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Thread: Bin/cue

  1. #1
    just got matrix 3 of supernova,1.53 gb,svcd,it came in 2 bin and 2 cue files,tried burning in nero 6 using burn image but it came out wrong,when i put it in computer i have to locate the movie file on the disc and it plays okay, but dont know what to do now.
    am sure u people can help me again

  2. Movies & TV   -   #2
    Guest can play bin/cues without burning them, it also has vcd controls for your burned vcd/svcd's
    if your having trouble playing it in your stand alone dvd player, it most likely cause it can't play svcd's
    check here to see
    If it doesn't play svcd's you could try the header trick

  3. Movies & TV   -   #3
    cheers mate
    dvd player does not play svcd,checked player section few month back but did not look at vcds,my fault.
    what is the header trick?

  4. Movies & TV   -   #4
    you can try to trick it to play a svcd by rewriting the header
    worth a shot before you re-encode it to vcd


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