well i just bought a new geforce 2 graphics card, and i installed it on my computer. I tested it by going on counter-strike and the graphics started being retarted. Look what i mean!
well i just bought a new geforce 2 graphics card, and i installed it on my computer. I tested it by going on counter-strike and the graphics started being retarted. Look what i mean!
AMD Athlon 2500+
512 RAM
80GB Western Digital
1.83 GHZ
GYGABYTE ATI Radeon 9200 128MB
come on people please help me!
AMD Athlon 2500+
512 RAM
80GB Western Digital
1.83 GHZ
GYGABYTE ATI Radeon 9200 128MB
Do you have the newest drivers? And have you changed the display settings for HL?
things are quiet until hitler decides he'd like to invade russia
so, he does
the russians are like "OMG WTF D00DZ, STOP TKING"
and the germans are still like "omg ph34r n00bz"
the russians fall back, all the way to moscow
and then they all begin h4xing, which brings on the russian winter
the germans are like "wtf, h4x"
-- WW2 for the l33t
Two questions:
First; a new gf2?, why?, 3 and 4 are really cheap now.
Second; how the hell did you get it to do that, it doesn't look like any actual graphicsprobs I've ever seen, it looks freakin' photoshopped (I even think I see bevels and stuff).
If you're not just making it up(should have posted in the lounge if you are), try NVIDIA's site and get the latest drivers, also get the latest version of C-strike, then shut off all the extra stuff on yer card like antialiasing and so forth, and then try adjusting settings a little at a time.
1. Whats with the GF2? A GF4mx goes for about $90 AU these days.
2. Download the latest drivers from nvidia.com
3. See if CS requires configuration (as in, its software rendering, whatever)
his pc wont run geforce 4...or high vid cards he tried some radeon before and ditnw work
I didn't even think they sold those kinds of Cards anymore. Update the drivers etc etc. If your motherboard can't handle it then you're screwed. Just return the card and upgrade your mobo.
you think im that a low life to photoshop that screenshot? im not kidding that shit messed up my cs and my diablo 2 and my priston tale, all the graphics are like that!
AMD Athlon 2500+
512 RAM
80GB Western Digital
1.83 GHZ
GYGABYTE ATI Radeon 9200 128MB
Have you tried the new drivers, and shutting off all the extra stuff from the control-panel then. And also, how fast is your mobo agp, if it's slower than the gfx-card you might want to look into your agp settings.
EDit: and I don't know you, I've seen people post to dumbest things here, believing themselves to be hilarious. It's nice that you weren't lying then.
Oh and what's your system specs?