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Thread: Indian music and Indian movies

  1. #51
    Cut-Copy-Paste's Avatar FST Satan BT Rep: +3
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    Quote Originally Posted by CleverMan View Post
    I've registered at that BWtorrents and it says that i'm not full member or smth. Looks like i can download only TV torrents, and must donate to become fool full. Is there alternative way?
    Get An invite by Existing member gives you functional account

    Quote Originally Posted by ElitUser View Post
    You don't know what kind of bwtorrents is, I mean the staff of that site are jerk, asshole, money stiller person.
    anon if you read those giving explanation and story which was posted on the bwtorrent facebook account for the last 4 to 5 months you will understand what I mean to say.
    So are DT staff. If you dont know their was a question rased in a thread at DT a while back. If you see DT has 3 options to donate. 1) DOnate help us to stay alive 2) Subscribe now. Upgrade acc
    3) Credit. Purcase credit. So someone asked that why only donation made by 1st option is considered for server cost and their is no bar which represnt amount collected by other option. After few hours or so the thread was deleted unanswered and the user page was deleted.
    Yes I knw reason giving by bwt is plain stupid but i have seen worst.

    Quote Originally Posted by merwais View Post
    DT is old tracker and having enough member and elite uploaders and getting 5x more releases and encoded version of a movie then BWT.
    Thats a problem and not solution. I see no point of having 5 encodes of same movie of same size. It just spread out seeders and torrent die sooner. The main weekness of DT over bwt is its Tv section. Few shows are capped with often missing episodes and varing quality due to fact that they are mostly done by users and not proper group. Moreover 60-70% of shows are recorded by cam instead of digitaly recorded. Oh and did i mention People have strange habit of putting their logo/username over it which is just plain annoying. Bwt has its own internal group for recording which genreally rlz exellent quality episodes.

    But DT has one BIGGG advantage. It has Desi P0rn section

    P.S : When i speak of Bwt i refer what they were almost a year ago before they kicked me
    Last edited by Cut-Copy-Paste; 07-27-2011 at 07:33 AM.
    Gone for Infinite Period

  2. BitTorrent   -   #52
    30 year old fat people and 40 year old boys ..

    they never have solutions to world problems

  3. BitTorrent   -   #53
    bijoy's Avatar secret lover BT Rep: +1
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    Kinda bump in this thread: today I got a message in my 'spams' that BwT is back after 3-4 months. Although their tracker isn't working atm, its worth checking out.
    Teh n00b.

  4. BitTorrent   -   #54
    Every torrent provides you indian stuff..but the format of files is matter in quality..

  5. BitTorrent   -   #55
    ElitUser's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +11BT Rep +11BT Rep +11
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    Just have a question which I have to know because maybe I am wrong which I am thinking
    bwtorrents were down for 5 months and they were giving some stupid and dump explanation for the down time reason which is absolutely not trustable and funny. Just 1 week ago site is up but the tracker link were down and they restore the tracker link after 1 week of gap. I am on other good private tracker and I have never seen like this before to take or transfer the backup files of the website 5 monts to a new server and restore the tracker link more then 1 week. Now they are requesting 2000 USD to donate before 1 of September for the site goes well. Their goals is 2000 USD. 2000 USD, really I don't see that kind of money need when you shift backup data to a new server and restore the tracker link.

    The explanation was given by the staff of BWT like below

    1) Site will come within or after 72 hours

    after the time has past the new excuse were like below

    2) the power failure at the server side, backup data corrupted, need to re-design. will take some time.

    after like 1 month bwt staff reply all is OK, site will be up and running with in 72 hours. After 72 hours past site is not running and the excuse was

    3) We order a server to import in India and waiting to configure and setting.

    after few days later another excuse were born like this

    4) The server we were order stolen from our house, need money to buy a new server and donate money to the respected email address.

    The above all post were made on a FaceBook where the bwtorrents created.

    after that who will believe on their comments and post

    So I am thinking all are SCAM to get huge amount of money. This is what I am thinking and that's why I am asking, am I right to think bwtorrents staff are SCAMMER. Transfer a website to a new server and setting up all well to need 2000 USD, Really funny to me.
    Last edited by ElitUser; 08-02-2011 at 08:26 PM.

  6. BitTorrent   -   #56
    arkan's Avatar Desitorrents Staff BT Rep: +6BT Rep +6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cut-Copy-Paste View Post

    So are DT staff. If you dont know their was a question rased in a thread at DT a while back. If you see DT has 3 options to donate. 1) DOnate help us to stay alive 2) Subscribe now. Upgrade acc
    3) Credit. Purcase credit. So someone asked that why only donation made by 1st option is considered for server cost and their is no bar which represnt amount collected by other option. After few hours or so the thread was deleted unanswered and the user page was deleted.
    You are correct that all the 3 things should be tracked. But the reason it is not is simply because it was not originally coded that way. And right now we do not want to change any coding (by getting a coder). It is not, I assure you, our objective to be opaque. I tried searching for the deleted thread, but could not find it. If you have the username who posted it and the timeframe, i can look it up and try to restore it.

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