Which is better and witch usess less resources?
Which is better and witch usess less resources?
<span style='color:blue'><span style='font-family:Arial'>Msi ms-6330
Amd Athlon at 1ghz
896mb Ram pc-133
Seagate 80gb 7,200 rpm
Nvidia Geforce MX 420
21 inch screen
MSI 52X32X52 CD-RW (cr52-m)
SoundBlaster 5.1 mp3+
Creative Labs 5.1 Speakers
Xp Pro Sp1</span></span>
NAV corp rocks.
What is better about it and what is the newest version. Since I already have norton 2003 should I uninstall it (wich I am willing to do) and install the newest version of norton corp?
<span style='color:blue'><span style='font-family:Arial'>Msi ms-6330
Amd Athlon at 1ghz
896mb Ram pc-133
Seagate 80gb 7,200 rpm
Nvidia Geforce MX 420
21 inch screen
MSI 52X32X52 CD-RW (cr52-m)
SoundBlaster 5.1 mp3+
Creative Labs 5.1 Speakers
Xp Pro Sp1</span></span>
The size is only 19mb,not eating rsources like NAV,you don't need to restart your pc when you make the antivirus updates.no subcription you update the corporate edition all your lifefor free,the latest v is 8.1.1. and i see is not buggy like 8.0 because i tryed also 8.0 and it was buggy on my xp.And yes you need to uninstall your norton before installing NAV corp.
What do you mean by the size only being 19mb? I looked on suprnova and they have it and it is 762mb?
<span style='color:blue'><span style='font-family:Arial'>Msi ms-6330
Amd Athlon at 1ghz
896mb Ram pc-133
Seagate 80gb 7,200 rpm
Nvidia Geforce MX 420
21 inch screen
MSI 52X32X52 CD-RW (cr52-m)
SoundBlaster 5.1 mp3+
Creative Labs 5.1 Speakers
Xp Pro Sp1</span></span>
That is a iso,i have the link for the 19mb version,you just need FlashGet to download.
I installed flashget can you send me the link. Is the iso any better than the 19mb one?
<span style='color:blue'><span style='font-family:Arial'>Msi ms-6330
Amd Athlon at 1ghz
896mb Ram pc-133
Seagate 80gb 7,200 rpm
Nvidia Geforce MX 420
21 inch screen
MSI 52X32X52 CD-RW (cr52-m)
SoundBlaster 5.1 mp3+
Creative Labs 5.1 Speakers
Xp Pro Sp1</span></span>
You don't need to burn it ,is the exe file,just download it and install,i give you the link,and if anyone want it too don't pm me just pm to Triadcool.
Thanks shareholder.
<span style='color:blue'><span style='font-family:Arial'>Msi ms-6330
Amd Athlon at 1ghz
896mb Ram pc-133
Seagate 80gb 7,200 rpm
Nvidia Geforce MX 420
21 inch screen
MSI 52X32X52 CD-RW (cr52-m)
SoundBlaster 5.1 mp3+
Creative Labs 5.1 Speakers
Xp Pro Sp1</span></span>