hi there
i downloaded a Windows XP corporate file.
when i try to open it...it says that it's not a Win32 program.
is there anything that i can do? what am i doing wrong? when i right click the file is tells me that it's an application but not anything else.
is there anything i can do or did i just waste 5 hours of downloading...
not really a waste, becasue i did some music and "stuff" and others were able to upload
problem is...others are uplaoding this file too and if it doesn't work i want to be able to tell them.
this is the name of the file
windows_xp_pro_corporate_final 504,102kb
damn, it just dawned on me...could it be in iso format?
that doesn't help me though, becasue i am not familiar with iso at all...can anyone help me or should i just kiss it goodbye?