in my 'C:\Documents And Settings' folder i got 2 administrator folders, one just titled 'administrator' the other 'administrator.(my comps ID)' and my 'owner' folder and an 'all users' folder, now one admin folder i dont remember bein there (think its the one with my comps ID in the title) looks like old config in one admin folder, about 145 megs, the other a 5 meg file that dont hardly have sh*t in it
whats the deal? my admin's account on my comp is 'owner' and thats where all my current configs are, i.e., all valid 'My Documents' folders, my pictures, etc.
i guess i'm wonderin why they (the admin files) need to be there when they just appear to be old profiles/configs and i could free up almost 150 megs without em?
any help appreciated