers get shutdown and the content is relatively easy to get (pay2leech at the least). I find redundancy to be a sort of defense in this case. Losing say GFT would not be as devastating to filesharing as losing for example.
    Last edited by elbuitre; 12-07-2010 at 08:33 AM.
    I will have my coup d'etat
    I will start a riot
    I will hold your burning flag in my hand

  6. BitTorrent   -   #6
    whatcdfan's Avatar A.W.A BT Rep: +2
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    @asshunter damn nuttshunter shit ballshunter ringhunter: (hay i got it right, wait did i?)
    Anyways why is this anger for? Aby told u ass drilling is blood spilling business but u dont seem to learn ur lessons
    Quote Originally Posted by Anarkial View Post
    What differentiates them, if all they carry is scene?
    it was already said content, assuming that scene content is identical on all the trackers unless some tracker indexes ur mothers midnight disgraces broad-daylight adventures that too in HD
    Quote Originally Posted by ringhunter View Post
    The point at hand is why you should care about any of those things, rather than at any other scene site. I'm not surprised the point of the thread flew over your head, though.
    take some time off of tick sucking and read before u start spilling shit
    EDIT: you can also opt to not to reply back since i already know what a pigs goin to drink after he eats shit
    hay just out of curiosity were u born from azzhole since a synonym for feminine vagina is a term of insult for u.

  7. BitTorrent   -   #7
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anarkial View Post
    Why are there so many scene trackers? And why are so many of them "rare"? What differentiates them, if all they carry is scene?
    Because they tend to be created by very young people with , I'm assuming, poor self- esteem who see it as a way to attempt to gain some respect/notoriety . Still better than another Columbine I guess.
    As for TL and IPT ,IPT tends to be easier to maintain a ratio on - easier than just about any place outside of TVT maybe , but I'm told TL has better retention.
    I really can't testify to to that since I've found things still active on IPT that I haven't on TL and vise versa.I think it's totally dependent on what you are looking for.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  8. BitTorrent   -   #8
    cinephilia's Avatar I don't like you BT Rep: +10BT Rep +10
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Because they tend to be created by very young people with , I'm assuming, poor self- esteem who see it as a way to attempt to gain some respect/notoriety . Still better than another Columbine I guess.
    i couldn't have said it better myself.

    ringhunter: tl;dr
    whenever people agree with me, i always feel i must be wrong.

  9. BitTorrent   -   #9
    The main draw of any site is the amount of content on the site, the number of regular uploads, and the download speed provided.

    There are so many scene trackers because scene trackers basically ensure all 3 of those conditions. Autouploaders can provide hundreds of new torrents per day, and are hosted on 100Mbit or 1Gbit servers which means great download speeds for users.

    With the cost of servers as they are now (thanks in large part to OVH), autouploaders can be run rather cheaply, and fast pay2leech FTP sources can be had relatively cheaply today compared to a year ago or more ago.

    All this means is new sites go for the easy target -- scene uploads -- since it is easier to get an autouploader going on a scene tracker than to spend the time recruiting uploaders, rippers, encoders for your niche site.

    Only problem becomes that users are stuck with 10, 20, 50 choices of trackers that all upload the same thing. The result? Most newer trackers get a burst of interest when first opening, then quickly head towards the grave due to donation issues unless the staff is prepared to invest heavily in the site out of their own pocket. Older trackers suffer from inactivity as users are drawn away from them to the dozens of new alternatives, while at the same time they refuse to open invites or signups to boost activity as they fear harming their elitist reputation.

  10. BitTorrent   -   #10
    1000possibleclaws's Avatar BT God BT Rep: +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100
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    Quote Originally Posted by cinephilia View Post
    ringhunter: tl;dr
    i couldn't have said it better myself.

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