For quite some time I was meaning to bring this up for the use of Software World and some etiquettes of posting here.
If you are going to start posting here it would be beneficial to you if you read this.This post is in no way to overwhelm new posters, just to convey few points.
- For all you know, your question or similar has already been posted and got the replies. Please make use of the Search option of the Board. It works quite well now and hopefully you will get your answers. If not feel free to post a new one. However, there is no point posting answers to the questions already answered. So normally one would just refer you to another post for it. Its better if you do a search of your own.
.- For people who frequently answer questions (Part 1):
Please don't repeat what has already been answered and you agree to it. This act seems more to increase your post count. No one appreciates spamming and useless answers. Serious people here are concerned more about quality answers than quantity.If you have something else to say or want to add which will make the understanding clearer you are more than welcome to post it.
.- For people who frequently answer questions (Part 2):
If you disagree to someone's solution or their understanding it is usually healthy to convey your point in the right manner and usually everyone benefits from that. However, if you are going to post kiddish remarks like "STFU, You dont know anything" or post pictures from different sites to convey the same, then its not funny for anyone. The act seems more kiddish and you will just be ignored by the regulars of Software World. If you do want to argue please post references to convey.
Moreover, I will highly encourage that before disagreeing with someone please Search it on google to make sure what the other person is talking about is true or not. Thus, you should verify your own answer before you argue with someone.
.- Software World doesn't only has questions related to "softwares." So please dont bash members for posting here. Anything that is not related to Hardware and is related to computer can be posted here. Thus, posts pertaining to help with "Graphics," "Web Designing" or "Virus removal" etc. can be posted here.
.- You will get serious answers if you post in Software World. The new trend is to post everything in Lounge. Yes you will get many answers there but they may not be the best one's. You would be better posting them in the right section otherwise it will get moved anyways.
.- When writing your title and description please make full use of it. Write the title
relating to question and in description a little bit about the problem. Please don't write "Help needed" and then nothing in description or title to convey what its about. The possibility is that some people here who are regulars quickly visit topics they know of and which hasn't got many replies to answer it. If topics are vague not many people (who may know the answers) might reply.
Also, please write in a fashion such that your question and your responses is clear enough for someone to understand. You won't be able to get answers if no one understands what you are saying. They will end up ignoring the topic or they might ask you again what you mean. Better to write clearly.
.- Please don't post new duplicate topics if you didn't get answers in the last one. Nothing magical will happen this time.
.- People who are posting answers, if you see a question that has already been answered, I would suggest you to refer the person to the post instead of answering the same question again that might bring up the same doubts again. This will also encourage people searching for their problem rather than posting the same question.
If you are a regular of Software World and want to add few things, please feel free to add.
Hope this will make things clear, organized, less repetetive and more friendly here.![]()
Best Wishes,
ps: Thanks to people who helped in adding and modifying the said suggestions.