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Thread: Macro Vision

  1. #1
    OK I want to watch movies on my TV using my computer but I've got this problem

    I got a problem with TVtool 9.0.

    TVtool crashes every 10-15 min. and says something about user data problems I guess it's has something too do with the registration. if anyone know what too do pleas respond to this or pm me whit a valid key
    so I was wondering if there is a way to disable macro vision using another program or some reg tweak


  2. Movies & TV   -   #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Toronto, Canada
    if it crashes at a regular interval (10-15 min) then maybe it is a problem with your screensaver.
    try disabling it while u watch

  3. Movies & TV   -   #3
    if it crashes at a regular interval (10-15 min) then maybe it is a problem with your screensaver.
    try disabling it while u watch
    Thanks but no thats not the problem. I downloaded it from suprnova and I got a keygen with it but I guess it's non functional


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