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Thread: Weird Glitch

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    when i first started playing GTA VC everything ran smoothly up until now.
    does anyone no why my GTA VC graphics have totally become fucked! up. totally.! its weird.

    keep reading...


    the weird thing is i can turn the graphics back to normal by using CTRL-ALT-DELETE and by returning back to my desktop..and then back into the game.. this 'resets' the game back to normal..but after a few moments it turns back to glitchy

    this only happens on this game

    plz help

  2. Games   -   #2
    Infested Cats's Avatar Mike Victory
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Brooklyn, NY
    I think your videocard is experiancing "clipping." Either it's being overworked, or it's overclocked.

    If it's too overclocked, the chip can overheat, and cause your graphics to fracture like that.

    Am I right?

  3. Games   -   #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    im not sure... thats why im asking for help. its sounds as if your on the right track. so how do i fix it?

    it (the gay graphics) goes like this as i progress to certain places and once it starts it doesnt matter where i am.... its only a matter of when. (30 secs most)

    think your videocard is experiancing "clipping."
    can i stop this?

  4. Games   -   #4
    Infested Cats's Avatar Mike Victory
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Brooklyn, NY
    What video card do you have?

  5. Games   -   #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    ge force fx 5200 128 MB

  6. Games   -   #6
    mine does that with halo... id say your card just doesnt work well with vice

  7. Games   -   #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    so theres no hope with this graphic card.?

  8. Games   -   #8
    Originally posted by dray_02@11 November 2003 - 04:42
    so theres no hope with this graphic card.?
    could be but im not really the one to ask about it

    vice city is known to have problems along with GTA3

  9. Games   -   #9
    abu_has_the_power's Avatar I have cool stars
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    Apr 2003
    he's posting here cuz everyone's telling him it's a vd card prob. no prob man. i got the same card. apparantly no probs here. i keep my card nice and cool. i got like 7 fans in my comp!
    now, let's c. from up screenshots, it's mostlikely that ur vd card is overheating. happened to my friend's computer. to check, easiest way is to open the case, and gently put ur finger on the heatsink of the gpu. if it's a bit burning, or let's say 35-40 deg' C, it's fine. if higher, it should be fine. if higher than 50 or 55, u might have some probs. turn off ur comp, and leave it off for a while. like 1 nite. with the case open and keep it cool by opening all the windows. try it again

    if same, actually, do this first! go into ur vd card settings, and make sure it's not oced. and switch all the settings to default. then try it again. ur game is fine, most likely overheating. try those, and see wat u get.

    u don't have to leave it open for a nite, just blow some air, and let it cool off for a few minutes

  10. Games   -   #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    he's posting here cuz everyone's telling him it's a vd card prob. no prob man. i got the same card. apparantly no probs here. i keep my card nice and cool. i got like 7 fans in my comp!
    now, let's c. from up screenshots, it's mostlikely that ur vd card is overheating. happened to my friend's computer. to check, easiest way is to open the case, and gently put ur finger on the heatsink of the gpu. if it's a bit burning, or let's say 35-40 deg' C, it's fine. if higher, it should be fine. if higher than 50 or 55, u might have some probs. turn off ur comp, and leave it off for a while. like 1 nite. with the case open and keep it cool by opening all the windows. try it again
    thanx ill try this out

    p.s i alwayz have my case open anyway.
    i might have to buy a cheap ass fan. ... does the fan have to be a lil clip on one or can it be a big one

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