What I Own
I own the 3 best consoles
Dreamcast (I refuse to buy a gamecube because there are no games on it that appeal to me!
I play them all on a 150CM (around 74") TV with a dolby surround 5:1 sound setup. All my consoles are chipped so I can play copies on them.
I also have a relativly good PC, and I honestly say that Console gaming far surpasses PC Gaming.
With console games you just pop the CD into your system and you're ready to play without having to install and without having to pray to God that the game will run nicely.
I prefer playing FPS's on consoles with the Controllers to playing with a Keyboard and Mouse...With Halo on Xbox, my thumbs adapt easily to the controls while on PC I find it more harder to play. (maybe because there is a shorter distance between keys on a controller then on a keyboard.)
The graphics for PS2 and Xbox on my TV are much crisper and clearer then what I can get on a 17" PC monitor (especially on Xbox) where games like Splinter Cell and Halo are far superior to the graphics on the PC version. You'll never, ever have to worry about upgrading your console to be able to play a single game or worry about hardware drivers etc, until 3 or 4 years after the latest console is released, when a new one comes out.
With split-screen multiplayer on my TV, when playing a 2 person game each person has a screen the size of a PC monitor, so that's not a problem... However 97% of the time, I'll be playing games Single Player, so let's keep this thread to just that. No Multiplayer talk.
a Geforce FX5900 costs around $400... That's the hardware alot of people say is superior to both the Xbox and PS2 graphical power, however those people forget that with that money, you can get both a PS2 and Xbox! Plus, seeing as consoles are made specifically for games and use their resources for nothing else, one cannot compare Console specs with PC specs. The Xbox has a 64MB 3D Card if I'm correct, however that plays games like Halo incredibly smoothly, while if you were to play that on a PC on high settings you'd need a 128MB card at least.
My friend spent around $2000 buying a:
P4 3.2GHZ
1 gig Ram
Geforce FX5600
500GB HD
LCD Flatron Monitor (which was a big mistake as all the games he plays seem really blurry and have transparent trails)
He is perhaps the biggest gamer I know, he owns 4 consoles (same like mine + Gamecube) and over 200 games for each, around 476 for PS2. He agrees that he prefers Console gaming because there are more experimental and original games that come out for them... However he says he'll only play FPS's on PC (Halo was an exception) I on the other hand, can play FPS's on consoles and have alot of fun. I'm indifferent to using a Keyboard and Mouse or a Controller. He is also right about the games... PC's mainly get FPS's (65%) Third Person Action/Adventure and RTS, with the odd Sports game here and there. I admit that Strategy is bad on consoles, except for Gladius, which is supposed to be quite good.
Consoles also come out first with more original games... L.A True Crimes, Cookies and Milk, Blinx the Time Sweeper, Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time, Silent Hill 2, This game where you draw your characters and the system places them into the game as a 3D, playable model, can't remember the name of the game though, Metal Gear Solid, Grand Theft Auto 3 and Vice City, Splinter Cell, Head-Hunter, Shenmu and Socom with it's voice-activated friendly AI etc.
Console games usually get higher marks then PC games for the ratio of Console games being released in contrast with PC games. Also note that Soul Calibur on Dreamcast got the coveted 10/10 on IGN.com
All the best games I've ever played appeared first on consoles before being ported to PC... And the console versions are still better.
Metal Gear Solid 2
GTA 3 and Vice City
Hitman 2
Silent Hill 2
Onto Mods... Alot of people use this in defence of PC games. Yes, downloading new mods and levels is not so readily available on consoles as it is on PC's but it's getting there. Local magazines here in South Africa release fan-made mods and missions on a Demo CD which can be installed onto the Xbox Box, and with Xbox Live, you can download missions to games such as Splinter Cell... I can see modding on consoles to become more popular soon.
Now we come to prices.
I have a P4 1.7GHZ, 256MB DDram, 20Gig HD, 17" Monitor and a Geforce 4 MX440... This came to around $700 wholesale. (PC's are quite expensive here)
A PS2 and Xbox, chipped, would come to around $500...There you have above-PC Standard gaming at a low price and games are now practically free. Don't get me wrong, I'm not ripping PC Gaming at all... I think it's awesome, however it's just too expensive and too tedious to have to always upgrade and worry about your systems performance in games when you can just buy a console and not have to hassle over that again!
All in all, in my opinion...Consoles are better for gaming then PC's. If you're going to reply to this thread, do so in a legible and intelligable way, don't flame me or call me a N00b or some wacky crap like that. This is an in-depth debate, so if you're going to argue for or against Consoles... Do say with a backed up opinion!