i remmember seeing the command but i cant remmember it, can someone please just post the rollback command for mirc.
i read krackheads guide again but i couldent find it in there.
thnx in advanced.
i remmember seeing the command but i cant remmember it, can someone please just post the rollback command for mirc.
i read krackheads guide again but i couldent find it in there.
thnx in advanced.
You might find the answer here I did not have time to go through the entire site
If you attack the establishment long enough and hard enough, they will make you a member of it.
-- Art Buchwald --
yooooou son of a bitch!
i cant seem to find it on that site, krackhead plz tell me it!
oh oh tell me too!
no i really do wanna know actually, i couldn't find it on that site either
Q6600 @ 3.42Ghz | Gigabyte EP35-DS3R | EVGA 8800GT 721/1802/2006 w/ Accelero S1 | 4gb Crucial DDR2 @ 760mhz | 750gb Hitachi 7k1000 | Corsair 520HX | 2 x Samsung SyncMaster T240 24" | Windows 7 Ultimate
from krackhead's guide
Exit the Optins window, Press alt+r and paste this exact code in the window that pops up (it should be the mIRC Script Editor, Remote tab):
On *:GETFAIL:*: {
btrunc $filename $iif($calc($file($filename).size - 102400 ) > 0, $ifmatch, 0)
on *:FILERCVD:*: { .timers off }
The first command is an implementation of RESUME ROLLBACK. I can't stress enough how important this is. This means that whenever a send dies and we resume, the file is resumed some 100KB (or any other number you choose) before the last reception. This should ELIMINATE corruption problems which I for one have had a lot of - cases where I'd download a 2 GB tar file, only to find out quite a few rar files inside were corrupted. And if you think that doesn't happen often statisticly, think again. There are whole (packed) channels dedicated for sending missing rar files to ppl whose tars were corrupted. The best one i know of, btw, is #incomplete on Efnet, they have explanations there, a list of other similar chans, a web site, the works. It's a mandatory channel (actually more like a network) to know of, regardless.
ok umm i pasted it, now how do i set it to rollback 1mb ? or is it set as that already?
oh and in the code do i paste
On *:GETFAIL:*: {
btrunc $filename $iif($calc($file($filename).size - 102400 ) > 0, $ifmatch, 0)
on *:FILERCVD:*: { .timers off }
or --------------
On *:GETFAIL:*: {
btrunc $filename $iif($calc($file($filename).size - 102400 ) > 0, $ifmatch, 0)
on *:FILERCVD:*: { .timers off }
notice the difference between the 2 is that 1 has the word CODE ontop and the other doesnt.
how about adding a zero to 102400?