does anyone no a program that has the audio codec tag 8192 shown in the pic below so i can listen to the sound in this movie , the movie is bad boys 2 and it is in xvid format.
does anyone no a program that has the audio codec tag 8192 shown in the pic below so i can listen to the sound in this movie , the movie is bad boys 2 and it is in xvid format.
You most prob need ac3 mate.
Tri this
godamn wtf i keep getting error's now.
Well mate if you read my post "most prob".Your image dosnt show up.
Open the file with gspot or vbud and display an image which shows and maybe i can help.
An did you have any other codecs or filters install too
um mate, how would i go uninstalling tis?
well that was the code executed on my comp when i click the .bat file.Code::WinNT echo Detected Windows 2000/NT/XP echo Copying system files copy IVIAUDIO.AX %WINDIR%\SYSTEM > NUL copy MPGAUDIO.AX %WINDIR%\SYSTEM > NUL echo Updating system registry %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\REGSVR32 /s %WINDIR%\SYSTEM\IVIAUDIO.AX > NUL %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\REGSVR32 /s %WINDIR%\SYSTEM\MPGAUDIO.AX > NUL goto finished :error echo File not found, unzip and before trying to install echo Installation failed, press any key... pause > NUL goto end :finished echo Installation successful, press any key... pause > NUL goto end :end
i tried deleting those .AX files but it says in use by some program, and no , no program is using it.
Have a look in windows/system or system32 folder for the files.If they're there goto the run cmd and type"REGSVR32 IVIAUDIO.AX.And the same for the other.If they're not put them there.
Tri that mate.
lol try using video lan
hm thx i got it working by dling that kazaa codec packet 1.10 or whatever on the main kazaa lite site
Start > Run > regsvr32 /u IVIAUDIO.AX
regsvr32 /u MPGAUDIO.AX
Then install the K-Lite Codec Pack and you will be able to play the files without problems.