it occured to me there, me and 3rd gen are at uni with lamsey, now, up to this stage everythings been great, and hes a great guy and all that. But im now going into some buisness to take advantage of this situation,anyone who has any grief with the young chap please send me some money to my paypal account and me and 3gen will kick his ass, now, obviously there will be limitations, for 50p well give him some slaps, maybe throw in a kick for free, a quid will ensue some serious damage, 2quid for hospitilisation and for 3quid ill rub him out. To have body parts distributed for place mounting will incurr a small fee, ill discuss future prices with my partner.....but for the moment, we'll just ccarry out some market research see if its going to take off
I have aquired some more partners in my goal, and we are now also offering a special limited edition......
we will kick netweiners head in too for a small fee of £200, with some consultation from fellow enthusiasts we have decided killing would be too fortunate a fate, so we will only be distributing head kicking with this particular product folks, please dont crowd in